Repair of a false roof do it yourself


Repair of a false roof do it yourself

Sooner or later, the owner of any residential building, who served not one ten years, faces the need for repair. For example, a false roof began to flow. How to be in this case: start a partial repair or start a complete replacement of the roof?

When should the roof repair be started?

The repair of the folding roof do it yourself needs to be started in the cases when there is:
  • shutters on the seam;
  • In places of docking chimney with roofing coating, tightness is broken;
  • obvious holes in the roofing sheet resulting from mechanical damage;
  • There appeared the roof deflection;
  • Many signs of wear throughout the roof area.

Each of the listed cases requires bilateral consideration: whether the complete dismantling is needed, or you can do the repair of places where the leakage arose. Let us dwell in more detail on each of these cases.

Leakage due to violation of seams

The first thing to do is to inspect the folding connections. To eliminate the detected leakage, you need to roll the seams, as well as process all seams with special sealing butyl rubber or bitumen self-adhesive ribbons. For many years, they have already proven themselves as a reliable means in interaction with metal coatings. In this case, they will protect the folding seams.

Leakage arising along chimney and walls

The elimination of the resulting defect is starting from checking the tightness of the compounds of the folding profile, after which it is processed to remove damaged parts of the profile adjacent to the wall, we replace the old profile new, secure it with the help of dowels and smell a special sealant. In accordance with the instructions, we make laying folding panels and process possible places of waste sealant.

Mechanical damage to roofing

If a hole was formed as a result of mechanical damage in the roof, then, most likely, it is most likely to replace the folding picture completely with the subsequent complete sealing of all seams.

Several otherwise the repair of the false roof will occur with their own hands, if the roof coating are copper sheets. Due to the comparative softness of this metal, the hole in it can be chopped by a simple tincture. The resulting patch is to cover with a special tool that imitating the old metal will allow the stain not to stand out on a general background.

Eliminate the roof deflection

Rock up or other damage to the roof, its crates, wooden beams or rafters can lead to a roof brave. It is not easy to restructure the entire rafter design. Do not avoid and replace damaged items.

We change the folding roof completely

It is not a pity, but the roof in good condition completely lost its appearance and will have to replace it. You can change the roof, and without removing the old coating. For this, the hammer must be thoroughly bent all folding seams, over to lay a new crate and on top of it the other coating. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such a multilayer roof will receive additional sealing, and, of course, reliability.

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Required tool

Repair of a false roof do it yourself

For the arrangement of a new roof or repair of the already existing roof there are specialized roofing tools.

They differ on:

  • Manual;
  • Electricity operating;
  • Semi-automatic

Simple hand tools are applicable for more subtle work, for example, when installing sandwich panels on the roof or when fastening the folded panels. Hand tools for roofing work should be applied only in cases where you are free and masterfully know how to use it. For work on the arrangement and repair of the roof, with your own hands there is an impressive list of manual tools, the main ones are:

  • Roofing scissors;
  • Various frames;
  • A variety of hammers caliber;
  • Pliers.

The advantages of such manual instruments lies in the availability and ease of use.

Semi-automatic tools include two types of sealing machines. With their help it is possible to carry out a sunset of two false roof panels. Worker moving this semi-automatic tool for folding panels, makes the seams securely connected. The use of semiautomates is particularly effective when connecting long roofing panels, since the tool has high performance in the fastening of the seams.

Repair of a false roof do it yourself

Electric tools include roofing machines. The machine, having a high productivity, is capable of settling the roof panels in a short time. The machine is compact and easy to operate. In addition, the machine is folding equipment, so it is possible to configure it to any desired width. The electric machine will make it easy and quickly repaired the roof or again cover it with the material.

Preparatory work for repairing a folding roof

Repair of a false roof do it yourself

An important step before the upcoming repair is the purification of the roof metal. With metal sheets with a broom, rubbish is removed. Then purification is performed first with rude metal brushes, then softer. These places of roof, and this is a gutter and suspensory, which are most susceptible to corrosion, are cleaned most carefully. After stripping, those places where there was metal corrosion, you need to paint.

Before repairing the roof, it should be carefully examined for cracks. For this, it is desirable in the bright time of the day, one person inspects the root from the side of the attic room, and the other is on the roof of the street. When the crack is detected on the roof, a person who is in the attic denotes this place with a knock of the stick, and the working surface is dried with chalk. After identifying all the defects of the coating and volume of work, you should start repair.

Sequence when repairing a folding roof

Repair work on the restoration of the roofing of metal is to install patches to the place of wear. If metal sheets on the roof have cracks on the surface, then the patch is made on the entire width of the sheet. If the crest is damaged, or any place near it, then local patches are made.

