What to do if the plastic door to the balcony is not closed


Almost every apartment has a balcony. Many residents have installed balcony double-glazed windows, thereby hoping to provide warmth and comfort in the apartment. But after a while they face a problem: the balcony door does not close.

Unfortunately, firms setting balcony blocks give a rather short-term guarantee, after which problems begin.

The reasons are different, and their elimination methods are also different. Let's try to sort out some of them.

Causes of breakdowns

We give several common reasons why the plastic balcony door does not close. The fact is that the door leaf of plastic, by weight more than the usual. Because of this, after a long time of use, it starts to move, the cracks occur, do not close or closed loosely.

It happens on the contrary, the door does not open. Especially often it occurs if the door canvas is often set to ventilating. You can list a lot of faults that need to be eliminated.

What to do if the plastic door to the balcony is not closed

The most frequent fails of balcony handles

Before starting the process of adjustment, you should familiarize yourself with the causes of one or another breakdown. These include:

  • violation of the properties and integrity of the seal;
  • breakdown fittings;
  • deformation of the door balcony or box;
  • deterioration in the quality of the glass package;
  • loosening door loops;
  • Violation of the structure and shape of the sash due to temperature drops

Signs of violations

Timely detection of a plastic door malfunction on the balcony makes it possible to eliminate malfunctions, and prevent deterioration of the situation. There are several signs that will allow the supervisory owners on time to recognize the functioning of the door flap.

What to do if the plastic door to the balcony is not closed

If the balcony door does not close, the problem is most likely in the clamping mechanism

It is evidenced by such signs of the prevention of the non-closing tight or tightly discovered door flap:

  • In the event that even with a strong pressing, the balcony door is not closed or cracks remain, the clamping mechanism should be paid.
  • Sedassing the door flap can be seen by such a sign: the balcony plastic door is closed only when it is raised up by the handle, and its lower part hits the threshold.
  • As soon as the doorbell start to cling to the box, it means that it shifted horizontally. The reason for this is to loosen the loops or deformation of the design due to changes in temperature.
  • Violation of fittings: Handle or lock does not work. This leads to the fact that the plastic door to the balcony is not closed. This is a rather obvious sign that the responsible host will notice immediately and will replace the broken parts.

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Eliminate problems yourself

What to do if the plastic door to the balcony is not closed

With most door breakdowns it is possible to cope yourself

What if the balcony door is badly closed? If you know a few rules, troubleshooting can be performed independently. The following tools are used to adjust the doors: flat and cross-shaped screwdriver, pliers, keys of hexagons.

Next, consider how to adjust the balcony unit with various faults.

Schedule door leaf

If, under his weight, the door wishhed, do not despair. It can be fixed:
  • It is necessary to open the door and under the stage of turning it to fix it.
  • Using the hex key, turn the screw on the loop in the direction of the clockwise direction. After the sash is well attracted to the loop, it must be closed.
  • On the loop at the bottom on the other side of the door, we perform lifting the sash using the screw adjustment.
  • Go to the adjustment of the screw on the verge of the door from the side just below the loop. At the same time, the door sash is relaxed.
  • Door work can be checked in this way. It should open and close without much effort.

We recommend watching a video telling how to independently adjust the storing door or window.

Basically, the door hinges are closed with plastic caps. Before the start of adjustment, they need to be removed.

Displacement door leaf

In the case when the door sash adjoins the door frame so that it opens up with difficulty, then the following should be done:

  • Using the hex screw, adjust the screw, which is placed on the side of the lower loop and turn it until the sash is attracted to the desired distance.
  • We proceed with the similar procedure with loops above.
  • After the mechanism is adjusted, the door sash must be carefully closed, checking the result of the establishment.

Look at the video how to bring the door to the original position with your own hands.

If the adjusted mechanism still continues to touch the door frame, then in this case it is necessary to refer to professional craftsmen.

Violation of tightness

If you notice that when closing the door there are cracks, so the door canvas have to press and slam down, and it still does not help, you can conclude a conclusion - failed a clamping mechanism.

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In this case, the opposite effect will be obtained. Instead of saving heat, drafts will be provided. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to adjust the clamping mechanism by setting up the lock. Using the key or pliers, it is necessary to rotate the locking pin until the sealing defects disappear.

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