Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly


Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

Grapes, grown personally, will have the best taste, as it was made with lubricants like to put together a bunch of grapes, sitting at home with a TV. But only a few know that you can eat our own grapes grown in an apartment or on the balcony. The household plot is poorly suitable for this purpose, since the weather conditions and the lack of a special soil will prevent to ripen this southern and thermo-loving plant. Further, it will not be about the industrial quantities of grapes and not even about the possibilities of the workpiece for the winter, but to enjoy a personally grown product will be able to all family.

Is it possible to grow grapes on the balcony

In the presence of a minimal gardening inventory, which has every amateur of country landings and uncomplicated skills of agrotechnology, you can grow a great vine at home.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

One of the most popular grades for growing on the balcony - "Isabella"

First of all, it is necessary to choose seeds for landing, which are not afraid of weather conditions of the region and can be well fron. In many areas of Russia, such seeds such as Kish Mis, Laura, North and Taiga are preserved. These varieties are not afraid of frost and other climatic features of different regions. If the seeds that are purchased from fruiting, good vines, they will take root and will not hurt much.

The landing ground should be made with their own hands from different ingredients, as special compositions for growing grapes in stores are not possible.

For the preparation of the soil, the sand, humus and sawdust will be needed. Sand must be necessary to hide in a pan and mix with humus in proportion one part of the sand into two parts of humus. The soil for seedlings should be loose and wet, and it is for the roarness of the soil worth adding sawdust.

What gardening inventory should be prepared to grow grapes on a cylinder or in an apartment.

  1. The pulverizer, which can be bought, for a small price, in any economic store, or purchase a conventional nozzle with a sprayer, and use a plastic bottle of mineral water as a container.
  2. Baking powder. You can use baby iron robers from a set of sand or an ordinary old fork.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Little bottle or watering tank. Many use a container that is attached to some types of irons or plastic jugs for dairy products.
  5. Pots.

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Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

So that grapes are really tasty, it is worth complying with all the recommendations and rules.

With a minimum set of cultivation tools, it was decided to prepare seeds and seedlings for planting.

Grapes on the balcony (video)

Preparation of planting material

Depending on the desire and opportunities, growing grapes begins with three possible options. With the help of seeds, in this case, the seeds must be properly prepared for landing in the ground. Pick up a few good grape berries, that variety that can take root in this area, cleanse seeds from the berry itself and rinse well. Dry on the fabric, remove into the package and put in the refrigerator door for about a third of the month, again get and repeat all the actions first. By the middle of February, get seeds from the refrigerator and decompose on a wet cloth or a tissue napkin, and remove in a warm place for 4-5 days. It is necessary to constantly check the availability of moisture on the napkin. After the first roots of the seeds can be processed. We will need pots of 3-5 liters.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

For grape growing, it is best to use a tub

The cultivation of grapes from cuttings is more convenient, buying the seating material in the fall, when the grape vine trimming is produced.

For storage of cuttings, it is necessary to use sawdust, which are placed in a bag with cuttings and stored in the refrigerator. Twice a quarter of sawdust change and remove blackened cuttings. In February, it is necessary to get planting material, cut each into several separate parts, while the upper slice is straight, and the lower oblique and both are lagging behind the kidney by 20-30 mm. Preparing these parts must be left at least three kidneys. The resulting parts are soaked in thawa water for two days. After that, dry a little on the fabric.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

Purchase of seedlings - a very risky solution: It is much better to use cuttings

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Saplings. Buy landing material in the form of seedlings is much more convenient before the landing in the soil, but this method somewhat resembles the purchase of a cat in the bag. If the first two options allow you to find out which grapes will grow, the seedlings can be any variety and do not fit in a difficult climate of the middle of the strip.

Plant care

Culture culture on the balcony or house requires careful permanent care, watering and feeding.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

Landing grapes is carried out at the end of winter or in early spring

Vine requires light, so it is necessary to place pots with a plant only on the sunny side.

Watering with erect sun is very often, sometimes even twice a day. Once every twenty days it is necessary to feed grapes with nitrogen fertilizers. The growing vine requires an increase in the amount of soil and grapes must be replanted as growth. It is also worth noting that it is necessary to properly cut extra shoots that the power of the plant goes into maturation of berries, and not into the increase in greenery. The optimal size of the shoots is 1.5 meters.

Grapes growing on the balcony

So that the growing of the vine was not tortured, it should be highly prepared a balcony to the temperature regime. The balcony should be glazed, insulated by the floor and lower walls.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

Grow grapes better on the closed balcony

The best option will be growing on the balcony, which is located on the south side, as there is more light and heat. The side windows of the balcony and the window in the apartment, next to which the grapes are gaining their strengths worth covering with reflective material, can be very dense aluminum foil, which in ordinary life is used for various culinary recipes.

The floor on the balcony is insulated with any thermal insulation material that can be bought in the construction market or in a shopping store. The average temperature in winter on the balcony, where grapes grow, should not fall below 10 degrees.

If spring is too cold, then in advance it is worth worrying about lighting and hang a pair of luminescent lamps on the balcony.

It is not recommended to transfer grapes from cold to heat, as a sharp change of temperature hurjes the vine, better in very frosty days to close the containers with a plant with nonwoven underfloor material. Polyethylene in this case is contraindicated.

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Moisten the soil in the pots where the grapes are planted, in the winter it is necessary to spray from the sprayer, spraying.

Girl grapes: balcony decoration

Girl grapes on the balcony, it is rather a decoration than food. The grape varieties in food are not consumed, and the vine is used for decorative functions. The cultivation of wild girl grapes on the balcony is very similar to how ordinary grapes cultivate.

Wild grapes on the balcony: grow correctly

Girl grapes suitable for low climate, where there is no opportunity to grow another grape variety

Devichi grapes do not require glazing the balcony, so it can be a decoration for any, even an open balcony emerging in the north side. The sliding shoots are attached to the walls and railing of the balcony and create a natural, green terrace.

The girl grapes is not whimsical, but requires irrigation and feeding, on the sunny side, watering is needed more abundant and frequent.

Well-sprawling shoots will be able to close the balcony from the sun's rays, thereby making a living cozy arbor, in which you can escape from the scorching sun, at the same time, enjoying clean air.

Growing the vine on the balcony is a labor-intensive matter, but in any case payback. Either it becomes a delicious harvest of beautiful berries, or cozy green balcony drape. Grapes can be grown in the apartment, but the abundance of shoots and permanent transfer of potants time-consuming occupation, so most creates vineyards on balconies and loggias.

The benefits of the virgin grape (video)

Experienced gardeners will not see big problems in this lesson, and will be able to enjoy the fruits of their work, collecting juicy borders of grapes.

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