Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door


The arguments regarding the need to manufacture and use tablets on office doors either for other functional needs.

Caring for customer needs.

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Door sign

The basis of any successful business is to care about the needs of customers who have applied to the help of customers, it is the question that should disturb the decent leader. The primary acquaintance of the newly coming person with the company begins at the door threshold either at the cabinet door. Having visited any establishment, the subconscious of each person works on the visual perception of the plates, as in the photo swallowed on the surface of the door, which carry some information data. Thus, there is a first impression of a business as a serious organization, a solid company that is able to bring assistance to solving the established problems.

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door


Information plates in the office work like an auxiliary landmark in the institution. The sign on the cabinet door will save a lot of time in search of the desired door, and will bring peace and confidence to the visitor, and it will not even be disturbed by the work of people outside the rooms of the cabinets. Information plates made in a kind of stylist of the company will emphasize the individuality of the business. Funny signs on the door will prepare the client to ease and ease in the future communication. Plates on the door are the following orientations:

  • Office signs on the door will get acquainted with the visitor who for the first time can visit the institution, simplify the search for the necessary cabinet, indicate the desired direction, that is, are a kind of silent guide at the office building.
  • The signs that are located on the door doors are informational data on the schedule of the institution, it seems to conduct various shares, where photos of the accommodation product are often located, and sales. The signs on the door can contain the following type of information: "Do not smoke on the threshold", "Photos and video observation are conducted in the store," Please close the doors, "" Attention, slippery threshold ", the manufacture of which will not bring high costs, but will bring a lot utility.

    Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

  • Funny signs on the door in their main task contain the manifestation of exclusivity and creativity of the company. Making them is mainly required for cinemas, shops, cafes and various offices, which often meet the "Close the door behind you".
  • The presence of signs with interchangeable information is necessary for organizations and trading institutions, where the need to replace the list of goods, services, positions periodically arises.

    Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door


  • Prohibiting signs, among which the most common "not enter", "Do not close the review", or the entire well-known template "Do not smoke", "do not disturb" and others, as well as in any establishment is necessary, and often without them can not do.
  • Informational hengers are tags with hooks for hanging on the door handle: "Do not disturb", "please knock", "Condition" and others.
The main types of TablesInformation subtext Tables
oneSigns on the office door, office ("do not disturb", "Close the door", etc.)Names of divisions, services, signs warning, prohibiting ("not smoking" and other)
2.FacadeCompany / Firm Names, Office timetable, Directional Pointers
3.AddressibleIndicators with street designation, city, settlements

Modern signs

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Funny Henger

Modern technologically advanced production can offer the manufacture of signs of various sizes using various materials, and distinctive forms. The manufacturer's material is not very limited in the choice, the template of which is permissible to consider in any promotional agency, both in the photo and in kind:

  • Printing on metal (in particular, aluminum is used) using graviton technology;
  • Drawing photos, images on plastic by color printing or appliqué;
  • Acrylic bases with voluminous visual elements;
  • Brass-based production by etching;
  • Signs with interchangeable information data are made from the profile.
  • Production of tablets with printing or inlay information based on stainless steel.

The list of the most popular and recommended types of signs and tablets, where ideal is the ratio of price and beauty with quality, with which manufactured:

Material of manufactureSource sizesBasic price for calculating the cost of CM² manufacturer (the cost is given in approximate calculations)
Based on aluminum20 * 30 cm$ 0.08 / cm²
Plastic20 * 30 cm$ 0.03 / cm²
Brass20 * 30 cm$ 2.70 / cm²
From acrylic with bulk letters, photo40 * 30 cm$ 1.00 / cm²

Image function

Making a signboard on the door can be attributed to an image self-task, since each individual on the subconsciousness gives back to such influences as:

  • Design;
  • Color spectrum;
  • Massiveness.

    Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Signboard, the template of which can be a continuation of the promotional events, should emphasize with maximum accuracy and make it an universal vision of the image of a business, a trademark, which, by the way, is already branding. Any company can be branded, which will bring prosperity through the brand memorization. Often instead of changing patterns are equipped under the order Running informational lines:

LED equipment with running string type Standart (sizes, m)Approximate average cost of manufacturing and installing equipment
1x0.25$ 148.
1x0.4$ 280.
1.75x0.25$ 246.
2x0.4$ 476.

Each entrepreneur either a free figure providing those or other services to decide independently how to convey their own existence and place to find clients and consumers in the building. It is worth knowing the only thing that the signboard is a personal face that a person is already present to him until the moment of acquaintance with services, goods and other things.

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door

(Your voice will be the first)

Plates on the office door: do not disturb, do not enter, close the door


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