How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots


There is no one at home, wherever the sofa would not be. The sofas are not only in the rooms, but also in the kitchen and even in the hallway. If there are no capes or covers on the furniture, then with time the upholstery is contaminated, stains appear. To clean the sofa at home, you can take advantage of specialized means for cleaning or advice of experienced housewives.

Divan cleaning agents

The means for sofas can be bought in the same store as furniture. When you purchase, you will be offered a series of cleaning compositions, stainstress and upholstery care products. These funds can be found in household chemicals.

But you can not spend money on domestic chemistry and care for the sofa with the help of simple remedies that will be found in every home. You will save money, and the result will not be worse than using the shopping makeup.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

The order of cleaning the sofa

Whatever tool for cleaning the coup of the sofa you choose, you need to understand how to work properly. To make the result not disappointed, follow the recommendations given:

  • Choose a cleaning agent to remove upholstery contaminants. Remember that skin products cannot be cleaned with the same compositions as tissue.
  • For each type of material you will need a different inventory. Flock, leather or velor cleaning with microfiber napkins, suede and nubbin - special rubber brushes, and the rest of the upholstery are cleaned with a sponge of foam rubber or a soft brush.
  • Before starting work, take care of the surrounding surfaces. Shipping by newspapers floor, and furniture cover with film or old sheets.
  • Speaching the upholstery to remove fine sorts and a layer of dust.
  • Before you start cleaning, try the selected remedy on a small area. If no changes have happened to the cloth, go to the cleansing of the entire surface.
  • Start clean the sofa from the back, then process the armrests, and then proceed to cleans the seats and the lower parts of the furniture.
  • Apply a means gradually by treating a small area for 30-40 seconds, go to the next one.

After completion, you can re-use the vacuum cleaner to remove the remnants of cleaning agents and dry the sacrificed surface.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

Before you begin cleaning a sofa with a tissue upholstery, you need to determine the type of material. If a soap solution is used in one case, then in the other it is strictly prohibited, for example, velvet, plush or velor fabric polins and loses its original color. What to clean the courtyard of the sofa from different materials?

Dry cleaning sofa

When cleaning the sofa, do not abuse the amount of water with their own hands, otherwise the coating and the "filling" will refill, which will result in the formation of the fungus and the appearance of the smell of rot.

If there are no strong contaminants on the furniture, and the upholstery on the furniture fabric (for the skin and suede cannot be applied), it is enough to spend it. You need to work as follows:

  • Prepare a concentrated saline and add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Exceill in the received marry tool.
  • Secure the cloth on the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner and proceed to work.

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Cleaning is carried out until the gauze becomes dry. If the coating is not clear enough, wash the tissue again in acetic salt solution and repeat the processing. In this way, you will not only deliver a soft "corner" from dust, but also refresh the material.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

How to clean the sofa from dust

Dust is the main enemy of housewives. It settles on all surfaces, entrusted to curtains, carpets and furniture. To remove dust from the sofa, you can take a vacuum cleaner or makeup for cleaning, but you do not need to forget about the "grandmother" methods - simple, cheap and efficient.

Moisten the old sheet in cold water, hover and cover the sofa. Then take the "knocked" for carpets and go through the surface. You get rid of dust, and the sheet "delay" its distribution to another furniture.

Remember that this method is suitable only for sofas, upholstered with cloth, skin and suede such an impact can destroy.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

Clean the sofa with a steamer or steam cleaner

Many hostesses prefer to clean the sofas using the steamer. The advantages of this method are obvious: this useful device helps to eliminate bacteria, insects, and also eliminates the surface from spots. In addition, you can refresh the upholstery and return its original elasticity.

If your house has a vertical swap, you can safely start cleaning, observing such a sequence of actions:

  • Remove garbage and dust from the sofa using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Come on the surface of the sppachener, paying for each segment an equal amount of time for processing. It is not recommended to linger in one place for too long, so you can harm the upholstery.
  • Then open the windows in the room, the inflow of fresh air will help the surface to dry after the ferry processing.

So that the procedure does not take much time, and you saw the desired result, perform it in a timely manner, not allowing strong contaminants.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

Velor sofa

To clean the sofa with velor upholstery, use microfiber napkins and vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

Pre-add the coating, and then wipe the cloth moistened in the cleaner composition. In no case do not put on the pile, act gently, inflicting the composition strictly in the direction of the villi.

If the velor surface appeared difficult stains (blood, wine, ink and other), it is better not to try to remove them on their own, you risk spoiling upholstery. Contact your special service, and professional workers will cope with the problem quickly and efficiently.

Sofa of artificial suede

Suede - capricious material that does not tolerate the coarse effects and a large amount of moisture. To put this upholstery in order, you will need a special brush with a delicate bristle and a tool for cleaning suede.

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Before you start work, use the vacuum cleaner to remove most of the dust from the surface, and then proceed to clean the drug, strictly observing the instructions.

If there are fat traces on the surface, a stationery eraser or a solution of water and alcohol prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 will help remove them. After cleaning, it is recommended to apply a special composition with dirt-repellent properties.

