How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?


Treatment of wood is manufactured in order to increase the service life of this material. Impregnation with special oils, filling, fascination, the application of varnish prevent the processes of rotting and deformation, as well as damage to the wood insects. Braching shows the texture of a tree, gives it a kind of old wood. How to treat the tree - to solve you, each of the listed methods has its advantages and disadvantages.

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

Optimal tree protection scheme.

Oil and wax treatment

It will take:

  • linseed oil;
  • beeswax;
  • Flots (wide flat brush);
  • sandpaper with small grain;
  • Rag.

Wood processing methods are different, but the goal is one to prevent rotting, the appearance of mold, drying, insect damage, and also give the surface a beautiful finished look. The use of special oils (olifa) and beeswesk can preserve the structure of the material, gives it shine and strength, increases the service life.

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

The depth of impregnation of linseed oil is 2 mm, which is sufficient to form a protective layer.

You can handle a tree with minimal cost using linse or hemp oil. Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to clean the tree from dirt and dust, completely remove the previous coating, pollute the surface with small grain sandpaper. Experts recommend heating linseed oil on a water bath, but you can do without this procedure. Apply oil or with a flushing, or rub it into the tree with sandpaper. It is important to monitor the direction of the brush, apply oil along the fibers only. The work is left for a day, after which oil is applied again, the procedure is repeated until the desired result is reached. Small products are lowered into the oil for several days.

There are other methods of processing, for example, a tree coating with a mixture of linseed oil and beeswax. All components are melted in a water bath, then applied to the surface with a brush or cloth. In order to give wood a specific shade, a compatible color can be added to the composition. This method has a significant drawback - very slow drying. You can speed up the process if you add a sequivator (sold in art stores) or purchase the finished oil (olive), which contains polymerization accelerators and antifungal additives.

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

Color palette of solid wax for wood.

You can only handle a tree with one wax. The modern industry offers colored, colorless, matte, semi-wax, glossy compositions that are not only strengthened, but also advantageously emphasize the texture of the wood. To process a large surface, it is necessary to heat the wax on the water bath (in this case it is applied with a wide brush). Cold wax rubbed into the tree with a thin layer using a cloth, leave about a day, then a spare surface again. It is possible to combine colorless and tinted wax, for example, to process edges with a dark composition, and the middle of the product is transparent. After the wax is dry, it is necessary to polish the surface of a woolen cloth (felt).

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Braching of wood

It will take:

  • gas-burner;
  • Metal brush;
  • working gloves;
  • Flots.

The brash method allows advantageous to emphasize the structure, to give the tree a tree of ancient, it consists in removing soft fibers (from the top layer) with the help of a rigid metal brush. For this purpose, a tree is selected with well-pronounced annual rings, the presence of bitch, eyes and other drawbacks is only welcome. The best types of wood such as pine, spruce, oak, linden, walnut are best suited. Unsuitable are considered: cherry, pear, alder, juniper, tick, beech.

Braching is superficial and deep, performed with the firing and without it. At home, it is much easier to apply an obligational way. The tree is purified from dust and dirt, wet the surface with water, after about 15 minutes begin to comb fibers using an iron brush.

It is necessary to move along the direction of the fibers, while it is desirable to repeat the pattern of annual rings (the furrows should not be perfectly even).

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

Hand movement schemes for tree treatment wax.

This work is sufficiently dangerous, so it is important to comply with the security technique. The remaining garbage is cleaned with a flab (a wide brush), moving against the fibers, otherwise the dust will come up to the surface. Next follows the treatment with a veneer or wax.

For processing method, the gas burner will require a gas burner, with its help the wood surface is charred. Sometimes there are so-called smallest pockets in the tree that can catch fire when firing. In no case can not allow long burning of such places, the fire must be at once. The degree of charging depends only on your idea, it may be easy or completely smoked the surface layer. After that, the fibers are combed with a metal brush. It is better to work outdoors, as a lot of black dust is formed during the brush. At the final stage, the surface is grinning with shallow emery paper. In some cases, the treatment of a firing (followed by combing) is repeated several times, thus achieve the effect of aged tree. If necessary, use a simulator or patina, but you can do without it. The result is fixed with furniture wax.

