Belen oak floor in the interior: furniture selection, examples (photo)



White oak as an outdoor coating is used quite a long time. In many ways, this is explained by its excellent characteristics and excellent aesthetic indicators. Oak itself is a very durable and reliable tree of wood, and a specially treated, it acquires an unusual structure of wood.

Belen oak floor in the interior: furniture selection, examples (photo)

Figure 2. Contrast in the interior gives the interior unusual and original appearance. This combination uses many designers.

But at the moment the price of such an outdoor coating is high enough, so manufacturers are looking for all sorts of ways to create high-quality materials that imitate the floor whitewashed oak, but at the same time differing from a low cost.

If you for any reason, you cannot purchase an original parquet of oak, treated with special solutions, and then covered with varnish, an excellent option in the interior will serve a laminate or linoleum, having a similar color.

Features of flooring bleached oak

Belen oak floor in the interior: furniture selection, examples (photo)

Figure 1. The interior in the style of minimalism gives some romanticism and historicity room.

Today manufacturers offer a huge amount of diverse flooring. Consumers depending on their taste can choose various materials and different color solutions. Someone likes darker tones, someone chooses the most bright.

If we talk about the color of the white oak, then it should be noted its high practicality. It is explained by the well-known statement that dust visible on the light surface is less visible. In addition, light floor coverings visually expand the space and give the room a noble and exquisite appearance.

What needs to be considered, planning to equip the interior of a bleached oak floor? A variety of color shades of this floor covering. Despite the fact that the main color of the white oak is light gray, it can have a lot of shades: from a dark gray, so-called aged, to pink-gray or yellow-gray. There are varieties of white oak, having a slightly lilac shade.

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All these are cold colors, and the selection of elements and interior accessories to this floor should be very careful. Thus, the texture of this floor covering has small rutters, which gives surface roughness, and the presence of gray is associated with vintage, loss, old age. Such a coating even a minimalism interior attaches some romanticism and historicity: Fig. one.

Receptions and methods of selection of interior items

Belen oak floor in the interior: furniture selection, examples (photo)

Figure 3. It is not recommended to use furniture made from different wood species in the interior.

Given this fact, designers recommend using the main opposite techniques: a complete combination or contrast. Contrast involves the installation of furniture with contrasting colors. For example, there will be more appropriate furniture made of mahogany.

At first glance, this combination looks incredible, but as no other emphasizes the beauty and one and the other type of wood: Fig. 2. Such a combination will be ideal in the interiors of a classic or vintage style: it will give them authenticity and create a feeling of antiques.

If we talk about the reception based on full combination, there are furniture from light wood wood: mountain larch, ash or the same whitewind oak. It does not allow the use of furniture items made from different breeds: Fig. 3. Take this technique, if you plan to equip your home in rustic or country style.

But the furniture is not all that forms the interior of the room. Wall finishing materials should be selected accordingly, wall finishing materials should be selected. So, if you want to give your home with a shade of ancient, choose a colder, light gray tones of floor covering, furniture and walls. If you prefer warmer shades, use yellow-gray linoleum, yellow, greenish or sandy tones of furniture and walls.

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But, according to the designers, the choice of color wall finishing materials and furniture when laying a linoleum. Whole oak can be almost any. The main rule - the floor tone must correspond to the primary color of the interior. If there are 2-3 pieces of furniture of bright tones in the room, make an emphasis on them, and cover the walls of the floor with the material. Conversely, if the furniture is close in shades to the tone of the floor covering, make the walls brighter and rich.

So, the bleached oak is perfectly combined with accents in blue, emerald, chocolate or cherry color options. By themselves, these are very rich and rich tones, which, when combined with vintage gray, make a room as refined as exquisite.

Examples of the interior with floorplane oak

Belen oak floor in the interior: furniture selection, examples (photo)

Figure 4. Interior of the room in a contemporary style: flooring and walls - light, furniture - black, accessories and decor elements - purple.

If you plan to put in your home laminate or linoleum of the color of the white oak, but do not want to contact professional designers, you will be interested in ready-made examples of interior, often used when finishing the apartment:

  1. Classic: Flooring - bleached oak, wall color - gray, furniture - made of mahogany (as a budget version - with imitation under the red tree), as an accent you can use the red sofa and chairs.
  2. White: flooring, walls, furniture - in light colors, white accessories are used as an accent (pillows, curtains, tablecloths, etc.).
  3. Metal: flooring, furniture and walls - in bright colors, metal accessories are used (bronze handles, lamps of various designs, candlesticks, etc.), glass furniture will look good.
  4. Black and white: Flooring and walls - light, furniture - black, accessories and decor elements - purple, lilac, cherry or blue (Fig. 4).

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Create an attractive interior from the floor-colored oak floor covering is quite simple. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because the excess of bright accents can completely spoil the appearance of the premises. But too, too many interior will look a little boring. Use the presented recommendations, and your home will shine new colors and acquire a refined view.

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