Which jigscription choose: Differences tools


For construction and repair work in the house of the maple owner there is a corresponding set of special tools. In addition to the hammer, hacksaws and drills in the arsenal of a real man, such a thing should be present as a jigsik, since this tool is able to help its owner in performing various actions. The main purpose of the jigsaw is cut or cutting a variety of materials: plywood, wood, chipboard, ceramics, glasses, plastics, drywall and metal. With this tool, people can carry out cutting not only in a straight line, but also to cut the materials on curve or curly circuits. Supplies are used and for drinking various holes. This universal tool of the hosts is used in roof repair work, in the process of manufacturing simple home furniture, when laying outdoor coatings, etc.

Which jigscription choose: Differences tools

Electrolovka device.

Lobzik for the house acts much faster and more efficiently saw, which allows you to save time spent on the workflow. Therefore, this tool, if it is not possible in the apartment or in the country it is worth buying every owner. If a person decided to acquire this universal thing, he sooner or later will be given to the question, which jigscription is better to buy, because there are a large number of species and models of this tool. What should pay attention to when choosing a jigsaw to become the owner of an excellent home assistant?

How are some jigsaws different from others?

Which jigscription choose: Differences tools

Electrolovka size.

All existing jigsaws are manual and electric. An ordinary hand tool has a simple structure and is designed to drink various models of wood or plywood. The advantage of such a tool is not only low cost. With the help of manual jigsaw, you can easily and accurately perform thin cuts directly along the markup line. For a hand tool, you do not need to spend electricity, so even in the absence of for any reason in the house of electricity, this pot is always ready to work. The disadvantage of the usual jig is the inability to cut other materials in addition to wood, so this tool is only suitable for simple repair associated with cutting or sawing wood.

In all other cases, the owners cost to acquire an electric jigsaw for the house. Although it costs more, but more quickly in work and, depending on the model, it is capable of sawing everything from wood to metal.

Tools that feed on the power grid are called still pubisy electric copies, they are divided into 2 groups: household and professional.

What jigscription is better? The purpose of household bulk saws is cutting parts from wood (no more than 7 cm thick) and thin steel (0.4 cm). This type of electroopers is recommended to purchase those owners who will use them infrequently, until 20 o'clock in 30 days. Produce such models mainly in China.

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Professional jigsaws are considered a better, powerful and productive tool. They are capable of cutting a large thickness of materials than household models: up to 2 cm aluminum, 1 cm steel, up to 13 cm wooden parts. Such tools are usually equipped with additional features that facilitate and improving the work process: automatic swapping sawdust, illumination of the work zone, lever, allowing you to quickly replace one pylon to another, etc. Professional electric copies are able to withstand long loads, but they are more expensive than domestic logs. Such tools are not produced in China, but in Europe: Sweden and Germany. For multifunctional home repairs, it is a professional jigscription that is best suited.

Differences of the jigsaws are noticeable from each other and in the appearance of the tools. So, they are of different sizes and have pens of several species. Manufacturers produce a mushroom and brass handle. Which one is preferable? The handle in the form of a mushroom is more convenient to work on an inclined plane, and a bag-like handle allows the master to see the line well for which it should be made. Thus, each person chooses a model in accordance with its goals and preferences.

A few words about saw blades

Which jigscription choose: Differences tools

Diagram of the device of the electrolovka and its drive mechanism.

Before you choose a jigsaw for a home, the owner should know that one of its main parts is a saw blade, or a pedel, which is driven by the engine. Pilking for jigsaws are different colors, sizes, shapes of teeth and shank, as they are intended for cutting and cutting completely different materials in their structure. The saw blades themselves are also made of several metals. Carbon steel peels are used in working with plastic and wood soft rocks. The canvas from high-speed steel can be able to cut off not only plastic, but also aluminum, steel. The most durable and reliable are bimetallic canvases that can be sewed any material. They are good to use in the cut or drilling of hard-to-reach places.

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Shanks in sawing canvases are different in shape. You can buy a saw with any shank, and this will not affect the process. A very popular form is one-minded cross, it is produced by such firms such as Makita, Bosch, Skil, Metabo. Less often meet two-minded and smooth shanks, models with shanks that have round holes. Lobzik for the house, depending on its purpose, can have a set of different colors in a set. For example, the company Bosch gray sawdills are designed to cut plastics and wood, and blue - for metal work.

What kind of teeth are pubisy saws?

Which jigscription choose: Differences tools

Hand jigsaw scheme.

The teeth of the saw blades are pointed, sharpened, wave-like polished. Step them may be the same or unequal. Also, the teeth can be of different sizes: large or small. If there is a lot of small teeth on the beer, then it will cut the material slowly, but very precisely. Pilking with a small amount of large teeth will work faster, but rougher. Tooth teeth can be divorced in different directions. The wiring is needed in order to increase the productivity of all work, it also prevents excessive heating of the web, but slightly reduces the quality of the cut.

Pilking with milled and divorced alternate teeth are used for cutting plastic, wood and non-ferrous metals. Small wave-like teeth, divorced not in turn, and groups in different directions are intended for cutting plastic, aluminum and steel. Such a device of teeth provides a very smooth cut. Large polished teeth are easy, but roughly cutting chipboard, soft wood and fiberboard, and tapestry with conical grinding provide a smooth plastic and wood. But for cutting glass or tiled ceramics, the teeth on the saws are not needed at all, diamond spraying is applied to such operations for smooth canvas. Lobzikov wide sawmills are able to cut the materials more quickly and exactly along direct lines, but for cutting curves, narrower canvas are better suited.

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Lobzic electroly saw selection criteria

The owner who is thinking about what jigsik should be purchased to the house, should know what criteria in addition to the appearance of the product and the shape of the pylon can and you need to navigate when choosing a good tool.

    1. The most significant criterion to pay attention to when buying a jigsaw is its power. What it is more, the better and longer without interruption will work the tool. The power of household electroopers ranges from 250 to 500 W, and the power of professional logs does not exceed 800-850 W. It should be borne in mind that powerful tools and weigh more than other electroplates.
    2. None of the people want to spend too much time to work, which is why choosing a jigsaw for the house, men should pay attention to such a criterion as the number of saws of the saw per minute. The higher the speed, the better the working time saves and more economies. Modern electric copies are capable of performing up to 3100-3400 moves per minute.
    3. What jigscription is more convenient in work? The best one that is equipped with a regulator of the frequency of moves. This feature is great for people who wanted to cut the materials of various structures.
    4. Another pleasant function, which has already been mentioned above is the fast and simple replacement of some pylons to others. In some models, the replacement procedure occurs in the usual pressing on a special lever, mounted into the tool body.
    5. An important criterion for some people is the cost of the product. If the tool enjoy infrequently, it is quite possible to choose an inexpensive logby. If large-scale work on the repair or decoration of the dwellings are planned, it is not necessary to save money, and it is better to purchase expensive, but a better tool of a well-known firm.

In any case, the jigscription chooses each for its purposes and taking into account their own capabilities, so the owners, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of various models and species, will take the right decision. They will acquire exactly the Lobzik for the house, which will suit them best and will be faithful to their assistant for many years.

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