Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process


Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

Greens is quite expensive pleasure for a person with average sufficiency: it is much cheaper to grow dill at home, on the usual balcony greens - this is what should be in the kitchen always. It transforms any dish, and even a modest lunch automatically turns into an appetizing. It is an aroma, color, and taste, and feed, in a word, find, not a product. But buy, for example, dill, especially in winter - costly. Yes, and more pleasant to grow it on his own balcony.

How to arrange a small garden, using the usual balcony? You need to act.

How to grow dill on the balcony: Preparatory work

First, you will stand five tasks. There is nothing complicated in them.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

Dill loves heat and light: that is why it is necessary solar light or artificially created lighting

So you need:

  1. Select suitable variety of dill, which will be unpretentious to growing conditions.
  2. Find a fertilized soil for ordinary indoor plants.
  3. Decide with the container in which you will grow dill. These are usually wooden boxes, but there may be many options, for example, plastic containers.
  4. Find a good lighting, it is luminescent lamps.
  5. Determine with mineral fertilizers and watering scheme.

As for the variety of dill, it should be unpretentious, still on the balcony there are not the conditions that in the garden. At the same time, the variety of dill must be high-yielding and resistant to all sorts of attacks (the same plant diseases).

For example, pretty good reviews have a variety of Richelieu, Mushroom, Grenader, Kibray.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

"Alligator" - one of the most popular Late varieties of dill

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Important point - duration of dill maturation. You should not consider early grades: Yes, the crop will be early, but such plants are minor and too fast they manage to stretch into the flowers.

But the late varieties will manifest themselves just on the balcony, in the beds, they do not have time to evolve, but at convenient home they give a good harvest.

We grow dill and parsley on the balcony (video)

Stage Second: Exammes, Drainage, Seed Preparation

It's easier to purchase ready-made land in the store, if you do not know where to take a suitable soil. Since it is not necessary for you in principle, it will not be expensive.

Drainage - the desired thing, because moisture will be accumulated without it, and the roots will rot. Polyfoam, pebbles or good old crushed stone perfectly fit as drainage. The drainage layer must be poured into the bottom of the pot of the container or drawer. Recommended layer - 2-3 cm.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

The drainage layer should not be subtle: the foam should be enough to absorb all the necessary moisture

The next point is seeds. They can argue tightly, as they have a high content of essential oils. To speed up this process, the seeds need to be helped.

It is necessary to work with seeds like this:

  • Rinse the seeds with warm water and leave them in the water for a couple of days.
  • The seeds need to dry up stepwise, the recommended interval is 37-40 days, so dill on the balcony will grow all year round.
  • It is necessary to hang it on a depth of 1 or 2 cm.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

Start sowing dill need at the end of March or early April

Be sure to maintain the soil moisturized. To do this, the container where the dill is grown, covered with glass, but do not forget to ventilate your garden.

Care of dill on the balcony: how to grow correctly

Dill refers to cold-resistant plants, three positive degrees sometimes is sometimes enough to grow. To get a good harvest of dill, you need to maintain a temperature of 16-17 degrees. But during the ripening of seeds, the temperature should be not lower than 18 degrees.

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Main points of care:

  1. Watering - This is one of the most important points of care, without ratifying the cultivation is impossible. Ideally, to correctly take a warm outstanding water, with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Why do the water need to remain? Everything is due to the fact that Durce is very "not like" chlorine in the soil.
  2. Shine. The lack of light is that it interferes with high quality culture. To solve this problem, you need to have additional lighting, ideally - phytolamba. If such a special lamp is connected to a conventional domestic timer, the backlight will start automatically, several times per day.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

The best solution for the balcony will be energy-saving light bulbs

As for the color, it can be used in winter, for example, the lamps of the LDC with a power of 40-80 W, or the DRL lamps with a power of 250 W. Place these devices above the plant you need 60 cm. For additional backlight, the most optimal time is the morning, the backlight should go clock 6 in a row. But if you fully grow a plant artificially, it is desirable to highlight it from 12 to 18 hours a day.

Between the boxes and the window, you can install additional reflective devices - foil or mirror.

How to grow dill on the balcony right

And a few more rules will not be superfluous for a beginner plant.

Growing dill on the balcony: all the subtleties of the process

The highest quality feeding for dill and some other plants - "Aydar"

Rules of growing Ukropia:

  • Every two weeks the culture should be picked up by a mineral complex fertilizer;
  • If the temperature rose above 20 degrees, be sure to increase the illumination so that the dill bushes do not become sluggish, light and too elongated;
  • In the first week of growing, when shoots appear, you need to lower the temperature overnight, open the window (if it happens in summer) so that the plant does not stretch.

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It is better to grow this culture at home from March to August, then the additional backlight will not need. And in the autumn-winter period, an additional backlight is needed, no matter how cool.

How to grow dill in winter (video)

The balcony is the place of crop experiments, and this is a wonderful way to control the quality of the products that come to your table. Before that often, after the cultivation of Ukrop, I would like to plant anything else, and then fresh fragrant greens will always be in your kitchen, consistently high quality.

Good harvest!

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