Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price


We invite you to consider the features of the door locks from the Italian manufacturer Mottura, find out what they differ, for which doors are suitable.

We choose the mechanisms of Mottura

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

For more than half a century, the Italian company Mottura is engaged in the design and production of various door locks. During these years, Mottura's brand has spread its influence on the relevant segments of Europe, USA and Canada, as well as Russia. The distinctive features of this company are the continuous improvement of their designs, as a result of which Mottura castles are considered one of the most reliable.

An important characteristic of the brand products Motteta is the stability of the parameters of the products and affordable price. This is due to the wide use of automation in the production and assembly of locks, as well as constant monitoring of the quality of finished products. The bulk of Mottura castle products from Mottura is castles with an elevated level of secrecy that are designed for installation mainly in armored doors. Products are certified by ISO 9001: 2000.

In addition to locking products, the brand Motteta also has also released Mottura Basic and Mottura Zamak, which are designed to increase the reliability of locking mechanisms from hacking or mechanical damage. The company also produces safes, the price of which is available to everyone.

The responsibility and respectability of the company is largely manifested by the branchedness of its own service centers. In this regard, Mottura trademark is at a decent level.

Classification and technical specifications of products

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Mottura mortise

The market presents the castle products of the following varieties:

  • overhead;
  • mortise;
  • Suwald: both with ordinary and replaceable cores;
  • Suwaline-cylindrical (combined).

Already a simple listing of constructive varieties of products suggests that the brand Motetuce covers almost all the most popular types of zealous products.

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The main parameters of Mottura mechanical locks are reduced to the table.

Name of parameter

Product model


My Key.



Type of castle





Type of locking mechanism





Number of locking riggers, pcs





Diameter of Rigel, mm


Departure riglels, mm






Left and right



there is

there is


Availability of handle


there is

there is

there is

All castle models in the table are the highest - the fourth class of burglary resistance. This explains the fairly high price of product data.

In addition to the above, the Motta company also produces models of electronic locks, which are combined into the so-called "series 49". A distinctive feature of these products is that to actuate them use a remote electronic unit, a complete display on liquid crystals. The price of the product at the same time, naturally, will increase.

Locks of this series can be supplied with a regular key station. Mottura castles at the request of the customer can also provide a mechanical part. This even more increases the hack resistance of the design, because in this case, in order to open the door, you need to use both mechanical and electronically key. It is placed in the usual key by embedding in the last special integrated system "MMCode transponder".

Fabricate features

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Products of this brand are designed for embedding exclusively in heavy doors. Reviews about the work of locks and their price indicate their high reliability, which, not least due to the high degree of originality of keys. Almost all of them have individual features and can only be duplicated in the company's service centers.

Increased burglary products give the original structures designs. They practically eliminate the possibility of whether to knock out or drill the lock, as well as press the door in which it is installed. Depending on the thickness of the lining and the price increases.

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Of interest is a technical innovation introduced by Mottura in combined products of its production. At the time of use of the cylindrical lock part, the suvalden part overlaps with a special moving curtain, as a result of which the burglary of the castle increases.

All MOTTUR locks are equipped with a quick crossing system and equipped with disposable mounting keys. Some products (for example, the MyKey series) are not subject to transcoding at all, since the keys are performed by ball-shaped moving elements, the duplication of which is fundamentally impossible. Such a lock must be completely replaced, regardless of what is its price. Some Mottur locks are equipped with night lock systems, which can be useful when installing them, for example, in garages or in the entrance gate.

Especially many innovations expect buyers who decided to purchase SERRABLOCA series locks. This is the last issue of the release of a novelty from the motor. Here, in particular, the principle of opening itself was changed. Instead of rotation, smooth keystroke is carried out, during which the necessary movement of the suvalde plates occurs. The pad is made armored, and the Suwald mechanism is securely protected by a solid alloy plate, depending on which the price is suitable.

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Consumer reviews of Mottura trademarks indicate that a considerable part of buyers attracts a combined system for managing opening / closing processes. The price of products is determined by the complete set, but in general is sufficiently available in its segment.

High reliability, which differ Mottura locks is largely determined by the fact that the certification takes place not only the products themselves, but also some components for them. For example, keys, cylinder mechanisms and more.

Motatat company pays great attention not only to the quality of manufacturing its products, but also the quality of its installation in the door systems. Most of the company's service centers regularly undergo appropriate certification and licensing for the right to perform work on the manufacture of duplicates of keys and the installation of particularly complex lock systems. This explains the lack of negative reviews about the unreliable work of these products.

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At the same time, you should warn buyers from possible falsification and fake products Moteta. Mottura specifically emphasizes the instructions for their products that the reliable functioning of locks is possible only under the condition that these works are fulfilled by highly qualified specialists.

A positive feature of commercial products from the mottrecy is that all of it in their parameters corresponds to domestic gtostas.

Naturally, Mottura castles can be installed and appropriate not in all cases. For example, it is not applicable to wooden doors, as well as to steel doors with relatively thin door canvases. The feature of the Suwald keys from Mottura is their increased compared to the usual length, which can also cause some inconvenience.

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price

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Door locks Mottura: quality, reviews and price


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