Transforming tables - 30 models


Small-sized accommodation requires a particularly suspended approach to the choice of furniture. Not only should it be beautiful and comfortable. They should be functional. More functional furniture than a transformer table to imagine is difficult not enough that there are models that increase in size, there are those in which the presence of tabletops is difficult to suspect.

Table transformer for kitchen and living room

Transformed furniture is relevant for small rooms. It helps the maximum use of the existing area. Often small size is the kitchen. Here you have to twist in order to enter all the necessary components into a limited space.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Table transformer can be made in modern style

Folding models

It is more difficult to enter a dining table in a small kitchen: it takes too much space, and also you need to put chairs ... a good output - sliding or folding transformer table. They differ in the transformation mechanism. In the folding part of the table top attached on the loop. It turns out that in the folded state, part of the table "hanging" on the hinges or is laid on / for another part of the table.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Round dining folding table transformer for kitchen

One of the well-known options is a folding desk book (one of the options in the photo above). This is when the central part of the table is fixed, and the side is attached to it with the help of loops. If necessary, one of the movable legs is extended, lifting the attached tabletop.

Another option is a tabletop consists of several identical parts, also bonded with loops. The difference is that they lie on each friend. Legs in such furniture - sliding. Pull the legs for a certain distance, lay out the worktop.

Transforming tables - 30 models

How does the transformation mechanism work in this case

Transforming tables - 30 models

Folding dining table

The countertop is divided into two or three fragments. Depending on the width, it can be used as a small table in the kitchen, or as a console, as in the photo above.

Sliding and table console

The difference in this group is not fundamental, but the principle of transformation is different. These tables have a sliding base and some inserts, with which the tabletop is increasing. This design is also called the console table.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Table console - Comfortable view of the folding table

This type of the transformer table is convenient. In the folded state, it takes very little space. For example, if folded the table, which is depicted in the photo above, the width will be equal to the width of two folded end parts. Additional legs and inserts are placed just in these ending parts. It is possible to push it depending on the wish, setting one, two or more inserts. I got a lot of guests - they laid everything. We need two extensions - only one.

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Transforming tables - 30 models

Round folding table will come in handy when a couple of guests came

Transforming tables - 30 models

Rectangular sliding dining table

There are still sliding models simpler. They simply slide a little and the dining table of modest sizes becomes a little more. Similar transformation mechanisms are used both for round and for rectangular models.

With retractable worktop

Another way to increase the area of ​​the dining or coffee table is to hide part of the table top under its main part. You need a large area - it was pulled out. But not all such models have a mechanism that allows you to make it so that the extended part of the table was at the same level with the "main".

Interesting sliding model with traveling countertop

Transforming tables - 30 models

Coffee Stoic turns into coffee

Magazine turns into a dining

There are some interesting ideas of how to turn a low coffee table in a comfortable dining. There are a lot of interesting ideas, mechanisms of various types.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Different styles and materials

Transforming tables - 30 models

Unusual shape and interesting mechanism

Transforming tables - 30 models

Favorite Many Model Making Coffee Table Turning into Dining

Transforming tables - 30 models

Raise the cover ... The mechanism must be reliable, with fixation

Coffee table / dining table is popular, as it is not always possible to separate the dining room in the apartment. And put the dining table in the living room - not the best designer move. So it turns out that the Table Transformer journal-dining will save the situation. In folded form, it does not distract attention at all, and 6-8 people can be located in the unfinished after it.

Worker and computer

In a small apartment, it is not always easy to find a workplace. For such cases there is a folding computer or desktop. In the stationary part there are shelves on which you can place books, a computer, a laptop, another office equipment. There are models with closed shelves on the side. This is a small closet with a table "In one bottle".

Transforming tables - 30 models

Wardrobe desk can be used in a teenage or adult room

Transforming tables - 30 models

Computer Table Transformer For Schoolboy or Student

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The countertop consists of two parts, the second part is unfolded if necessary. Very convenient option of folding desktop for teenage schoolboy, student.

