Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview


Quality was created at the end of the last century. It positions itself as a manufacturer of safe for humans, eco-friendly adhesives. The company's factories are located in Russia, so we can confidently consider the quarter to be fully Russian business.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

Simple, cheap, but effective universal wallpaper glue


One of the most important areas of the company and was the manufacture of wallpaper glue. Quality brand glue is present in most construction stores of the Russian Federation. Its low cost and acceptable quality contribute to its popularization.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

Quality logo

At the factory, the most recent developments of the chemical industry are being introduced, only this firm has the ability to plan their work forward for a long period of time. Compliance with all quality standards is an integral part of the firm policy of production.


All companies praise their products, and Quolati is no exception. Here is a list of the main advantages of the wallpaper adhesives of this brand, which is made the main emphasis.

Any chopping is absolutely ecologically clean, it is harmless to humans and animals. All formulations have been certified and have appropriate documents. The main ingredient of glue - starch.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

Composition for fliseline wallpaper

The mixing time of glue until readiness is 10-15 minutes. All technology preparation technology for work is described in detail on the package. Check out it before directly preparation of the solution.

Depending on the consistency, the glue can be used both for sticking various types of wallpaper and for the primer of the walls. It is very convenient, no need to buy additional funds.

Adhesive has good adhesive properties, adding PVA to enhance its characteristics is not required.

On the package it is indicated that the composition struggles with the formation of fungus on the wallpaper.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

The indicator allows you to control the applying of the wallpaper glue.

The shelf life of glue in a dry form is 3 years, in the mixing - several days, so if you did not have time to do all the work in the day, it is possible to continue them the next day.

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The cost of the wallpaper glue is acceptable, it can afford to afford any buyer, unlike European expensive compositions.


Like any self-respecting wallpaper glue manufacturer, the company offers its customers a wide range of compounds that can be applied to certain types of wallpaper.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

Assortment of glue for wallpaper from the Russian manufacturer

  • Universal - the most optimal composition, allowing you to break up absolutely any wallpaper, sufficiently sustain consistency. Best of all this glue is suitable for working with paper wallpaper.
  • Vinyl - on the green pack of this glue it is indicated that the adhesive is optimally suitable for sticking of any types of vinyl wallpaper.
  • Fliselin - recently emerged composition, which is assumed to stick the wallpaper on a fliesline basis. As we remember, the adhesive is not applied to such a substrate, and it smears exclusively a wall.
  • The indicator is a special composition, which gives you the opportunity to control the applying of glue on the wallpaper cloth. The glue has a pink color, the same as on a pack. Adhesive indicator, as well as universal, suitable for any type of wallpaper.

In addition to the budget line of the wallpaper adhesives, the company Dvolyti offers its customers premium compositions under brands: De Luxe, Verd, Master.

As you can see, any wallpaper is easy to shove the Quality wobble glue, but what the masters and ordinary people who have had the case with him are talking about him.


Most reviews about Clee Quolati positive. Many buyers simply do not expect such good quality from glue for such a price, and when wallpapers are glued qualitatively and quickly, they experience extremely positive emotions. The mentality of our person is tuned to the simplicity and low cost, so it happened. It happens that the vinyl glue glue flieslinic wallpaper, and even in this case, most often the result is still good.

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Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

The composition for working with vinyl wallpaper

The second important moment lies in the country the manufacturer, always nice when your country produces high-quality and inexpensive products. Quality wallpaper glue is just subject to this definition.

There are some complaints of working with the wallpaper composition of Dvolyti, most often they sound as follows:

  • glue is packaged in a package, from which, with careless handling, it is poured;
  • glue is kneaded for a long time, it is necessary to withstand it until a large amount of time is fully readily;
  • making the concentration of "on the eye" you risk creating a too weak composition that will not hold wallpaper on the wall;
  • It is necessary to make problem areas very carefully, perhaps even to put them the next day;
  • Professional glue masters prefer not to use, in order to avoid problems with customers.

Quality wallpaper glue, overall overview

New packaging of old good wallpaper glue

We recommend the Russian adhesive of Quolati to use any paper wallpaper for sticking, but for high-quality and expensive vinyl, flizelin-based wallpapers are still better to look after the other brands, which, by the way, grabs.

We add that for sticking glass windows, you can use wallpaper Oscar.

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