How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice


The largest part of the house belongs to the walls, so they play a very important role in the interior of the premises and creating a comfortable atmosphere. It is not enough to simply choose the color of the material for finishing the walls. First you need to determine all the features of the room, take into account its purpose, pick up the appropriate style, think over the finish method, and only after that you can proceed directly to design.

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Table of calculations of the number of wallpaper.

Almost any wall decoration is allowed in the big room. But there may be a situation that they will seem empty, depriving the premises of comfort. To avoid this, a combined cladding method is very often used. The same option applies when repairing problematic premises, because the correct combination allows you to hide almost all the shortcomings of the room and allocate its advantages. Therefore, it will be further reviewed which options for combining wallpaper is better to choose for a particular room and how to put the combined wallpaper.

Combined wallpapers are great for registration of any interior. There are several ways to combine, with which you can beautifully arrange the walls in any room.

Wallpaper sticking horizontal stripes

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Wallpaper sticking circuit.

Wallpapers pasted in the form of horizontal elements will be suitable for almost any room. This method of design is sometimes performed by alternating simple paint with cork or wooden panels, but in most cases it is precisely the alternation of various types of wallpaper.

With this method of sticking, it is best to alternate bands of different wallpaper one through one or one after a few. At the same time, the optimal width of individual bands is selected, given the height of the walls. For example, for rooms with low ceilings it is best to use strips of about 100 cm wide, and at high ceilings - from 150 to 200 cm.

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A beautiful result can be achieved by applying material of various textures. For example, the finish will look great with the help of a combination of textile and vinyl wallpaper: the surface of the first reminds the relief of plaster, and the second will smooth this rudeness with their soft shades and drawings.

It is difficult to glue the combined wallpaper with horizontal stripes, because it is necessary to accurately measure the place of dusting of the strips. To do this, you can spend a horizontal trait on which the seam will be held.

It is possible, if possible, should be parallel to the ceiling, but in the floor, since in this case it will coincide with the level of furniture located in the room.

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Scheme of the order of placing the canvas.

When the walls are saved with horizontal stripes, you first need to put on the gloss of wallpaper strip, which is above, and then start gluing the one that is located below. In place of the connection, the bands must be left a small science, which is not labeled with glue. Only after complete drying of the wallpaper you can crop over and produce a twin. The exact following of this technology will allow to avoid wrinkles and maximize the connection of individual elements among themselves.

Sometimes, with the walls of the wall with horizontal stripes, small irregularities occur in pieces of dusts. This problem can be solved by applying elements such as wooden rails and various borders. They are not only able to solve the problem of uneven edges, but also supplement the interior of the room.

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Wallpaper sticking vertical stripes

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Scheme of materials and tools.

Very good visual effect can be obtained by sticking wallpaper vertical strips of different colors. At the same time, it is necessary to acquire the material of the same texture and width. In color scheme, you can use a contrast combination or use different shades of one color. You can also glue wallpaper with different patterns. Combining wallpaper in this way, you can achieve a unique design, create a mood of comfort and rest in the room.

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Wallpaper sticking technology This method does not provide special problems. At the same time, the adjacent elements can be connected to each other, as well as creating connections of various shapes. The connecting sites will not be noticeable, because they will be on the border of color transitions.

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Using inserts

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Circuit circuit with wallpapers of external corners.

The wall decoration in this way provides for the basis of the basis. First, the walls need to paint or stick on them, and inserts can be used on top of the finished coating.

This technology provides for the use of inserts from more massive fliseline-based wallpapers. Inserts can be of various shapes and sizes. In most cases, to underline the contour of the inserts are made by borders or straps.

Glue wallpaper in the form of inserts is simple enough, because their edges will be under the framed. Ultimately, a unique framing of your room will be obtained, which will give her individuality and stylishness.

Sometimes wobbly inserts are used in large areas. With their help, you can give separate parts of one room a variety of semantic load. For example, a children's room consists of a sleeping, gaming and working part. Therefore, for the bedroom you can apply the wallpaper of calm tones, and for the game and working part to use the wallpaper more rich colors. This method of finishing will fill the room with additional energy and dynamism.

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Selection of various wall elements

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Lines scheme when combining wallpaper.

If there are many different niches and protrusions in the walls on the walls, you should not hide them and close it, because using these items, you can create a modern and unique design. For a clear allocation of niches and ledges, they can be saved with the material of contrasting shades. For example, if the wall in the room is white, then dark shades can be used to design a niche, with a pink wall of the walls, salad niches are perfect. For registration of niches in a monophonic room, wallpaper with hieroglyphs or ornaments are perfectly suitable.

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The main problem when pasting NIS is a large number of additional finishing elements, which significantly increases the time of these works.

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How to glue wallpaper correctly?

To design the wall of the wall with wallpaper, you may need tools and materials such as:

  • brush;
  • Marking cord;
  • stationery knife;
  • roller;
  • putty knife;
  • glue;
  • plaster mix;
  • primer deep penetration.

How to glue combined wallpapers: combination options, specialist advice

Scheme of the order of attacks of the attic wallpaper.

It is necessary to glue the wallpaper on a predetermined surface, purified from old cladding and dirt. At the same time, it is preferably all sockets and switches to remove in advance, and turn off the electricity. The new finish will look perfect if the walls will be plastered, aligned and primed deep penetration primer.

In order to be seen in the joints of the joints, it is necessary to glue the wallpaper with a slight margin, because after drying, they can decrease slightly in size. If horizontal alternation of strips is performed, the seams can be closed with straps or borders.

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Useful advice of specialists for the correct combination of wallpaper

If you decide to combine the wallpaper for the design of the room, take them in one store. If part of the material needs to buy elsewhere, take a piece of already purchased wallpaper with you so that it was possible to attach them to other rolls.

Choose a material of one thickness. The best option is to buy wallpapers of the same quality, which are released by one company, but of different colors and textures.

Properly chosen options for mixing combined wallpapers will help you hide many shortcomings of the room: visually increase the low ceiling or reduce the high, balance the overall illumination of the room, highlight and decorate the niches and protrusions. They can make the room more cozy and comfortable.

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