Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving


Lilac is a delicate flower with a delicate aroma, accompanying the arrival of spring. In nature, the short-lived lilac Lilac for many needlewomen, which, with the help of skill, try to capture a fragile flower in their creations: embroidery of lilac beads on fabric, lilacs from satin ribbons, losing lilac clay. In this master class on lilac beads, weaving process will be described in detail. On its basis, you can create a real masterpiece, which will become a pleasant element of the interior or an excellent gift.

Weaving lilac beads - work is quite painstaking, requiring the perishability, a sufficient amount of free time and some techniques of beadwork - a technique of looping weaving and a French analogue. So, proceed.

To wet one lilac of lilac, we will need:

  • beads of lilac and green;
  • Thin wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • Threads Muline green;
  • Lubes.

Eternal blossom

Using the technique of looped mating, begin to make lilac flowers. To do this, we take a wire 20-30 cm. Long. For the most accurate imitation, it is necessary to weave flowers out of 5, 6 and 7 loops, as in the photo. On each loop of 5 beads.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Now weching the loops on the branches in such a way that the mini bouquet is formed.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

We continue to springs, the more, the better, about 50 pieces.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Now we need all scattered twigs to combine in one big branch. We take three twigs with a different number of loops and begin to wrap green thread, starting on top. Gradually, we join 1-3 small twigs. Here's what it looks like:

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

We collect small bundles of flowers in one big.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

We ride several such pyshek from different amounts of beams and twigs. The biggest and chubby bundle will leave on the top of the lilac. When the twigs at the beams will become enough, we collect them in one big branch.

Article on the topic: How to knit sind needles?

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Leaf of circular weaving

We are taken for leaflets, they need to be placed in French technique or, as it is also called, circular weaving.

Please note that it is more convenient to work with wire, without taking it off from the coil.

So, we ride green beads on a wire and create a loop, leaving the free end of about 5-7 cm. We ride 4-5 beery on it, and begin to told arcs from two sides with a sedition of the leaf. For greater clarity Look at a schematic image of weaving leaves:

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Following this scheme, we get such a leaf:

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

If still there are doubts, then see the video, in which the technique of French weaving is shown in detail.

As in the case of flowers, for greater similarity with the real lilac, the leaves should be made with a different number of arcs, that is, slightly different in magnitude.

Web about 10 leaves. The next action you need to give the weight of the leaf leg. To do this, we attach 1-2 wires to it and wind thread.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

After that, we collect leaves in one or two green twigs, priming them with each other with the help of threads.

We collect a twig of lilac

As a result, it turned out several parts of the future lilac.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

It remains to collect them together. As the basis of the branch we take a wooden wand or a thick wire.

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Master class on lilac beads: how to make a flower with your own hands with a photo and video on weaving

Here is a pretty twig of lilacs turned out! Now you know how to make a lilac beaded with your own hands. If time and patience allows, you can make a whole bouquet and arrange in a beautiful composition with a vase or a basket.

Video on the topic

Video on weaving lilac from beads will help to understand the most difficult moments in the work and try other weaving techniques of colors and leaves.

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