Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands


As soon as a person opens the door to the apartment, he finds himself in the hallway, which can be represented as a small room and a corridor, and maybe it will be a spacious hall - the only thing that can combine all types of vestives and positively affect the interior - arch, make Which is not so difficult. It is not difficult to create it, since the most common material is ordinary plasterboard. With all the apparent complexity, work is fully able to fulfill both the non-professional, it is necessary only to follow the recommendations and choose a suitable project.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Arches from plasterboard in the hallway room

Important nuances

In any work there are moments that require special attention to detail. Arch in the hallway is no exception. The first thing that will be needed from a person is to decide on the place where it will be located. The most popular places are:

  • passage from the hallway into the room;
  • Arch leading to the kitchen;
  • Arch from the hallway in the corridor.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Arch with a niche from the corridor to the hallway

Of course, the place largely depends on the planning of the apartment, so it is necessary to consider where to arrange the arch, based not only at your own desire, but also at the maximum convenience for living in an apartment or house.

Another thing that needs to be taken into account is the quality of the material. Buying plasterboard should not save, as it will depend not only the attractive appearance of the arch, but also its durability.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Durable plasterboard arches may have a complicated form.

Parameters for choosing plasterboard:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Refractory.

As for the shade of the arch, its style and shape, then it is necessary to ensure that all these indicators are harmonized with the finish existing in the apartment. The main style solutions are classic, modern, modernity.

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Preparation for work

Beautiful arches from plasterboard in the hallway begins with calculations and measurements. In order to make it yourself, it will be necessary to measure the doorway and prepare all the necessary tools and materials:

  • Plasterboard (3 sheets);
  • metal profiles (4 pieces);
  • roulette;
  • fasteners;
  • Perforator;
  • electrolovik;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • putty;
  • Decoration Materials;
  • Reinforced tape.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Set of tools and materials for arches arches

Marking should be performed in the following order - the width of the doorway is measured, then the height of the future arch. Then the obtained values ​​must be applied to the drywall sheet and cut the workpiece, after it is necessary to cut directly the arc. Next, the actions are repeated with another sheet of plasterboard. You can think about the design of the future arch, noting the place under the mirror on it.

It is important to remember that the workpiece of the arch should be smooth so that when performing installation work it has no difficulty with fitting.

Creating Ark

The next stage of work is the workpiece of metal fasteners for the future pride of the apartment - Arches. The total number of them is six. Two mounts are placed on the sides of the arch, and the third in the upper part of it. Accordingly, 6 metal fasteners will be required for two parts. After that, the stage of attaching parts of the arch comes. This will require self-tapping screws and a screwdriver under the inner sides of the doorway it is necessary to attach bilpers from drywall.

Fastening a special design - arched profile - a stage that requires increased attention. It is necessary to make it so that all the elements are securely fixed. It will be necessary to measure the arch, then bend a profile from the metal of the same size, then, after every couple of centimeters, make clearly noticeable cuts with scissors for metal.

Important: It is impossible to cut the central part of the profile, as this is the basis of the whole design. Mounts with a screwdriver are connected to the workpiece. In order to complete the assembly of the arch, it will be necessary to create an embedded item, the material for which will also be plasterboard. In the width of the opening, a rectangle is cut out, in which several cuts will be taken, perpendicular length. They should be not deep.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Creating arches with your own hands

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In order to facilitate the work with the plasterboard, you can slightly moisten it with ordinary water - it will bend. After that, the rectangular workpiece must be applied to the parts of the arch and screw themselves to fasten it to the attachments that were securely installed earlier. Make it takes the most accurately as possible to prevent the design shifts. Start mounting the inner frame arch should be clearly from the middle, moving towards the edges.

Finishing work

Finishing - the final step towards the arch in the hallway or corridor. Here it will be necessary to produce work with seams and joints. To do this, use a special mixture, which can be used independently, but it is better to buy it already ready, since the concentration in it will be the most suitable for a qualitative result.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Installation of a flexible corner is necessary to obtain beautiful shapes of the figure

The first layer of the mixture should be thick. He must dry, after this work can be continued. The next stage is the putty of the outer part of the arch. It is important here to do everything carefully and diligently, because this part will see all who enters the room. The first layer must also dry, after which the next one is applied. Excess finishing material is removed carefully until its drying.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Plaster hobs small disadvantages of mounting

The last step is the manufacture of arches. A reinforcing tape will be required, which is neatly superimposed on the corners of the structure, but so that one half is on the wall of the arch, and the second opposite. It must remain and dry a little, then the putty is again superimposed, after drying, which will need to produce surface grinding work - first using sandbreaks with large grain, then with small. After that, the whole design should dry for 12 hours. The main works on the creation of the Arch are completed. You can go to decorating.

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Decor with mirrors

Of course, the arch must be decorating. Here you can use paint, wallpaper, plastic inserts, backlight, wooden structures - many options, only fantasy can limit them. The ideal addition to the mirrors for which the individual framework can be made, both in the Arc itself and in the halls in the hallway or corridor. Mirrors will help not only decorate the design, but also visually expand the space. The installation can be made both on the arc itself - fix mirrors in the frame or in specially created holes in it, as well as place it, for example, the upper part of the design.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Practically decorate arches with natural wood

In addition, the mirrors look very harmoniously in a narrow hallway or a long corridor. Therefore, in combination with the arch, the room will look unusual and stylish. Also, the hallway will also help the mirrors embedded in the ceiling, together with the backlight they will look original. Mirrors can be attached using special tools, inserts or frames.

Arches from plasterboard in the interior of the hallway with their own hands

Mirror doors - an excellent option for arched opening

Thus, it is not difficult to make the arch in the hallway. If you do not rush all actions and follow the recommendations, then ultimately the design will turn out to be modern, will complement the room, and will also become the basis for the flight of fantasy - for example, you can place the mirror perimeter and visually expand the hallway or make a niche for statuette, colors and Other little things allowing to make the interior alive.

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