How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands


Every car enthusiast wants to do everything so that his car with an external and inside looked beautifully. Particular attention is always paid to the radio, especially if it has non-standard sizes. In this case, it is impossible to establish it normally or the interior of the salon is seriously cleaned. In this article we decided to tell how to make a transitional frame for a radio tape recorder, and show step by step instructions.

How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands

After the acquisition of the magnetic of non-standard sizes, many people are immediately trying to establish it in a legal place. As a rule, it will look awful, watch the photo:

How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands

It becomes on the rightmost place, but the appearance is very serious. Fit all this can not apply special efforts, we will tell you next. Buy a gesture generator or better think your head.

We make a transition frame from girlfriend

To make you easier to perceive information, we decided to make step-by-step instructions with photos.

  1. Initially, you need to attach the surface of our console. It is necessary to make it using a raner tape that does not stick to the radio and our future homemade "forever" to the body.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  2. On top of the painting scotch, you need to pull the nutritional film. This is done so that after welding you can remove the tape and the film from the design. If not to do this, then the tape is tightly stick to the design.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  3. Next, we take epoxy resin and sculpt the small similarity of our frame from it. So that in the future it does not arise the design, it is better to develop. This will allow you to pull the frame after it "hardens."
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  4. Now you need to apply a resin on our frame, watch the photo.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  5. Pull the frame. Note! It is necessary to pull not only the resin, but also the factory frame. Photos will become understandable.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  6. Cold welding is already in battle. Using it, you need to designate all the contours and align on the surface.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  7. After welding, we take sandpaper 40 and begin to clean our surface. It should get the desired shape.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  8. At this stage, it is necessary to make the surface to put the surface to give the form. Then, we use the sandpaper by 120, which will remove all the irregularities and will make the frame of truly beautiful.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  9. Fort the surface. It is extremely important not to overdo it, but if it happened - nothing terrible. Emery paper will be able to return the appearance without any problems.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands
  10. Color the surface with an ordinary canister and insert the frame to the right place.
    How to make a transition frame for magnetic with their own hands

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As you might notice - the frame is incredibly easy. You will spend just a few hours, but the result will now surprise you. Also, you will succeed and significantly save, because now the finished framework has an impressive value, plus they are quite difficult in the market. Similar instructions will also make the metal detector with their own hands.

We recommend to see such a video, after viewing it, you can understand how to make a transition frame for a radio at home.

Also read: Chandelier of Threads.

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