What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors


Almost all the blacks are concrete floors. It would seem that the coverage is the most reliable. However, during the operation of such floors, dust appears over time. This indicates that the upper layer of concrete begins to shine slowly. To avoid dust formation, you can handle concrete floors with special means. After surface treatment with such means, a thin membrane is formed.

This membrane not only prevents dust. This membrane serves as a barrier to penetrate the building material of water and pollution of various kinds (diesel fuel, oil). Therefore, when setting floors in the workshops or repair shops, we simply need to process the concrete surface with special impregnations.

What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors

It is also worth noting that the top layer of concrete floor becomes much stronger and denser. Accordingly, the operational period of such floors increases. The base treated with special impregnation is resistant to mechanical damage.

We figured out why impregnations are needed. Now answer the question of how to proceed the concrete base.

Surface processing technology

You need to process freshly placed concrete. Although funds are effective for concrete, which is not the first month. Impregnations are applied using a spray gun. It is advisable to use industrial equipment. Apply the means follows the previously aligned floor.

The tool penetrates into the material. At the same time, it displaces water there. After drying, a thin film is formed. Depending on the external conditions and the composition, the impregnation dry over 24-72 hours. After this time, it is possible to lay an outdoor coating on the floor, or to start exploited.

On the packages of such funds the consumption is indicated. As a rule, it is 0.2 liters per 1 m2. Before using the purchased tool, you need to get acquainted with the manufacturer's recommendations.

What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors

Impregnation of old concrete

It has already been said that these tools are effective and for processing old concrete. Before applying a tool to the surface, it must be carefully flushed. After drying, the base is processed in accordance with the instructions.

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If there is no pulverizer at hand, then you can use a roller. In this case, the consumption of the means can increase slightly. It is advisable to apply impregnation into several layers. You can process not all the floor several times, but only those sites that the main load is supplied. The second layer is applied only after the first dry.

Types of hardening impregnations

To date, there are several types of hardening impregnations. To understand what is better, consider all options offered on the market.

What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors

The first group should include funds that have an organic basis. A bright representative of this group is a completion Protece . This means for the floor penetrates the structure of concrete deep enough. In this case, a certain chemical reaction occurs between the means and particles of the material. As a result, crystalline compounds are formed in the structure of the concrete.

It is by the emergence of these crystalline formations that the strength of this building material increases. Such a means is used in the arrangement of floors in industrial premises. The base becomes not only more durable, but also resistant to mechanical damage. It is also worth noting the stability of the base-treated base to the effects of aggressive chemicals.

We can process any brands of concrete. It is used both in the arrangement of the new floor, and for the processing of the base, which is not already operated for the first year. This impregnation is applied to the purified surface. In this case, it is possible to apply the tool even at low temperatures.

What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors

In the manufacture of the next group of complementors, polymers are used. Funds have a water base. A bright representative of this group is a completion Akvastone.

This agent penetrates deep into the material as deep as led. But, such a tool can only be used for a material whose mark is not lower than M200. If you use aquastone for a material having a lower brand, it will not act effectively. The advantage of this fund is its budget pricing policy.

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The third group includes strengthens, which include epoxy resins. Such impregnations have a water base. A bright representative of this group is tool Epooxol . It can be applied both on the new base and on the old one. This means not only at times increases the strength of the floor, but also makes it resistant to salts, acids and alkalis, fuel and lubricant materials.

This completion is optionally applied to a dry base. If the floor is treated with the agent at the construction stage, the base will become frostable. Use this tool can be used for processing material having a low brand.

Regardless of which impregnation you have chosen, after processing the floor it will become more durable. It is also worth noting the fact that these tools protect the base from water exposure. During operation, dust will be formed in small quantities.

What to choose an impregnation for concrete floors

The processed base can be not covered with floor covering. In addition, using the hardensors you can restore the worn floor.

If you need to finish the construction of industrial premises in a short time, the use of such impregnations is the optimal solution. As a rule, in household premises, under the arrangement of the floor, hardensions are not used.

This is due to the fact that the floor covering is stacked on top of the draft base. But in warehouses, shops, hangars, typography, garages, parking lots and retail premises to lay outdoor covers that have a rather high price policy inexpedient.

If food products or medicines are manufactured in the room, the use of hardeners with the floor arrangement is the necessary conditions. In no case may not be cement dust in contact with the products manufactured in indoor.

Depending on the impregnation selected, the base may have a different degree of gloss. There are impregnations that, after drying, become glossy, and there are, which remain matte. At the same time, it is impossible to say that glossy is better matte, and vice versa.

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The choice is to stop on those thumbnails that do not need to apply a thick layer. Do not purchase cheap formulations. In fact, they will be ineffective.

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