Another idea that allows a small wardrobe to turn into a solid size workplace - extendable table top. In a compact state, it hides under the "main". When it is necessary to increase the size of the table, it is simply nominated. Basically, the rotary mechanism is used, but there are models with retractable.

Transforming tables - 30 models


For easier movement, legs that need to be moved with wheels. Only it is necessary to watch the "the wheel zone" of the wheels did not fall a soft flooring. They can "protest" noticeable traces. This time. And two - to move the wheels on the soft surface is not easy.

There is a transformer table in the form of a chest, in which the workplace is equipped. Since the work today is almost always connected with the office equipment, there is where to place the screen, keyboard, system unit. And you can place laptops at all a couple of pieces.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Computer table can be "hidden" in the dresser

Due to the folding lid, the working surface of a small table can be significantly increased. Only better do not put a serious office equipment on the folding part. It is better to place it on the "stationary" part.


Another version of the organization of the workplace is a chest of drawers with a folding countertop. For small-sized apartments - Nakhodka. You can put in the passing place and use retractable boxes for the purpose. When you need to settle down with a laptop or notebook, raise the worktop, push the foot-focus. You can work. Classes are over, the leg deployed into place, the countertop fell. The chest of drawers occupies a minimum of space - 60-80 cm, depending on the depth of the boxes.

Transforming tables - 30 models

The chest of drawers in a few minutes will make the living room in the dining room.

Second variation in the photo on the right. Here the lid rises on metal stops. The lack of this design - boxes are smaller in size, as the sidewalls are busy under the folding mechanism. Dignity - no one will come to anyone that this bedside can turn into a table.

Table transformer with soft furniture

An interesting thought is to make a sofa that turns into a table. Rather, the table is attached so that in the closed position it hides behind the back of the sofa. In such a state, this is the usual (well, almost) sofa. If you need a workplace, throw the back forward.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Folding sofa table

On the same principle make the chair table. It is simple to have a smaller width. Some models allow you to translate a tabletop forward without folding a sleeping place. Excellent option, if you like breakfast in bed.

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A more spartan, but no less original way - to the back of the sofa from the opposite side to attach a worktop. A full-fledged workplace will not work, but a laptop, a couple of notebooks and books can be put. For schoolchildren, this is not an option, but for students or those who want to surf in the network - it is very good.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Tabletop is fixed on the back

In this version there is one "but". The sofa should stand in the middle of the room. In any case, the distance from the wall should be at least a meter. This is possible if the sofa back is a zone separator in the studio apartment.

For feeding a child

There is a chair-transformer for feeding a child. He has two positions. The first is a low table with a seat. This option is good when the child can already or try to eat himself. In this position there is a fairly large tabletop to which you can put a plate. In this position, the table and chairs are low, you can leave a child yourself.

Transforming tables - 30 models

This folding high high school chairs was produced more than 30 years ago. Today it is no less convenient than before

In the second position, the chair is high - the seat is located at the level of the usual dining table. This option is suitable for joint meals with adults when mom is near. Sometimes they have wheels for easy movement, but some factories produce and without them. They have

The disadvantage of this model is a table and chairs are fastened together. It is not possible to divide them. Then the table and the stool will be unstable. This problem is solved in another model. Then the table turns over "upside down", a chair is inserted into it. They are kept due to the cunning system of weave the legs of the chair and the table.

Transforming tables - 30 models

Another variant

This type is good because the table and chair can stand separately and when children are growing, they can be used as ordinary children's furniture.

Interesting ideas of transforming tables in the photo

Transforming tables - 30 models

Sofa-table-chair ... 5 use options

Transforming tables - 30 models

Journal-dining table - convenient to install in the living room

Transforming tables - 30 models

Table transformer can be made in modern style

Transforming tables - 30 models

Easy Movement Hand Card turns into the desktop

Transforming tables - 30 models

Perfect option for indoor terrace, patio

Transforming tables - 30 models

And a sofa, and a table, and the deputies .... Modular furniture

Transforming tables - 30 models

Chair-bed-bed-bed ... Multifunctional furniture

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