What to clean the sofa from the floc

In the upholstery of the sofas, Flock is often used - this fabric is practical and pleasant to the touch, and for removal of contaminants it is not necessary to apply expensive compositions, the stains can be eliminated and with the help of sweater.

How to clean the sofa from the FLOK? If you need to save a soft "corner" from dust, the use of a special effect vacuum cleaner will not give. Take advantage of this way:

In the process of cleaning, make sure that an extra moisture does not fall on the fabric, it is detrimental for the material.

When contamination is present on the surface, they can be removed without the use of expensive chemicals. If you deal with fat stains, treat them with hot water, pre-soluble in liquid alkaline soap or gel for dishes.

Traces from markers, pencils, handles or cosmetics are removed with alcoholic solution (10%). Moisten a cotton disk in the composition and wipe the stain, if necessary, having conducted these manipulations several times.

Limonic juice can be applied as a universal means, dissolving 7-10 drops in 200 ml of water. Treat stain composition and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cloth.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots


How to clean the sofa "Vanishe"

Vanish is popular among housewives as a means for cleaning the palaces and upholstered furniture, it launders pollution of different origin.

Vanish is liquid and powdered. In efficiency, they are the same and final selection depends on personal preferences. Use vanish in the following way:

  • Remove dust from the surface of the vacuum cleaner.
  • Prepare the solution according to the instructions and take a rich foam.
  • Apply a means to stains, wait until it is absorbed and repeat the procedure for another twice.
  • Clothing or toothbrush carefully clean the places with pollution.
  • Remove the dirty foam with a vacuum cleaner and continue cleaning. It is necessary to do this until the foaming composition is completely removed from the surface.

Note that with the help of "Vanisha" you can remove only relatively fresh stains. Against the old and emerged pollution, this agent is almost powerless, there will be professional cleaning.

How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

How to clean the sofa soda and vinegar

The easiest and cheapest method to clean the sofa independently - apply the composition of vinegar and soda.

Prepare the solution in proportion of 1 tablespoon of vinegar and soda per liter of water. To this mix, add a teaspoon of gel for dishes, and thoroughly sweat the foam.

With the help of a sponge, apply a means to furniture and gently clean it with a clothing brush. The main thing is to not exceed the recommended dose of the foaming substance, otherwise to wash it then from the sofa will be almost impossible.

Another advice: Apply this method only for cleaning the tissue upholstery, with the exception of velor, it will spoil the material.

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How to clean the fabric upholstery of the sofa from dust and spots

How to clean the salted sofa

When operating on the sofa, plumbing spots appear. Most often, this happens in those areas where the upholstery comes into contact with the skin of a person and the deposited dust is mixed with a laminate discharge, forming brilliant "islands".

If the sofa undertakes skin or dermantine, a gel for dishes or a soda solution will help to cope with the problem. Clean the sofa in one of the compositions and it will again look no worse than the new one.

Clean the tissue sofas are a little more difficult, here you need to consider the type and texture of the material. How to bring the stains and wash the sheltered "islands"? Consider how to put in order different types of upholstery fabrics.


This material is purified by "knocking". It follows in this order:

  • Swapping coating.
  • Prepare acetic salt composition in proportion of 2 tablespoons of each substance per liter of water.
  • Mocked in a homemade "cleaner" a large piece of gauze or cotton fabric and coat furniture.
  • With the help of "knockout" remove dust.
  • As the fabric is contaminated, you need to rinse and continue to work until the dust stops stand out.

Thanks to these simple manipulations, you not only clean the sofa from dust, crumbs and animal wool, but also eliminate unpleasant odors.

Material upholstery without a pile

To clear the cloth upholstery, you will need a warm soap solution and a piece of dense tissue (you can take a terry towel).

Let the sofa, and then apply the tool to the surface, moving in one direction. If necessary, use the clothing brush, and after cleaning, remove the remnants of the vehicle with a vacuum cleaner.

Materials with Vors.

For such fabrics, it is better to apply Fairy or Vanish. Dissolve the agent in water, beat the foam and clean the surface using a foam sponge.

Do not allow wetting furniture, especially bright, otherwise, after drying, it will decoke with abundant divorces.

How to remove various spots from the coup of the sofa

If divorces appeared as a result of cleaning on the furniture, the reason is the abundance of moisture or the dosage of the foaming agents. In this case, the process will have to repeat, observing the rules of work and not allowing the cloth so much.

If there are spots on the surface of the sofa, it is necessary to find out for their effective elimination than it is he who is designed. How to remove stains from the sofa? Depending on the type of contamination, a cleaning agent is selected:

If you do not trust the folk remedies, it can take advantage of the purchase of the fabric, which is a comfortable furniture.

How to clean the sofa armrests

Armrests are the part of the upholstered furniture that is polluted faster. Clear them is not as difficult as it may seem. Apply one of these funds:

  • a strong solution of the household soap;
  • "Vanish";
  • Composition for cleaning automotive covers.

Before use, test the substance on a small area of ​​the coating and only then proceed to the main cleaning.

Correctly caring for upholstered furniture, you will achieve an impeccable upholstery type and get rid of the need to think about the "drying" of the sofa.

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