Laminate laying by floating


It is no secret that the choice of puberty is a matter of responsible, as the repair of the floor - the occupation is very tedious and brings little pleasure. Such work I want to do once and forever. When choosing a material for the coating of the floor, an initial attention should be paid to its environmental purity and durability. Such requirements fully correspond to wood and ceramics, so it will be very correct to stop your choice on the parquet board.

Laminate laying by floating

The parquet board was widely used at the expense of its positive characteristics. It is reliable, durable, durable and beautiful.

Such material is characterized by excellent performance. Laying the parquet board can be carried out in different ways, the largest distribution has become styled by a floating method. It is especially worth noting the fact that such a process is characterized by simplicity and accessibility, it can be carried out by every man who knows how to keep the hammer in his hands.

Independent styling has the advantage that it is possible to significantly save a family budget. And independent styling allows you to get real pleasure from working with modern and very aesthetic material.

Laminate laying by floating

For laying parquet boards, you will need: kitchen, hammer, pencil, jigsaw, roulette, perforator.

To implement such a process, such tools will be needed:

  1. Electric jigsaw (you should choose a tool that has a power from 400 to 500 watts).
  2. Hammer (you should choose a tool whose weight is 500-600 g).
  3. Square (metallic).
  4. Construction pencil.
  5. Construction roulette.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Callorez.
  8. Perforator.

Preparatory stages of laying

When a parquet board is stacked by a floating way, there is no need to fix the heads to the base of the floor.

This is possible because the design of the lock is completely unique. They differ in power, and the planks are connected to each other reliably. It is very convenient that if necessary, the floor covering can be very quickly disassembled. It is very convenient if repair or relocation is planned.

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Laminate laying by floating

Parallel laying of a parquet board is a more economical option than diagonal.

Before stacking a parquet board, it is necessary to clearly calculate the desired amount of material and thoroughly prepare the base. In order to decide on the area of ​​the room, you need to go to the building store for the floorboard. It should not be forgotten that parallel laying is more economical than diagonal. If we talk about the number of necessary material, then with parallel laying it will be needed by 10 less percent.

Now you should wait until the acquired material gets used to moisture and temperature in the apartment. In order not to waste time, it should be prepared for the base. As a base, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant faeer, adjustable gender or OSB slab. Such materials are good in that they are not difficult to mount them. They are still very easy to leve out, and put a parquet board with a floating way on this basis possible without great physical costs.

Start of workflow

Laminate laying by floating

As a substrate for a parquet board, use a rolled cork coating.

After the foundation is ready, the substrate should be formed on it. In this role you can use foamed polyurethane or rolled cork coating. All this is necessary in order to ensure high-quality sound insulation. And at the same time there will be a lightweight, spring step on the floor. A parquet board should begin to fit from the wall, while it is very important to trace the planka necessarily lying along the beam of light that falls out of the window.

The first board should be laid in a groove to the wall, it is very important to leave a small gap of 10-15 mm, it will be compensable when the temperature fluctuate will be observed. Laying the board in this way in the second row begins with the trimming of the first row board (if it is). Thus, it is largely to reduce material consumption. If there are 2-3 planks after the laying process, then it is absolutely necessary to hurry to take them to the store, as they can be very useful if there is a need for express repairs.

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Laminate laying features with a floating method

When the second row of the boards snapped into the castle, it must be well enough to pull out, since the appearance of the gaps is completely unacceptable. Parallel to laying a rows must be kept under control. Having reached the opposite wall and ending the process of laying, such a problem may occur: the last board will be too long, and it will need to be confused in width. Before you do this, you need to carefully measure the necessary width and in no case forget about the compensation gap. All the slit around the perimeter along the walls should be closed by a plinth, while it is necessary to comply with two basic rules: the plinth is attached to the wall and to the floor, it is not necessary to press it hard, since the parquet board is "breathable material."

Laminate laying by floating

Laminate laying scheme by floating method.

Laminate is becoming increasingly popular among floor coverings. The floating method of laying such a material is characterized by the fact that the panels should not be attached to the base of the floor, they simply must be interconnected. Laying the laminate in this way is attractive in that this installation is possible due to the joint-groove compound, which is distinguished by a great degree of reliability. It used to be very popular with laminate laminate with adhesive way, but working with glue was characterized by increased complexity. In this regard, such laying of the laminate was for only highly qualified specialists. But the floating method requires the most minimal professional skills.

When laminate laying is carried out in this way, it is very important not to forget that the "chess order" should be carried out. The places where the ends of the laminate are connected in one row, must necessarily have to the middle of the lamella of the parallel row. If we talk about the basic requirements that need to be observed when laminate laying is carried out in this way, then the gaps between the wall and the floor covering should be. A tree acts as the basis of such a material when the temperature and humidity changes, the tree can collapse and for this you need to leave a place. Depending on what the quadrature of the room in which laminate laying is carried out, the gap should be at least 7 and not more than 15 mm.

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How can I avoid errors?

Laminate laying by floating

Errors when laying laminate.

This method of laying the flooring has only one significant disadvantage: if something is wrong is wrong, then the convex floor can be seen at the end of the work. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to remember that such work can be carried out only in the room, the area of ​​which is no more than 40 sq.m. Otherwise, you need to fix the laminate to the base. The laminate panels can rise and as a result of the fact that the base of the floor is defective. Such work should be carried out only on the perfectly level basis, and it is necessarily for any method of laying a laminate.

As a base, it is strongly recommended to use a concrete screed or false floors, which are made of plywood, characterized by moisture resistance. With such work, it is necessary to use measuring instruments.

If everything is done properly, then such materials will not be difficult. This method of laying laminate is very popular. Because it is characterized by simplicity.

After all this is done, we can safely expect to share that all familiar and neighbors will be asked to share this way. And doesn't it look like an attractive perspective to enjoy the master for all hands?

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