Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)


Each repair is accompanied by the purchase of building materials. Buying certain necessary things, you look at the famous and unknown brands, try, mark good or not very quality building material. And if, when buying wallpaper, you pay more attention to the color and texture and a smaller manufacturer, then when choosing a wall-mounted glue, the situation changes dramatically.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Wallpaper Glue "Quelyd" for paper, vinyl and fliesline wallpaper

Of course, the glue brand for us does not have such paramount importance as its properties: durability, durability, moderate consumption, but on the brand we can roughly understand, in which glue these characteristics are better.

Quelyd Brand (Kelid)

Glue called Quelyd (Kelid) is a famous French brand, it is widespread in various wallpaper stores. Let's find out in more detail about this wallpaper Clee, why he flooded most of the stores of stores than he is so good and has his flaws.

As we already identified earlier, the production of glue Kelid is located in France, in the EU zone. It was there that the first factory for the production of adhesive materials century ago was built. Principles of production and marketing strategy underlying everything relied on high quality products and its wide range.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Glue for vinyl wallpapers brand "Kelid" - Spec vinyl

The range of building materials manufactured by the company includes in addition to the kvelide glue for all types of wallpaper, seams, borders, means for their removal and other compositions.

In accordance with international standards, all products are certified at mandatory, additional documents are obtained in Russia. The quality is confirmed by all sorts of certificates and standards for the quality management standard of ISO.

During his work, the company's experience in the production of adhesive components has always grew. With experience, a new understanding of the products came, the line was expanded, specialized formulations were produced.

Wallpaper glue for brand glass "Quelyd"

Due to the present time, we have a line of Quelyd mobbles, which contains glue for each type of wallpaper from paper to glasses, as well as additional options for joints and borders.

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Universality is one of the main criteria in the assessment of the company's products. To use in their work the glue and sealants Quelyd can both professionals and ordinary inhabitants.

Quelyd, composition

Quelyd wallpaper glue is sold in a dry, powdered form. Small glue granules are easily mixed with water to a homogeneous mass, to the same storage of glue in dry form significantly increases its shelf life.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

European Kelid Glue Design for Flizlin Wallpaper

The basic component of any mobble glue - starch, and here the Kwelide has not exceeded. However, the production methods of starch mining are kept in the strictest selection, since the result that the company's specialists achieved is very worthy.

A second, equally important component, is cellulose, which gives the composition the necessary consistency and enhances its adhesive properties. In addition, the addition of cellulose into the composition of the lining for wallpaper Quelyd is positively reflected at its price.

The products of the Quelyd brand occupies the average segment of the glue materials market. In stock Many building stores have more expensive and cheap adhesives.

The cost of glue directly depends on its purpose than the heavier wallpaper that must be blocked, the stronger should keep the composition. Usually, glue for flieslinic, vinyl and glasses stands a bit more expensive than for paper.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Flizelin Glue "Kelid" for wet premises

What could be so unusual in the wallpaper glue? - You ask, and we note that in the glue from the producer Quelyd there are chemical additives that oppose the appearance of mold and fungus.

The struggle against mold and fungus through bactericidal components of glue is carried out without your participation. This is especially true for raw rooms and rooms with clarified vinyl-based wallpapers, which practically does not let the air.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Option of European Packaging Glue "Quelyd"

The fight against small insects is also included in the adhesive feature, insecticidal additives contribute to this. Having finished the surface when sticking the wallpaper, you can be calm, there is no living creature. It is noteworthy that these additives do not have any influence on a person, they are completely safe.

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The main advantages of glue Quelyd

Let's try to lead in a simple and understandable view of all the main advantages of the glue that we have already described, and which have not yet spoken.


The total glue consumption in relation to the number of wallpaper rolls is indicated on the package, in our case it can be called moderate. Less glue - more strength.


In the line of adhesives of the brand Kelid, the compositions are presented for any types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, on a flieslinic basis, glasses. In addition, there is a "indicator" specialist, which allows you to track the applying of glue to the wallpaper cloth.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Glue "Kelid Cork" for blowing cork wallpaper


Permanent quality control of products and its testing has proven that the Quelyd brand wall glue does not harm human health.


Perennial use of the wallpaper glue of this brand has shown that it glues very firmly and durable, works fine with joints and hard-to-reach plates.

Preparation of glue to use

In order to proceed directly to the shocking of the wallpaper, you need to misele the wallpaper glue. It is done very simply, just adhere to the detailed instructions printed on the package. Moving step by step and fulfilling all the recommendations, you will refer to the finished adhesive mass.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Instructions for use on a pack of glue "Kelid"

Instructions on a pack of glue looks like this:

  • We fill in the container a certain amount of warm water, the amount of water can be different, depending on how much glue you want to get.
  • Using a mixer-nozzle on a drill or a conventional stick, mix the water with a slowly falling asleep there.
  • The resulting mixture must be brought to a homogeneous state, get rid of all lumps and scrape the remnants of glue from the edges of the container. In such a state, leave a massive mass for a few minutes. Time is different for different compositions, usually more than 5 minutes.
  • Having secured the glue a certain amount of time, you need to make sure of its readiness, for which it once again to prevent. If the composition is sufficiently thick and viscous, then you can begin to apply it on a wallpaper or wall.

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As you can see, the standard recommendations are simple and understandable, any person can cope with them.

Quelyd Assortment

As we have already written earlier, the company produces a wide range of adhesive compositions, which are divided by wallpaper types.

The names of the wallpaper adhesives of the brand Kelid:

  • For wallpaper from paper, Quelyd Express, Super Express,
  • For vinyl wallpapers, Quelyd special vinyl, indicator,
  • For wallpapers on Flizelin, respectively, Quelyd Special Flizelin, Flizelin Aqua,
  • For glazes, the composition did not receive a special name,
  • For joints and borders Quelyd Raccord, Bordure,
  • The liquid composition, ready to work, was called Quelyd Murale, it is also used for glasses.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Basic assortment of the wallpaper glue of the brand "Kelid"

Pay attention to the fact that the wallpaper glue is applied to different surfaces, depending on the type of wallpaper of the wallpaper. For example, for the phlizelin substrate, it is enough to apply glue on the wall, and for vinyl, you can only on the wallpaper.

Work with Kelid glue

Cemend glue shows perfectly with the works with perfect surfaces, as well as well as fast and projected. Glue on such a wall wallpaper solid pleasure.

But do not despair if you are going somewhat worse, here Quelyd, too, will undoubtedly cope, but wall defects can manifest themselves through a wallpaper canvas.

Quelyd wallpaper adhesive (Kelid)

Glue "Special Flizelin" wallpaper brand "Quelyd" in the store

To find the optimal placement of a piece of wallpapers on the wall you will have enough time, modern wallpaper adhesives are not at all. Clay Quelyd holds a wobbly cloth on the wall well enough, but also makes it possible to play a little bit. Even the most difficult wallpapers do not depart from the wall, and immediately stick to her, which makes it possible to dock them as soon as possible.

Ready wallpaper glue can be used for several days, it is enough to keep it in a hermetically closed container. It does not lose its properties and is ready for use.

Quite detailed information about Clee for Wallpaper Quelyd Wallpaper will be useful to you if you decide to use it for sticking wallpapers in your room.

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