4 ways to raise the bath higher


The question is how to raise the bath higher, the happy owners of apartments in new buildings are asked, and those who have conceived repairs in their old apartment. The reasons for the elevation of the bath over the specified level may be different:

4 ways to raise the bath higher

In order to raise the bath, you can use bricks or sidewalk tiles, while tilling them with a solution of cement and sand in a 1: 3 ratio.

  • Initially low factory legs of the bath, which makes it uncomfortable when used;
  • Too small bias for water flow or even the negative angle of this slope (when the sewer pipe is higher than the level of the bath itself), which makes draining water from the bath very slow or at all impossible;
  • Personal preferences of owners (very high growth and so on).

Why is it difficult to raise the bath above the specified level?

The weight of the bath is made up of several components:

  • bath itself;
  • water that is nanitis;
  • weight of bathing people.

With modest calculations, the total weight of a filled bath with 1-2 bathing people can reach 300-400 kg. The load is distributed on 4 legs, and their total area of ​​contact with the floor is barely reaches 10 square meters. cm (30-40 kg per 1 square meter. cm).

The pressure of the legs of the bath on the support surface (floor, tile, stands, bricks, etc.) is a very important factor when choosing a way of lifting the bath.

Another important role is played by the material of the bath itself and its form. There are several solutions of how the bath is raised above the floor.

If you plan to install a bath for a bath

Method number 1. Evident

4 ways to raise the bath higher

Scheme for fastening legs to the bath.

If the factory equipment of the bath involves the screws on the legs, but their lengths are not enough, the most obvious way out of their position is to buy new screws. Take a sample (twist 1 leg), go to the nearest market for building materials or go to a specialized store and choose the screws of the desired length and the size of the thread. At home, just replace factory details on new ones.

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It is important to remember the load that the metal legs of the bath will carry, and choose only high-quality, that is, reliable spare parts. The method is very simple and cheap, however, there is a danger of unstable fitting of the bath.

How to raise a bath, which has beautiful designer legs and an original form? That is what - to lengthen the bolts. It will not spoil her appearance and will look almost imperceptibly.

Method number 2. Fast

Another obvious way to exalt the bath above the floor is to put any bars under her legs. Options are several: wood, bricks, paving slabs and anything, which is in free access. Between the legs of the bath and similar supports, regardless of their material, it is necessary to pave metal plates. This will significantly reduce the risk of fostering (and as a result, destruction) supports under the influence of gravity on a small reference area.

Bathroom mounting scheme on bricks.

The bathroom is a room with high humidity, so the tree stands will have to be protected from interacting with water and moisture, as well as subsequent rotting. To do this, just paint them. The convenience of working with the tree is that it is possible to take a solid bar of the desired size (height and width) or knock it out of several bars without difficult training. At the same time, more solid materials (tile, brick) are most convenient to connect one-piece - in 1, 2 or more rows.

Bricks are stronger than wood, and paving slabs are stronger than bricks. Just put neither bricks nor the tile on each other you can not need a binding material. You can use tile glue, but it is better to prepare a solution. To do this, you need to mix cement and sand in the pelvis in the proportion of 1: 3 to a homogeneous state, and then gradually add water, from time to time stirring. The consistency should turn out like a thick sour cream. The amount of solution between the bricks is conveniently adjustable to drain the water - slightly more or less on different pairs of the legs.

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Method number 3. Complicated

Those who can cook with electric or gas welding can like a frame way to exalt the bath on any height. For the manufacture of a metal frame, you will need:

4 ways to raise the bath higher

Bath installation circuit on a metal frame.

  • Metal square tube or metal corners;
  • saw on metal (Bulgarian);
  • Electro or gas welding.

The frame must be stable and durable, withstand high weight. As a result of working in it, it will be necessary to simply insert a bath, which by all its 4nd faces will be engaged in pipes (corners).

The bath can be lifted over a metal frame for about 1 cm and the emptiness formed to fill the mounting foam. The design will be slightly stable, and the water falling into the bath will not create so much noise. In addition, water in the "suspended" design cools slower.

And if the beauty should be in sight?

Method number 4. Beautiful

It happens that the bath, except for sanitary and practical, also bears aesthetic functions. Such a font is the subject of a room decor, for example, has elegant forms and beautiful (but at the same time very short) legs. The best solution to the problem will be raised the floor level under the bathroom itself. The pedestal can leave the bath with a neat step, figure or straight, and bring originality in the interior.

Taking into account the conditions of the apartment building, you need to remember the weight of the bath and the podium, as well as about the future load on the overlap. It is possible to maximize the severity of the pedestal, if you use the frame design. Since the wooden frame itself is not able to make the heaviness of the bath gained, it is necessary to provide for the tables for the legs of the bath, as described above (Method No. 2) with only the clarification that instead of the bottom of the Bathing "Islets" will touch the plywood. If the legs are not at all, then for a better distribution of weight you need to make such supports inside the pedestal throughout the perimeter of the bath.

In order to build a frame podium, you will need:

4 ways to raise the bath higher

Mounting diagram under brick bath.

  • screwdriver;
  • Saw (Lobzik);
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • plywood 20 mm;
  • plywood 10 mm;
  • Bar 50x50 mm;
  • Bar 30x40 mm;
  • fasteners (selflessness, dowel-nails, anchors);
  • Fastening corners 40 mm;
  • laser level;
  • polyethylene.

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  1. With the help of a laser level and a pencil, you need to make the markup of the top edge of the pedestal (if it is torture to the wall, and not stand separately).
  2. In order to isolate moisture on the floor covering, it is necessary to lay a layer of polyethylene. Also additionally you can use the cork substrate.
  3. To lay a 10mm phaneer to the place of assembly of the podium and attach it to the floor of a dowel-nail.
  4. According to the drawing of the selected frame to prepare (write) a 50x50 mm bar in size.
  5. Collect all the parts of the frame and consolidate them according to the project using self-tapping and screwdriver.
  6. Through anchors to attach lags to the walls.
  7. Each clip of the frame should be strengthened by corners.
  8. Set the supports for the legs of the bath (for example, wooden bars or bricks with mortar).
  9. The last layer - plywood 20 mm. Attach it with self-draws.
  10. Podium ready. It remains to decorated it according to the design project of the bathroom.

If the floors allow (for example, in a private house), you can exalt the bath with a monolithic pedestal. It will take:

  • brick;
  • Cement mortar.

Brick laid per solution according to the project. The cement solution is mixed in the same way as in the method No. 2: 1 part of the cement on 3 parts of sand.

Fees can be easily decorated with tiles or mosaic both on top and sides.

What else is important to remember when you have to lift the bath above

  1. The bath must be stable, do not fumble, do not wad. Fastening the legs to the raising base (podium, bricks, etc.) should be as reliable as possible.
  2. High bath is not always and not all family members are convenient. If it is supposed to exalt the bath for more than 10 cm, it is better to progress and make a step.
  3. Remember about sharp edges, decorating the surface of the cafeter. Try to prevent possible falls, for example, by installing the handrails on the edge of the bath.

Regardless of which method of raising the bath will be the best for you, remember about safety precautions and safety techniques!

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