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Repair of the roof of metal piping

Those section of the roof where the cracks are revealed are pre-collapsed. Next, you can proceed to the imposition of payments. The patch must first be covered with oil and have a slight size of a slightly larger area. The edges of the passpoint patch are used for its compound with the main material using folding seams.

In the most problematic places in repair, for example, in grooves, the pay should be attached to a double folded seam. After the right, as the patch will be securely soldered, it and the adjacent areas are crossed with anti-corrosion paint to protect against rust.

Application for tarpaulin repair, burlap, dense fabric

Repair of a false roof do it yourself

If small holes are detected on the roof with a diameter of no more than 30 mm, they are easy to close and without the use of any patches. For this, it is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and rust space barows and further by 30-40 mm around it. Place of repair is closed by suark-based mastic. The next layer will be melted bitumen, and the final layer is roofing mastic. When repairing the hole is closed on both sides: from the attic and from the outside of the roof.

Repair of a false roof do it yourself

For repair of small lesions, you can use pieces of tarpaulin, burlap or dense tissue. The crack can be considered small and can be embedded with these materials if its dimensions do not exceed 30-200 mm. Before applying the plot material, it is necessary to make sure that the fabric or tarps is integer, without damage and is in a dry state. Next, the patch cut-cut is lowered by 15 minutes into the oil paint. Paint can be prepared independently. To do this, it is necessary to mix olive and grated iron or lead tuber. After the deadline, the patch is removed from the paint, pressed and superimposed on the repaired area. Tan carefully, especially around the edges, smoothes a brush. Fully enhances the patch after 5-7 days and it is possible to paint, pre-removing accumulated dust.

In drainters, grooves, eaves, wherever water accumulates or delays, these elements are more corrosion and requires frequent repairs.

If, when inspected, it is discovered that more than half of the roof area is in a worn condition, then repair becomes inexpedient. It is better to decide on laying roofing material re-entirely.

If one should replace individual sheets of coating, they are pre-locked, prepared, and then stacked the same way as laid new materials.

If it is decided to use old roofing sheets, they are pre-leading to a working form: paint, treated with oil, clean, cut down the desired size. But such old materials are not recommended to be used in the repair of eaves, soles or other responsible parts of the roof. For their repair, use new materials. When repairing all the folders, and sleeping, and standing, it is necessary to protect the mask, made on the basis of iron turbine.

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Rates for the repair work of the folding roof

If the repair of a false roof is difficult to do with your own hands, you can always invite specialists who can easily perform the entire complex of work. Depending on the complexity of the work, the prices for repairing a square meter will be different. Exemplary rates for repairing the folded roof of galvanized steel:
  1. When repaired, which includes a replacement of 20% of the crate and a complete replacement of the coating of a simple configuration of a false roof, the cost of work will be approximately 130 rubles. For 1m2.
  2. If the repairs include 20% of the replacement of the crate and the complete replacement of the roofing materials when configuring the folding roof of the medium complexity, then 1m2 repair will approximately cost 145 rubles.
  3. If it is necessary to repair the roof of the average complexity of the configuration with a 20% substitution of the crate and the complete replacement of the roofing coating on the metal in rolls, then such a repair can do in 155 rubles. For 1m2 roofs.

Prices are relevant on December 10, 2019, are indicative and may vary depending on the volume and complexity of work.

Is it worth doing roof repair do it yourself?

Having decided to perform the repair of the folded roof with their own hands, you need to know with what difficulties can be faced:

  1. Detection of problem areas.
  2. Purchase or rental tool.
  3. Selection and purchase of materials.
  4. Qualitative work.

Let's consider each of these items in more detail:

  • Problem places. The search for problem areas is better to do together, one person looks from the street, and the second on the side of the attic or attic. With a complex roof, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine the place of the leakage, since the damaged place and the moisture output can be in different places, and in order to correct this problem, it is necessary to dismantle a rather large section of the roof.
  • Tool. In order to repair only your roof it makes no sense to buy an expensive tool that will not be useful anywhere else. In this case, it is better to rent it. But not in every city there is rental tools and also specialized.
  • Materials. Choosing high-quality materials in our time is a rather troublesome occupation. The abundance of proposals is in a dead end of even professionals, not to mention the newcomer in this matter. Yes, and the desire to save can not play the benefit of the durability of the roof.
  • Work. Perform qualitatively work can both beginner, it is enough to spend time on the study of instructions and work out on samples or stands. Quickly solve this problem will not work independently, and it must be remembered.

And so, if you are not frightened above the difficulties listed, we boldly begin to repair the folded roof with your own hands. And I wish everyone good luck!

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