How to paint interior doors: work technology


Make the interior harmonious, every owner of the house or apartment can give him individuality. To do this, you can use a common designer reception - paint interior doors. Thanks to this, you can not only give them a more accurate and harmonious look, but also decorate the room. How to paint interior doors correctly, every good owner should know.

How to paint interior doors: work technology

The color of the ink for the interior door should look harmoniously with all the interior of the room.

Preparatory work

Before the start of work, interior doors must be prepared in advance to coloring. Preparatory work is divided into two stages. At the first stage, remove the doors from the loops and prepare all the tools and materials that are necessary for removing the old coating. To prevent paint materials from entering locks, they can be removed or protected in advance with rags, double-sided scotch and cotton. Doors should be taken carefully to not damage the wallpaper.

How to paint interior doors: work technology

Tools for dyeing interroom doors.

Tools and materials necessary to prepare interroom doors to color:

  1. Putty.
  2. Putty knife.
  3. Cotton tampons.
  4. Schucker.
  5. Chemical compounds for removing the old coating.

It is better to carry out the work with good ventilation. If dimensions allow, the painting of the doors can be carried out on the loggia or balcony. The room in which the work will be carried out must be pre-removed in advance, since dust particles that fall into the stained surface can significantly spoil its appearance. During work with chemicals, children and pets should not be present. To protect the respiratory and skin organs, it is better to find or acquire a respirator and special protective clothing.

At the second stage of preparatory work on an old coating with a tampon, a special chemical composition is applied and left for 30 minutes. Most often for these purposes use potassium, caustic sodium and technical carbolic acid.

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How to paint interior doors: work technology

When painting the interior door, paint should be applied with a row layer.

All these substances are used in 20% solution. After the last time, the door was washed with a sponge moistened in the water and give it a good time to dry. Usually it takes 5-6 hours.

After a complete burden of doors, it is necessary to close all cracks, defects and chips that are on the surface. To do this, we use putty, which is evenly distributed over the surface with a spatula and give dry. After that, the doors are cleaned with a skin and apply the olifa layer. Up to painting of interroom doors, with their own hands, the painting ribbon sticks all the surfaces that are not planned.

Selection of paint for painting doors do it yourself

In order to simplify and improve the process of painting as much as possible, it is necessary to correctly pick up the paint for interior doors. One of the most common types of paint is an alkyd enamel. It has an affordable price, a large range of colors and shades. Alkid enamel gives a resistant and durable coating after its complete drying. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the presence of an unpleasant smell, which is felt for 2-3 days.

How to paint interior doors: work technology

Table of color characteristics used for painting interior doors.

Therefore, having decided to paint the interior doors with it, you need to make sure that harmful evaporation will damage anyone. It is best not to paint the doors in a residential room, but to take them out to the street and spend all the work there.

If there is no such possibility, and in the room there are children, it is better to use acrylic enamel. This kind of paint practically does not make unpleasant odors, has a wide selection of colors and shades. Acrylic paint gives a flat, but not quite a solid surface. Therefore, for additional protection, the doors should be coated with acrylic varnish, which reliably protect the surface from various damage. The surface painted with acrylic material is obtained by matte. From the disadvantages of this type of paint, it is possible to highlight its high cost.

The most resistant and reliable paint for painting wooden interior doors is nitrocracy and varnish.

When it is used, you can get a sufficiently durable and durable layer. Among the shortcomings of this paint, it is possible to distinguish its high cost and complexity of application. It is possible to use it only if no one lives in the apartment at the time of work, since the material is rather toxic (can cause allergic reactions).

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How to paint interior doors: work technology

Acrylic paints are most popular for painting interior doors.

The color of the paint is chosen on the basis of the interior and the colors of the entire room. It is not desirable to paint interior doors in an apartment or a small house in different colors, so it is better to paint interior doors at once. Only the entrance door and doors leading to additional (non-residential) rooms can be highlighted in color. To select the optimal color, take into account the color and shade of walls, plinths, floors, furniture.

It is worth remembering that too dark color can make the room gloomy. The main rule when choosing a color - it must be harmonized with the design of the room. If you do not know how to stop, it is better to choose a brighter tone. Handles and locks should also be harmoniously combined. When choosing paint of cold tones (for example, blue), the handles of silver, black, white colors are suitable. When choosing the paint of warm tones, you should choose accessories for bronze, gold or brown and beige colors.

Staining the surface of the doors leading to rooms with elevated moisture level (kitchen, winter garden, bathroom), it must be borne in mind that the layer of paint should be resistant to temperature and humidity drops. The surface of the doors, which lead to the bathroom, toilet, the workshop, must be adapted to frequent cleaning.

Technology Painting Interior Doors


  1. Brushes, sponges and rollers.
  2. Paint bath.
  3. Sandpaper.

How to paint interior doors: work technology

Scheme of rules painting interior door.

After priming and stripping the surface, the door is placed horizontally, on the workbench or floor. Only with this location, the paint will be perfectly smoothly and the drums will not appear. To paint the door under the tree, pick up the paint of two shades, the main and finish. For example, you can choose yellow and brown. The lighter tone covers the entire surface. After complete drying, you need to handle the entire area with sandpaper. It is necessary to improve the adhesion between the two colors. Next is applied with a darker tone, and without waiting for complete drying, the plane of the door is maintained by a special "comb" (the tool can be purchased at any construction store). Surface treatment is carried out by circular motions. With the help of "comb", a certain layer of paint is removed and the wood effect appears on the surface.

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If you get the effect of wood, there is no desire, we simply give the second layer to finally dry. It should be remembered that direct surfaces are more convenient to paint a large roller, and small areas - with a brush. The brushes prior to the start of use are perfectly checked and cleaned if necessary from unnecessary villings. After cleaning, they are soaked in water for 12 hours.

Painting is made from top to bottom, left to right. To prevent paint accumulation in various places, it is gained in moderate quantity. Paint should evenly cover the entire roller. In order not to damage the indirect side of the door, it is stuck with a painted scotch, which is removed only after the paint finally dries. If you have artistic taste and designer skills, you can paint the door in a certain style that will be combined with the design of your room, or separate the surface with natural stone.

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