Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence


What meets every person setting in the apartment? Hall, where it is customary to remove the upper clothes and shoes. This room should be quite functional so that things are not placed on other rooms, and this requires a sufficiently large space. But with a spacious corridor was lucky not to all residents of multi-storey houses. Until now, the owners of apartments built in the sixties of the last century have inconveniences associated with a close hallway. But the state of affairs will help repair.

Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

Planning an apartment in Khrushchev

Method of expansion of space

You can defeat the small size of the corridor with redevelopment. This is due to the neighboring rooms that will have to slightly reduce the sake of the hallway. But this effective method is possible not in each crunch, and therefore should be used by visual expansion and change of interior items.

Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

Ways to make a corridor comfortable and more free not so little. But they all obey the following rules:

    • The use of finishing materials having white color or light tones
    • Installation of furniture headcards with small dimensions
    • Use mirrors to visually increase the narrow corridor
    • Application of closing systems of the "coupe" doors

    All these rules allow you to get a feeling of a large space, where a person feels as comfortable as possible. And if the interior design will be combined with competent lighting, the hallway will stop "crushing" to the owners of their walls.

    Special importance is paid to large-sized mirrors. This element will play a double role, as it is able to completely change the spatial perception of any room, and not just such as a corridor in the Khrushchev. But it is necessary to use high mirrors starting from the floor and ending under the ceiling. Then the effect of their presence will be maximum.

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    Work with ceiling

    Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

    Stretch ceiling in Korischev's corridor

    Like any other, the repair of the corridor in the Khrushchev starts from the ceiling. This part of the room plays an important role, because if you choose not a good design, then the whole entrance hall will look low and not cozy.

    What is used to finish this surface? Until recently, the wizard used white blots, which could add a little colored flat. But this approach is somewhat outdated, so it is worth using the stretch ceiling. Unlike chalk, bliss or any paint, the canvas does not crack and will not fall on the owners, staining clothes. Manufacturers offer several coating options, from which the most suitable for the design of the corridor should be chosen:

      • Glossy cloth
      • Matte bars
      • Satin-based cloth
      • Textured leather

      But not all options can be used in a crunch. So glossy ceilings reduce the angular premises of a small size. And the task is to expand the corridor, so it will be better to use a matte coating. Once again, it should be recalled that the canvas should be light color and not to have a "coming" effect. You can use all shades that brighten the room.

      But the gloss will become the perfect solution for a smooth square hallway. In aggregate with high mirrors, such ceilings are so expanding the space that it will seem that several people can pass here. And this effect can be strengthened by high-quality lighting.

      Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

      Textured canvas, as well as their satin fellows are able to turn a modest corridor into an elegant room. Especially when the room will be a light furniture set, having mirrored doors. Reflecting in them the ceiling will win the fullness of its volume, expanding the room not only to the sides, but also up.

      An equally important role is played by the lighting devices. They should not have a large size, as it will reduce the room. But the built-in lamps will allow you to get rid of this problem and illuminate every corner of the room.

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      Walls in a small space

      What is under no circumstances to repair the walls of the hallway in the Khrushchev? All finishing materials that use framework for mounting or by increasing space. The usual panels from PVC or MDF, wooden lining, as well as a natural or artificial stone "eaten" a useful area and will not allow to turn around to people dressed in winter clothes. And such an inconvenience is not acceptable.

      Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

      In this case, rolled finishing materials are ideal. The most common of them are wallpaper, the design of which is very diverse today. The main criterion should be the use of bright tones of beige, gray, blue and lemon colors. It is not necessary to use contrast wallpaper, although combination is often used as an option for solid rooms.

      Frequently used textured plasters, which also do not take away the useful space of the hallway. It is not recommended to experimentally experiment with paints, because otherwise there may be unpleasant sensations from small dimensions. But otherwise there are no restrictions and for design there is a large selection.

      A little about the doors and furniture

      If there is not enough space, it becomes uncomfortable to use interroom doors. Of course, you can deploy the unit so that the canvas can open the inside of the room. But this possibility is not always available, so it is better to use sliding options. They have an interesting design, which is always well reflected in small-sized premises.

      Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

      Little corridor in Khrushchev - not a sentence

      If the door canvas will have a large mirror, it will not only visually expand the corridor, but also use it during fees to the street. Order such a system is better at your own sizes, which will make the door part of the interior.

      Furniture for a small corridor should not have a great depth. The minimum possible space will be able to take the necessary clothes. But the mirror doors will expand the room, ensuring its depth of perception and enhancing the comfort of this room.

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