How to choose a linoleum for a bedroom: criteria, tips (photos and video)



The bedroom is a room that is characterized by such features as a small permeability and an increased requirement for environmental and hygiene. To find out how to choose a linoleum for the bedroom, you should define all the qualities necessary for the outdoor material in this room.

How to choose a linoleum for a bedroom: criteria, tips (photos and video)

Linoleum is enough durable material, a coating is suitable for a bedroom from 1.2 to 1.5 mm thick.

How to choose a linoleum for a children's bedroom? The coating in this case should correspond to rooms with medium permeability and have sufficient protection against mechanical damage. It should be a thickness of at least 3 mm so as not to change it for a considerable time. It is preferable to purchase a cloth on a foam based with a protective layer of 0.25 mm.

Linoleum selection criteria

The general advantages of the use of linoleum as an outdoor coating include the following properties:

How to choose a linoleum for a bedroom: criteria, tips (photos and video)

Linoleum structure.

  • soft structure;
  • relatively low cost;
  • good performance;
  • a variety of color solutions and drawings;
  • wear resistance.

To choose correctly to choose a linoleum, it is important to take into account its characteristics such as the number of layers, the thickness of each layer and the canvas in general, the warranty period of operation, resistance to thermal and mechanical effects.

By type of material used for the manufacture of linoleum is divided into two main types:

  • natural;
  • based on PVC (synthetic).

Depending on the presence of the base, the material is divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous linoleum is homogeneous by the structure of a cloth with a thickness of 1.5-3.0 mm. Polyvinyl chloride granules, limestone and staining additives are used for the manufacture of the canvas. This type of floor covering is preferable to apply indoors with frequent movement of people. Homogeneous material last time retains the initial appearance even when exposed to maximum loads.

The heterogeneous linoleum is a PVC coating, the structure of which consists of several layers:

  • The upper transparent layer performs protective functions from chemical and physical impact;
  • The second decorated layer creates an attractive appearance of the material;
  • The base layer can be made of foamed PVC, polyester, jute or felt with the addition of fiberglass for strength.

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The heterogeneous type of coating reaches a thickness of 6 mm, it is more expensive than homogeneous and diverse in terms of color solutions.

What floor should be in the bedroom?

To choose a linoleum for a bedroom, we take into account that this room does not require special strength and, accordingly, the large thickness of the material. Therefore, there will be enough coating with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm with a top layer of 0.15-0.2 mm. In this case, the material can be both with polyester and with foamed base.

In the bedroom, air purity is of great importance for a full sleep, so the flooring should be made of natural material.

How to choose a linoleum for a bedroom: criteria, tips (photos and video)

Linoleum mounting circuit on the floor.

Natural linoleum meets all hygienic and environmental standards. It consists of cork and wood flour, jut tissue, resin.

Only natural dyes are used to create a picture. The polymer layer performing a protective function is the only non-a component of the canvas. The oil of flax oil has bactericidal properties.

The refractory quality material allows you to use it with a "warm floor" system equipped in the bedroom. The natural coating will last two times longer than the synthetic (about 40 years), but nevertheless it will be possible to process special mastic periodically. Choosing material, natural type it can be determined not only in appearance, but also by the characteristic smell of linseed oil. The smell is weathered after some time after laying the cloth in the bedroom.

If, solving the question of which linoleum to choose, you still stopped on an artificial version of PVC, it is better to get a coating with a dense foam base. This layer will provide protection against dents, heat and sound insulation. With a significant irregularities of the floor, choose a linoleum on PVC-based is better than a thickness of 2.5 mm. If the surface is perfectly aligned, you can do the material on a polyester basis.

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Coloring of the coating should not be too contrasting and bright. Select the linoleum into the bedroom is better than calmer tones. If you want to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the bedroom, choose the autumn coating tones.

For such an interior, yellow and light brown shades will fit. It is possible to give a cheerful and festive view of the room for children, the overlooking the coating of bright summer colors: bright orange, green, etc. It is estimated to give the interior of the bedroom of the Warm pastel shades.

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