How to increase seasy clothes?


Situations where your favorite things are too close and short, not so little. Their reasons may be washing or drying at too high temperatures, weight gain, increase growth. The easiest thing is, of course, buy new things. Those who can sew can increase the close blouse or dress with inserts, and get the original and beautiful outfit. And you can try to stretch the product in such a way that it is exactly suitable for increasing volumes or growth.

How to increase seasy clothes?

What clothes can we stretch?

It is guaranteed to stretch the fabric that gives shrinkage, that is, made of cotton or wool, especially knitted. But synthetic material, both rigid and the content of Elastane, will either return to the initial size, or lose the integrity of the fibers. Do not experiment also with silk and viscose tissues, since these threads lose strength during wetting. As for the mixture materials, their ability to stretching depends on the percentage of fibers of different types and structure of the tissue, and is best checked by experimenting in a small area of ​​the product. It should also be remembered that it is not necessary to increase more than one size - even if you manage to do it, too rare fabric will look ugly.

How to prepare a product for stretching?

First of all, you need to carefully inspect the thing, including the lumen. The fabric must be a whole, without scuffs and breaks (even sewn), clean and without spots . After that, it should be clarified to what sizes you will produce stretching. It is best to make a pattern, for this you can use a similar thing that sits well on you. You can also withdraw new standards on such control sizes (for blouses, T-shirts, straight dresses):

  1. Neck girth.
  2. Breast girth (add about 6 cm for free felting).
  3. Niza width (add at least 3 cm).
  4. Total length.
  5. The length of the sleeve.

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When resizing, you need to control the new depth of the arm. It can be measured directly or calculated as one third of the new breast volume plus 5 cm. It may also change the width of the neck, it cannot be more than the neck circumference, divided by three.

For stretching, the product will need to wet, so make the capacity of the appropriate size, liquid soap, neutral shampoo or air conditioner for hair. You will also need two terry towels, stainless pins and some weighting items, such as big books. All the zippers on the product are needed tightly fastened, buttons fasteners and structural cuts - sew with small stitches.

How to stretch T-shirt, sweater, dress

Step 1. Prepare the desired amount of soap solution using a tablespoon of detergent for each liter of water. For cotton products, you can take a liquid soap, for wool you will need hair care products - soft shampoo or air conditioning. The solution must have room temperature.

Step 2. Immerse the product in a soap solution so that it is completely covered and leave for half an hour.

How to increase seasy clothes?

Step 3. Without rining thing, get ready to get it well (even if for this material, unscrewing is not recommended), turning into a dense harness.

How to increase seasy clothes?

Step 5. After unscrewing, the thing is spread, folded on a terry towel, turn together with it in a tight roll, twisting it from the middle to the center, and leave for 10 minutes.

How to increase seasy clothes?

Step 6. Wet, but not a wet product stretch and lay out on a dry terry towel. If there is a desired pattern, it is put under the bottom and fix the desired sizes with pins moving from top to bottom. If there are no patterns, first I minimize the shoulder seams, check the size of the neck, give a wet fabric by any cargo. Then the product is stretched down and on the side to the desired depth of the armor and the width of the breast, fix these points with the pins and pressed the tissue again. Finish stretching the bottom of the sleeves and the entire product, after which they leave it to dry in a horizontal position. In about an hour, you can remove the cargo and, without choosing a thing from a towel, hang it for drying to the rope.

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How to increase jeans?

For stretching denim trousers, you can use the above method. A simpler way is to stretch trousers on yourself. To do this, you only need a pulverizer with water and a large mirror. The sequence of operations will be like this:

  1. Put the jeans, try to fasten them and determine which places need a stretching (belt, buttocks, top of the leg, etc.).
  2. Without removing the trousers, as sprinkle on these areas with water.

How to increase seasy clothes?

  1. After that, take a gymnastics, including amplitude movements of legs, squats, slopes, stretching.

How to increase seasy clothes?

  1. Almost dried trousers, remove the problem areas additionally pull and secure the cargo by leaving it for two days.

A more radical method that allows you to get the perfect clutch and even increase the length is the full soaking of jeans directly. It should be remembered that wet jeans can paint everything with what they come into contact, and the procedure itself will not be too comfortable, and it is desirable to spend it in hot weather. You will need a fairly large capacity (bathroom), water is comfortable for you temperature and old terry towel.

  1. Pour so much water into the bath so that in a sitting position it covers the entire "denim zone", and add a foam for the baths.
  2. Put the trousers, try to fasten them, and sit down in the bath, pre-put the towel on the floor.

How to increase seasy clothes?

  1. After 15 minutes, the fabric will begin to stretch, and you can fasten the trousers, if it failed to do before. For 10 minutes with hands intensively stretch the sections that you hise.

How to increase seasy clothes?

  1. After that, become in the bath, release water from it and wait until the painted water stops with the trousers. At the same time, they will be pulled out in length.
  2. Move from the bath on the towel, take the gymnastics, choosing movements that stretch the problem zones of trousers. Then, for half an hour, you can simply read or take a walk in the yard.
  3. Hang jeans for final drying. After that, they need to be put on and with the help of exercises stretch again.

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