Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl


Sydial repairs in his apartment, we subconsciously plan all its move. It is fundamentally important for us how work will be held on the leveling of walls, their processing and bringing them to a normal state, how the wallpapers will be glued, how minor items will be commemorated, how the furniture will be collected and installed.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Combination strips and drawing in the living room

At the same time, we can not imagine how many subtleties and nuances we will have to learn during this repair. For example, one of the often arising issues that can stand in front of the direct blending wallpaper is the use of glue. Adhesives are many of the most different, and each is designed for their type of wallpaper, but there are universal.

There is a reasonable question - is it possible to use glue for vinyl wallpaper to phlizelin, whether they will stay on the wall and what is the principal difference. For a response to this question, slightly deeper into the wallpaper theory. Consider the differences of phlizelin wallpaper from vinyl

Types of vinyl wallpaper

In this context, we will not consider paper wallpapers, and immediately move directly to vinyl. Vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by decorative material and on the substrate.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Wide selection of vinyl wallpapers of different types

By decorative material, vinyl wallpapers can be divided into the following groups:

  • foamed vinyl - tender structure with a clear texture, wallpaper soft to the touch, but not practical;
  • Tight vinyl - soft, smooth, but wear-resistant material, which is moderately moisturized and ready for long-term use;
  • Silkography - vinyl with the addition of fabric fibers, it resembles silk, from which it is called, very dense and high-quality material;
  • Vinyl hot stamping is the most durable and hard material having a pronounced texture that designers are used to combine with the ornament of the canvas.

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On the substrate, or as it is also called the basis, vinyl wallpapers are divided into two types:

  • Vinyl on paper - usually it is a standard, half-meter width;
  • Vinyl on Flizelin - Fliselin Opportunity Complies All Wide Wallpapers, from 70cm and more, not to be curly, feel free to say that all the meter width wallpaper on Flizelin.

Why is Flizelin (nonwoven canvas, which is created when mixing cellulose with fabric fibers) is used for heavy wallpaper? Yes, because it is extremely durable and can attach to the wall and hold the wobbly canvas.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis in the interior of the living room

In addition, the phlizelin substrate does not absorb moisture, which makes it very much easier for the process of sticking. Fliselinic wallpaper sticking is fundamentally different from others, since the glue is applied only on the wall.

Types of glue

As we can see, the substrate is characteristic of the flieslin wallpaper, and the upper decorative part of them from vinyl.

There are, of course, exceptions - wallpaper for painting, which are fully made of Flizelin, and we also take them into account.

Fliselin is not a demanding material, glue, by and large, there may be any, but its consistency should be given the basis of the wallpaper conclude with the wall. The masters say that glued wallpaper with a fliesline substrate for glue for paper, vinyl and other wallpapers, and the result was decent. Most likely, they speak the truth, but perhaps something to be cunning.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Combining Wallpaper from Foamed Vinyl

If we consider wallpaper adhesives, then they happen:

  • universal - suitable for all types of wallpaper;
  • Specialized - created for a specific type of wallpaper.

The difference lies in the composition. Universal adhesives are basically starch, additives against mold and fungus and in a small amount of PVA. Specialized adhesives consist of starch upgraded in various ways, the same additives and PVA, but in serious quantities.

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It is PVA who gives glue strength, and it became necessary, it is necessary for sticking heavy flieslinic wallpaper.

Remember the vintage method of sticking wallpaper, when the construction of the PVA was specifically made in any glue. Now it is no longer necessary to do, but the principle is observed.

So if you have a wallpaper on a fliesline basis and glue for vinyl or paper wallpapers, then it is quite acceptable to use it in operation.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Russian glue for vinyl wallpaper

However, wallpaper glue will suit only good quality satisfying the following criteria:

  • First of all, the glue should be environmentally friendly, not harmful to man, animal environment;
  • Most manufacturers on the package contains detailed instructions for working with glue, and this is also a undoubted plus;
  • powder is obliged to have a homogeneous consistency, without lumps, foreign objects;
  • water breeding should not cause any problems, no lumps, bunches and other things;
  • After reaching the required consistency, the glue is applied to the wallpaper or wall uniformly;
  • He is immediately ready to keep the wallpaper cloth on the wall, but gives it time to align;
  • As it dry does not leave no spots in any kind of wallpaper, be it fliseline or paper.

It would seem that the above requirements are obvious, but not all formulations are ready to fully observe them. In order to learn more about a specific manufacturer, it is recommended to refer to the Internet. We, in turn, tell about some of them.

Glue manufacturers

Recently, we are increasingly used in construction imported goods, and wallpaper glue is no exception. Most of the manufacturers of decent adhesives for wallpaper are foreigners. So the European manufacturers actively offer us their products.

Methilan, Econ, Moment, Pufas

The first three brands are produced at one factory and have very similar characteristics. Yes, Methilana stands out by its price and color, but in reality, it is just a better known brand.

It is rumored that Methyl adhesive is so high-quality that is ready to glue any wallpaper with any composition. Of course, we did not check it, but we are confident that more this is an advertising move.

For phlizelin wallpaper, this glue is suitable in the best possible way.

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Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Popular German wallpaper glue

Econ came to us quite recently, but he has proven perfectly well. Well, and how the Germans began to make glue under the mark, and it is not at all clear, but at the level it is a very good glue composition.

Pufas produces another German company, but the glue turns out quite decent, that's just finding it in stores does not always succeed.

Cleo, Kelid.

French producers protrude with Kleo and Quelyd brands. There are both glue in the average price segment, but the quality of the composition is still above average. Good dear wallpapers are perfectly glued on these adhesions, for paper makes no sense to take them.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

French glue glue for vinyl wallpaper

Very qualitatively, the French worked out the execution of the pack, all the data in their places, everything is simple and understandable. Instructions for working with glue are drawn and described in detail, the necessary recommendations are given.

CMC, Childhood

Russian manufacturers are represented by classic CMCs and a new figure in the modern production of wobbly adhesives - the Quolati brand. Both compositions relate to the budget line of adhesives, but can be applied everywhere.

Is it possible to beat the phlizelin wallpaper glue for vinyl

Glue for Wallpaper CMC

The glue of CMC is glued to so much wallpaper that it envies any other composition. But in most cases it is simple paper web.

As you can see, choose from what, so choose calmly. Carefully read the necessary consistency of the adhesive composition, if you still decide to glue on the vinyl glue phlizelin wallpaper. Do better thicker than fat, do not risk good wallpaper.

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