Ombre fabric, that this is: Composition, Properties and Applications


Under the name of Ombre, or degrad, a group of materials of various composition, density and invoices are combined. The general for all of them is the principle of staining, as a result of which a smooth, as it were, a blurred transition between different colors or light and dark shades of one color is formed. At the same time, shades gradually pass one to another, reminding watercolor pattern. This kind of color solution is popular not only in textiles. Fashion trend is a degrad effect in hair coloring, nail design, make-up, interior design.

Ombre fabric, that this is: Composition, Properties and Applications

What is Ombre?

The root of this name translated from Romanesque languages ​​means "Shadow". For the first time staining with a smooth, shaded transition of shades began to apply European wizards of the last century. At the same time, the effect of gradual changes in the colors was created not so much in clothes, but in decorative elements - ribbons, which were decorated with ladies' outfits, bedspreads, upholstered materials. This fashion lasted for a short time. The second time the fabric "degrad" went into fashion in the seventies of the last century and became the current trend at once of two popular styles - denim and disco. Moreover, if for jeans, fragmentary whitening of the main tone, imitating the wardness, was used, then the disco clothing was literally overflowing with a variety of bright shades. From that time, the mesmer's print fabric practically did not leave fashion, and at present it can be considered as a well-established trend, applicable to almost all style styles.

Modern degraded trends

A gradual color change over the entire length of the canvas allows you to create very interesting optical effects and always attracts attention. Perhaps, therefore, in recent times, almost any fabric is subjected to such staining: not just a thin chiffon or cotton, but also cashmere, tweed, palp materials. On the podiums you can see colorful overflows on the models of the outerwear from the skin and fur, shoes, various accessories.

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Ombre fabric, that this is: Composition, Properties and Applications

A classic transition with dark bottom and light riding dresses or T-shirts currently seems too simple. The fashionable "highlight" was a fabric with flower transitions in horizontal or vertical directions, or darkened in the center and brightening around the edges. It is the location of colors that provides ample opportunities for optical correction of the figure. Degrad transitions, using several contrasting color shades, alternating with each other, look unusually and very attractive. And finally, it is impossible not to say about such an unusual find, as ombre on materials with a metal glitter, in which the cloth gradually becomes matte, or changes the shade of the gloss.

Application and Care

As can be seen from the foregoing, Ombre is widely used to create fashionable memorable images - from street to evening. In addition to attracting the attention of shade transitions, the degrad effect allows you to successfully adjust the problem areas. To do this, it is enough to place a piece of fabric in the right place with the most dark tint. Vertical or diagonal flower transitions will give the slightness of any figure. A classic degrad cloth with a dark shade with a dark shade at the bottom and light is fitted with high and thin.

Ombre fabric, that this is: Composition, Properties and Applications

Another wide scope of color transition is home textiles, especially curtains. Changing the color of the curtains allows you to visually increase the height of the room, sharing the lower space and allocate the top. Unique individuality interior will give color transitions on tablecloths, bedding, bedspread.

Ombre fabric, that this is: Composition, Properties and Applications

The fashionable textile market offers a large number of diverse silk, viscose, synthetic, woolen, blended fabrics with a change in colors and shades. Despite this, a lot of craftsmen is working on hand-painted manually. The easiest way to achieve the effect of degrades, gradually lowering the cut of the tissue or the finished product into the paint container. However, the most beautiful and valuable materials are obtained by their painting manually. Another way to obtain a change in colors is knitted (manually or in a machine manual) knitwear, in which the colors of the threads gradually change as the web creates.

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As for the care of products from such materials, its rules are determined by the composition of the product and dye strength. Degrads of factory manufacture does not learn. Manual painted product should be erased separately and in cold water.

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