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Treatment of wood Morilka

It will take:

  • Morilka;
  • wide brush;
  • sandpaper with small grain;
  • Rag.

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

The veil is applied parallel to the fibers of the wood, not allowing the contact of the layers.

Treatment of wood by Maurilka is one of the most popular methods of finishing. Morida is on aquatic or alcohol basis, the latter gives more rich tones. The composition based on alcohol is applied to the purified and ground surface using a flirt (a wide brush), moving along the fibers in one direction. At the same time, try to apply as much as possible versions. After that, the product is given to dry, if necessary, the operation is repeated. Using the simulator of various tones (method of layer-by-layer application), you can achieve interesting color effects. After the storm will dry, the setting step occurs. It is necessary to remove the excess means, for this, the product is set at an angle of 30 º, then dip the brush into acetone and passed on the surface (light up-down movements).

To give a tree the effect of antiquities, use the following method. First they apply the main background color of the veil (on a water basis), after its bread passes along the surface of small sandpaper (strictly along the fibers, otherwise the transverse strips will be visible after processing). As a result, heterogeneous tinting with scuffs and oscillates should be obtained. Then they take a water veil of another color, cover it with it, they give dry, after which they again cleaned with a skin. The operation is repeated until the desired tone is achieved. If it is planned to make a one-photon coating with aqueous veil, then it is applied in several layers with a mandatory intermediate drying and handling shallow emery paper. Washing unnecessary simulats is made immediately after it is applied. Surplus is simply erased with a damp cloth.

How to do it with your own hands treating a tree?

The composition for impregnation of wood.

When applying aqueous vehicle, it is impossible to return to the scratched place, otherwise dark spots are formed, which will be difficult to remove.

At home, you can cook a veil, which will give the tree aged look. In the glass jar there are minor nails or a metal chips, poured with cutlery vinegar (it is better to use wine), leave for a day, after which the liquid is filled. If you need to get a darker color, then the exposure time is increased. The resulting solution is used to be sealed. As a verse, you can use a strong brewing of black tea, coffee, cinnamon and even manganese. Fix the result with nitrolake. If an aqueous veil was used for processing, it is better to take an alkyd or acrylic varnish.

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Tree coating varnish

After applying the veil, the surface is treated by quick-drying nitroloma - this is done in order to raise the pile. Varnish are applied by a thin layer (fast movements). After graze, the tree becomes a rough to the touch - this is due to the rising fibers. The surface is thinned with thin sandpaper, moving along wood fibers. The main task is to clean the tree from the rising fibers and make the surface smooth. After that, you can use another furniture varnish. It is not recommended to continue processing with the same nitroloma, as it will dissolve the previous layer.

Next, the main layer of varnish is applied, give it to dry, after which the sandpaper passes on the surface. Then the dust remnants are removed with a damp cloth, they are rapidly applied with a thin layer. The operation is repeated until the surface becomes perfectly smooth. In order to achieve a mirror glitter, the surface is polished with a piece of felt moistened in oil and alcohol.

For wood processing, varnish is very important to use a high-quality brush from a dense synthetic pile that does not appear when applied and does not leave traces in the form of strips and proper. For compiled things, careful processing of each layer is not required, since the polished surface is poorly combined with an old texture. In this case, it is quite enough to apply 2-3 layers of matte furniture varnish or wax.

Lucky for wood on an alcohol basis (shellah varnish) is applied using a wool or brush tampon. Watch tampon is wetted with varnish, then spend them along the surface along the fibers (only 1 time), next to the next strokes, in such a way as to capture the previous one. In places of connection, the lacquer strips quickly spreads, so the stains are not formed. It is impossible to use too thick shellary varnish, otherwise dark stripes will be formed. Wood processing with a shellac with a brush is performed in the same way as a tampon. Varnish are applied in 3 layers with a mandatory intermediate drying. Following these tips, you can easily treat wood without resorting to the help of specialists.

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