PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview


Nowadays, the wallpaper glue is not a scarce product, it does not need to cook it yourself, it is sold in all building stores. The range depends on the size of the store, but usually 3-4 brands are always available to select.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Glass Series for Glass Choices and Wallpaper Painting on Flizelin

Glue for wallpapers produce Russian, German, French, Swedish and many enterprises of other countries. Today we would like to stay on the German brand of glue Pufas. This glue not so long ago appeared in the market of finishing materials of the Russian Federation, but already enjoys well-deserved popularity among professional workshops of finishing work.

Adhesive Pufas

The history of Pufas taught its beginning in the last century. During this time, the colossal volume of experience in the manufacture of building materials was accumulated, which certainly affected the quality of products.

Bulk adhesive Puffas is made from high quality raw materials. Each technological process of production is under the close control of specialists.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Logo of the German company

Such a fundamental German approach in the manufacture of glue for wallpaper could not not give results, so the hill adhesive PUFAS is one of the best in its segment.


Without crimsorily, let's lay out the key advantages of the hillock glue by PUFAS.

The glue is fusing in a bright cardboard packaging, which necessarily present the composition of glue and instructions for its use, in which the preparation instruction is clearly spelled out.

When mixing, PUFAS adhesive of any brand is easily dissolved in water, it does not form clots and lumps, immediately forming a homogeneous composition.

During sticking and after drying, PUFAS does not leave any divorces or spots on the wallpaper canvas. The color of the inner layer of wallpaper remains smoothly as it was before applying the adhesive composition. Himself ready-made white glue, but after applying to wallpaper, it becomes transparent.

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PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Special Environmentally Clean Glue

Modern high-quality wallpaper glue is difficult to imagine without additives against mold, naturally glue PUFAS contains all these additives.

The glue includes PVA, to increase the strength of the clutch of surfaces, which is also indicated on the package.

When sticking the woven cloth on the wall, PUFAS glue immediately holds it, but allows you to align the position, connect the drawing.

Adhesive Puffas is relatively rarely found in stores, but despite this has an acceptable price.

The shelf lifting period, as it should be, is 5 years and more, it is not the limit for dry mixture.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Elite glue for exclusive wallpaper

Like any high-quality products, PUFAS glue has all the necessary certificates and permits for use. The fact that these permissions are issued in the European Union adds trust puffas.


Pufas lines of wallpaper adhesives include several species of adhesive compositions, both dry and ready-made, liquid.

Now Pofas releases wallpaper glue:

  • A dry powder made from starch, designed for sticking light wallpaper (paper), the composition is reinforced with modern formulas;
  • For heavy wallpapers (vinyl, phlizelinov), adhesive made of methylcellulose, which allows you to simplify the process of blending wallpaper;
  • For complicated fiberglass wallpaper, PUFAS brand produces its composition, which is also applicable to bleaching wallpapers on a badly launched surface;
  • Liquid universal adhesive composition, ready to use.

In addition, Pofas produces primers, fluids for removing wallpaper walls, glue in tubes for the liner of the joints, these materials simplify the entire workflow.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Universal glue from the German brand

Wallpapering wallpapers on Pufas glue does not differ from the work with the adhesive of another company, so we will not paint all times the entire technology of the wallpaper glue, but we will stop at puffass reviews.

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During the sales in stores, many interesting facts have accumulated about working with this wallpaper glue, we would like to share a small sample of the most important points.


The cost of PUFAS glue is comparable to many domestic and imported counterparts, but at the same time you buy a German appropriate quality glue.

Instructions for working with it are applied to the glue pack, and not only painted, but also drawn, which is very convenient in the process of sticking. Looked and everything instantly understood.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

Educated EU standards, German glue composition

Many people really like the fact that PUFAS glue is easily divorced. It does not form lumps and is mixed literally in a couple of minutes.

The composition after exposure is thick, it is very simple to apply it on the wallpaper.

Very rare complaints on the quality of the adhesion of glue, as it perfectly holds a wobble cloth on the wall.


It is noted that on the fact of glue to work more than recommended on the package. Perhaps more, this is due to our tendency to reinsure.

In the finished form, the bulk glue is stored 1-2 days, after which it loses its adhesive properties. Of course, this remark refers to diluted dry glue.

PUFAS wallpaper glue, overall overview

German glue with indicator to work with vinyl wallpaper

Pufas glue has a certain smell, which cannot be considered pleasant, it is manifested in the process of applying the composition on the wallpaper. The smell is not associated with its technical characteristics, so it is not necessary to scare it.

Other complaints on the quality of glue and work with it has not yet been revealed.

Using the wallpaper glue PUFAS for work on the shook wallpaper, you definitely laid a good foundation for an excellent result.

Similar German glue according to characteristics and price is the glue ECON.

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