How to wash the spots of the greenstone from any flooring


To remove the spots of the greenstone from the floor covering at home and do not spoil the floor, before applying the cleaning agent, check the action of the substance at the invisible area.

How to wash the spots of the greenstone from any flooring

Than to drop the zellowary solution from linoleum

Zelenka is a very resistant dye. In Zelenk, there is alcohol and rain the dye will help alcohol-containing composition and several clean rags.

Nail polish remover

  • Remove the remains of fresh green leaves. Take cotton swabs and a cloth and assemble the greentooth from the edges to the center so as not to smear the stain.
  • Prepare a rag (cotton disc), moistened in a varnish removal tool and carefully, without rubbing, clean the blurred area of ​​linoleum.

Acetic acid and soda


  • Take a chlorine-containing substance for sanitary wooing or chlorine lime. Pour the remedy for the blurred part of the linoleum.
  • Wait 10 minutes and wash the contaminated place with hot water 3 - 4 times. Repeat to remove the greenstock completely.

Manganese, peroxide and vinegar

Remove the spots of the greenstone from the parquet

Such gentle and requiring special attention outdoor coverage as a parquet should be cleaned very carefully. Do not forget to pre-try any tool that you want to wash off the spots of the greenstone on the invisible piece of parquet.


Ordinary white eraser is able to erase the greenfish from the parquet. Before starting the procedure, collect from the floor surplus fresh green.

  • Take the eraser and wet in alcohol solution.
  • Tritter blurred place without much effort so as not to spoil the structure of the parquet.
  • At the end, rinse the floor with warm water and wipe dry.

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If the parquet of natural tree will remove the green stain with acetone or gasoline. Spots with polished surfaces is better to drop using a liquid for washing windows or medical alcohol.

How to wash the spots of the greenstone from any flooring

Acetic acid and soda


In the case when the parquet is not necessary to clean the floor from the greenf, it is almost impossible. Having a porous structure, the parquet instantly absorbs the coloring agent. You can save the coating if you depart the top layer of parquet.

How to cleanse the green on the laminate

Laminate is not afraid of acetone, but for confidence, it is still recommended to try the properties of the fluid on an unnecessary piece of floor covering. It must be remembered that it is not necessary to allow any fluid penetration into the gap of laminate.

Acetone or lacquer removal

  • Prepare the solvent, clean dry rag and cotton swab.
  • First, collect the greenstone with a dry cloth, moving from the edges to the middle.
  • Usefully moist the cotton disk to remove the varnish or acetone and, without rubbing, clean the contamination.
  • Wash the laminate with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Polyrol and alcohol

Remove the spots of the greenstone from the carpet and the palace

How to wash the spots of the greenstone from any flooring

Than laundering your hands from the greenstone at home

The solar spot from the greenstone on the carpet is removed much more difficult, it may not be possible to remove the dye completely. Each means initially check on the invisible section of the carpet.


  • Carpet and Palace with a rude pile Clean acetone.
  • Moisten a cotton swab or a rolled piece of gauze in acetone several times and wipe the stain. As pollution change gauze or disk.
  • As soon as it was possible to remove the stain, wash this section faster with a warm soap solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

  • Prepare a sufficient amount of cotton discs and a bottle of peroxide.
  • Having abscessively water the peroxide and wipe the polluted portion of the palace. We often replace the spoiled cotton swab with a clean disc. Repeat cleaning until the greenflower is dissolved.
  • At the end, rinse with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.
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Soda and soap

  • Shabby on a large grater piece of household soap dilute with water, add polls of food soda and mix.
  • Fat layer of the resulting pasta apply on a spilled green. If the stains are soothed cover the mass with a wet rag and wait half an hour.
  • Take the brush and clean the pile thoroughly.
  • Rock the remaining paste of soap and soda with clean water.

Before using the green, place the bottle into the cellophane package to avoid hitting the floor. Take advantage of gloves and spread old newspapers or cellophane on the floor.

It is better not to shed the green, but if it happened, try to immediately take measures then the chances to get rid of the hateful spots will be much more.

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