Case made of leather with your own hands


Welcome to all permanent readers and new visitors to the Internet magazine "Handwork and Creative"! Today we decided to share with you the next idea of ​​creating a protective accessory for devices that have already managed to become a symbol of modernity and progress. We are talking about iPod. Case from the skin with your own hands - this accessory is always in fashion, it does not wear out for a long time and does not lose its appearance, and protects against moisture. Here, as promised, we share the instructions for creating this useful thing.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Required materials and tools:

  • Some skin, preferably thickening;
  • Dense paper (cardboard);
  • awl;
  • stupid metal object;
  • glue;
  • sharp knife or blade;
  • water;
  • Scotch.


To begin with, measure the size of your iPod-A, transfer them to cardboard and cut off the blade.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Round the corners in the form, as on the phone, i.e. Make an exact copy of your gadget from cardboard. After that, wrap it with additional layers of paper and fix with a tape or scotch.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Skin preparation

Cut two pieces of leather in accordance with patched shapes, only add 2 cm from each edge.

Case made of leather with his own hands

It is necessary to impregnate the skin in water. After she absorbs the water, the skin will change its color, it will become softer and supplied to work. So, put wet skin on a pre-prepared form on both sides, squeeze tightly. Be sure to see for forms to lay exactly. Take a stupid metal object and start smoothing all the edges around the form. It is very good that the skin is wetted, so it will easily succumb to the formation.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Tip! If the surface of the wet skin is strongly pressing a solid object with a pattern, then on the surface of the skin cover you will get embossed - your unique logo created by your own hands.

Article on the topic: Weaving paper baskets for beginners: master class with video

Case made of leather with your own hands

Case made of leather with his own hands

Now give the skin to dry well, better if it is a drying in vivo, what will leave for 1-2 days. To speed up the process, you can wrap a paper cover that absorbs moisture.


After the skin dries, sew the skin layers around the perimeter. To do this, it is best to use a shill or crochet for shoes. Threads take to your taste, only necessarily durable.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Case made of leather with your own hands

Case made of leather with your own hands

Now cut everything too much (leaving 5 mm from the seam) and make a rounded neckline from above for convenient phone capture.

Case made of leather with your own hands


Now there is still an important detail of the leather cover - take the hole below the headset.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Case made of leather with your own hands

The work is over. That's what happened as a result.

Case made of leather with your own hands

Case made of leather with your own hands

Beautiful product for small high-tech devices. This handmade little man will help protect your gadget from scratches and impact when falling. But you also get a high-quality accessory in your arsenal, which will add uniqueness to your unique image.

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