Child rug crochet "Cat with heart"


Child rug crochet "Cat with a heart" - schemes of knitting decorative rug for children's games and decorating the interior of the children's room. A very interesting positive rug with a red heart will undoubtedly cause interest from your baby. Such a rug can be tied for both the boy's room and a small princess room.

Child rug crochet

Child rug crochet "Cat with heart"

See also about children's mats:

"Burenka on the grass" - a children's rug crochet

Child rug crochet "Dog with heart"

The size of the finished rug heart is 85 x 70 cm.

To work, you will need a hook and yarn for knitting: acrylic or any other cotton red, pink, green and brown (beige, gray) color.

Cook knitting patterns:

Child rug crochet

Child rug crochet

Heart Knitting Scheme - Main Master Details:

Child rug crochet

Cattle head knitting diagram:

Child rug crochet

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