How to make a mini drill do it yourself


A small drill is now used everywhere, but its value in the market often scares and once again makes you think about it, but it is worth buying it at all. We decided to remove such questions and tell how to make a mini drill with their own hands from a motor and tape recorder. Let us give a few examples and show some more ready-made homemakes that you can do yourself.

How to make a mini drill do it yourself

How to make a drill from a tape recorder

Here we need a motor from the old SD of the tape recorder, which is already considered forgotten. If you do not have it at home, then you can ask familiar, at one time he was very popular, however, now there is no particular sense from him. The meal of the motor comes from voltage from 6 volts so that the drill worked, you will have to find a small power supply and buy a collet. Learn how to connect a PC into a car.

This is how such a motor and collet looks like a mini drill from a motor with their own hands. Perform the following actions exactly:

How to make a mini drill do it yourself
How to make a mini drill do it yourself

  1. Motor contacts need to solder two wires.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself
  2. In Cangu, install the drill size.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself
  3. The finished nozzle is fastened for a motor, it is from her and will depend on the performance of drills with their own hands. The hole should be perfectly coincided with the shaft size, its diameter varies from 0.5 to 2.3 mm. If the shaft does not move freely, then work with a drill will always be uncomfortable.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself
  4. We connect all the wires to the block, remember, the power must not exceed 6 volts. Ultimately the result, four bolts from the collet gently screw to the base of the motor.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself

Here we have a homemade mini drill, if you want it to spin in the other side - change the wires to the places. We recommend to make the base to the motor, so with a mini drill will work easier. Read an interesting article: Metal detector with your own hands.

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Drill with fishing coil

Here is such a hand microdel with your own hands, you can call the most simple and efficient. If you do it, then you will not have any problems to make a hole. Drill with your own hands of this type can be called better, if something does not fit, you can easily fix everything.

What we need:

  • The coil is the idleness.
  • Tsang or old cartridge from a drill.
  • Termocles.
  • Small drill.

The process of assembling homemade drill from the coil can be divided into two main stages?

  1. First of all, we must dismantle Spool with a fishing line, and cut off the axis that we do not need. That is what it looks in the photo.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself
  2. We glue the cartridge or zing to the remaining rod. You can use thermocons, but more effective it will do everything with cold welding.
    How to make a mini drill do it yourself

Mini drill do it yourself examples and videos

How to make a mini drill do it yourself possible options

We decided to make for you a small selection of ready-made homemakes with your own hands, we decided to not tell more detail about their assembly, and so everything is quite simple.

This is how you can make a mini drill with your own hands from an ordinary toothbrush. It initially installed a small engine and batteries. All you need is to attach a nozzle in the form of a collet. But, to make holes in too dense material in this way it will not work.

How to make a mini drill do it yourself

Homemade blender drill

How to say the inventor, this device can be made from a conventional blender, it is highlighted by its power. With the help of such a drill you can easily make holes everywhere. But, breaking the blender in order to make a mini drill from a motor not always appropriate.

Plastic bottle as the main case for mini drill

So you can make a body for your drill, in the photo you will find a detailed scheme. There are no special difficulties, but to show certain skills and efforts will have to anyway.

How to make a mini drill do it yourself
How to make a mini drill do it yourself

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Video on the topic

Here are some more videos on the topic how to make a drill with your own hands.

How to make a drill from a tape recorder video.

And one more great version of the self-made fishing rod.

Article on the topic: We make a cotrol for home and auto with your own hands.

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