How to break and make an old pig-iron bath?


As a rule, the cast iron bath is the most durable item of each apartment. But sometimes in the process of repair required and replace it. Some are trying to endure it entirely, even though it is very difficult, due to its huge weight. Very often in our apartments such narrow passes that bring the bath is simply impossible because of its cumbersome. And thinking a little, you decide to break the bath and take it in parts. Here the question arises: how to break the cast-iron bath? The answer will tell this article.

How to break and make an old pig-iron bath?

Dismantling pig-iron baths start with removal of fastening elements.

List of materials and tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • sledgehammer;
  • Bags for construction garbage;
  • An old blanket or other soft fabric (lifting under the bathroom);
  • Burlap or other durable fabric (cover the bath to reduce the strength of the blowing fragments);
  • dense clothing, closed shoes, headdress, building mittens, protective mask (to protect the body from flying fragments);
  • Sound insulation headphones (optional).

Technological process

How to break and make an old pig-iron bath?

Bathroom construction scheme on legs and brick

First you need to disconnect the old bath from the mounting items, with which the bath is mounted, and dismantle the drain. If you cannot disconnect the drain, it is cut by a grinder. You should also remove all items that may interfere dismantle the bath (both under and over the bathroom), and remove the mixer. To dismantle the bath, the edge of which is embedded in the wall, you need to dismantle the legs of the bath (starting from the distant) and, after that, pressing it from above, "drop" to the floor. Before dismantling the old cast-iron bath in this way, it is necessary to put on it with a thick layer of any soft material for mitigating a bath hittings about the floor.

Smash the cast-iron bath will not be easy. For this work requires a strong man and a sledgehammer. Before proceeding with the layer, it is necessary to clear the space around the bath, lay the soft cloth on the floor (to protect the floor), put the bath itself on the side so that it has free access to both sides. A layer of pig-iron bath is quite dangerous work: a big risk will be litter with flying fragments of the bath. To protect yourself from these fragments, you should wear tight clothes, shoes, headdress, building mittens and protective mask. To protect the ears of sufficiently loud noise, sound insulation headphones can be put on.

To minimize the risk of injury by fragments of the bath, output households

How to break the cast-iron bath without applying super passions? The fastest place of the bath is located near the drain hole. To break it up from the inside to apply a series of shocks in the bottom near the drain hole.

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How to break and make an old pig-iron bath?

Put the bath on the side, so it will be easier to break.

After it turned out to break the bottom, the bath should be covered with burlap and apply a sledge hammer blow, expanding the break along the entire bottom. Do not forget that the bath during the whole process of the bottom of the bottom should lie on the side, because Bathtub vibration, which when breaking the bottom lies upside down, can contribute to the fall of plaster in the apartment located under you. All shots must be applied on the side.

After you managed to break the bottom, turn the bottom of the bottom up and continue to apply side blows along the walls, trying to break her into pieces. If necessary, large pieces can be broken into pieces of smaller: the smaller the fragments, the easier it is from the apartment. At the end of the work, collect fragments in bags: they can be passed to the scrap metal.

With the help of Bulgarian

How to break the cast-iron bath using the angular grinding machine (Bulgarian)? If you have a Bulgarian at home, you can cut the bath to her. However, this is so long, a time-consuming process with a large number of building dust (which you will also be covered, and all the surrounding space) that the leader in the layer still remains a sledgehammer. And to facilitate the work, you can make several cuts on the side of the baths with the help of a grinder. It will help you to split it much faster.

And do not forget that the process of the chick of the cast iron bath is quite noisy, so all work can be carried out only during the daytime. And to minimize the discomfort of the neighbors, it is advisable to warn them in advance.

Taking advantage of tips from this article, you can independently smash the cast-iron bath without any problems. Before split the bath due to the fact that it is not included in the doorway, think about how you will submit a new one.

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