Self-leveling liquid sex with your own hands: Preparation and fill of the solution


Performing overhaul in the apartment, you must pay attention to the need for floor alignment. The easiest and most effective way to lead to the floor is in order and prepare for decoration is the use of so-called levels of mass or self-oriented bulk floors. The advantages of these solutions are as follows:

Self-leveling liquid sex with your own hands: Preparation and fill of the solution

In order for the solution well spread over the surface, it is necessary to follow the proportions specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

  • It can be performed by even non-professionals;
  • can be used on any database;
  • can be applied with a thin layer;
  • quickly freezes;
  • The surface is obtained smooth and durable.

What do you need?

Prepare all the tools and materials for filling the solution in advance. You will need:

Self-leveling liquid sex with your own hands: Preparation and fill of the solution

Required tools for bulk floors.

  • dry mix for the preparation of the solution and the container under it;
  • Special nozzle for a drill to knead the solution;
  • toothed roller;
  • threshold for fencing the limits of the room;
  • rule and level;
  • Lighthouses.

Surface must be prepared for work. Check the height differences in terms of level, as well as hill and depressions. With a height of a height of more than 1.5 cm, it is necessary to either cut down the protrusions, or fill the depressions with glue for the tile. Remove the construction trash and dust from the surface. Puck the perimeter of the room by damper ribbon, which will provide sound insulation. All surfaces in contact with the floor must be saved by a painting tape or a polyethylene film to protect against contamination with a solution.

The windows and the door to the room must be tightly closed to avoid draft.

Even a small air movement in the room can lead to the fact that the self-elevated bulk floor will dry up unevenly, which can later lead to cracking. Install the lighthouses and boil the surface. When the primer is dry, you can begin to prepare a solution.

Self-leveling liquid sex with your own hands: Preparation and fill of the solution

Scheme of self-election bulk sex.

The solution is prepared from a dry mixture in a capacity of 25-40 liters. It is first recommended to protect all the surfaces from the possible solution to mix when stirring. You can learn from the instruction to dilute from the instruction, they need to strictly stick. First, the required volume of water is poured into the container, and then the mixture is suited. After thorough mixing, it is necessary to give a mixture to stand 3-4 minutes. This prepared for work is completed.

Article on the topic: Duplex stretch ceilings with their own hands (photo and video)

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Pouring solution

The self-leveling floor is flooded with small portions. At the same time you need to move from external walls to the door. In order not to form in the influx, it is not necessary to lay out the solution too close to the corners and walls. The solution is called self-leveling conditionally, so after the fill of each portion it is necessary to spin it by rule or a wide spatula. You need to perform it as soon as possible and focus on the beacons. After that, the surface is rolled with a gear roller, which allows you to release air bubbles from the mixture. When working, the jerk is unacceptable, movements must be smooth, and everything needs to be performed quickly. The solution begins to be captured after 15-25 minutes.

If you have to work in hard-to-reach places, you can get to them in special shoes with spikes on the sole. The traces of the spikes on the liquid solution are not left. The excess solution is often formed near the threshold, which you need to remove the spatula before it starts to stick. A day will be needed for the solution of the solution, but it is not recommended to start finishing work than in 3-5 days. A specific period depends on the brand of mixture, humidity and temperature indoors, layers of fill, etc.

The next day you need to check the smoothness of the surface. Especially carefully you need to examine areas near the door, walls and in the corners. If at some points there are protrusions, then they must be ske. Now you know how to pour the floor with your own hands.

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