Kareny screed with your own hands


Kareny screed with your own hands

In this master class, it will be clearly demonstrated how to make a panel with your own hands, decorated in a carriage tie technique. Such products can be used for the decor of the room and as a headboard.


To make a carriage tie with your own hands, prepare:

  • MDF or chipboard sheet;
  • thick sheet of foamed polyurethane;
  • Sintepon;
  • pencil;
  • Fabric for upholstery facial and back of the board;
  • Buttons, upholstered with cloth;
  • Thick and strong threads;
  • furniture stapler;
  • roulette;
  • knife;
  • Drill and drill.

Step 1 . On the harvested piece of wood sheet should be marked. To begin with, the parallel lines along the entire length, observing an equal distance between them. After, already on the lines, you will need to set the points in which the holes will be located. Dots to each other should form diamonds, not squares. Pay attention to it. Points on the lines through one should coincide and not to repeat with the marks on the adjacent parallel.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 2. . Make holes by labels. To do this, use the drill and drill the suitable diameter.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 3. . From a sheet of thick polyurethane also need to cut off a piece. By parameters, it must match the wall panel.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 4. . So that the polyurethane lay better on the harvested wooden foundation, thoroughly warm the side, which he will come into contact with it. Under the influence of hot temperatures, the synthetic base of the material will soften and get a kind of glue.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 5. . Attach the polyurethane harvesting to the board.

Step 6. . Apply markup is needed on a sheet of polyurethane. In the labels you should make holes. Holes must be round, from 1 to 3 cm in diameter.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 7. . On top of the polyurethane, you must lay out a layer of syntheps, so that the wall panel or headboard is sufficiently soft. Holes should be done in them.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 8. . Upholstery fabric with already inserted buttons, crumpled in the tone of the material, should be put on top of the harvested base so that the buttons are coincided with the holes.

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Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 9. . Note, thick and durable threads are attached from the wrong side to each button. With their help, the buttons need to stretch into the holes so that the fabric on the layer of polyurethane and the synthesis stretched.

Step 10. . Tensioning the threads, attach them from the wrong side with a furniture stapler.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 11. . Stapler fix the fabric from the back side of the wooden base.

Kareny screed with your own hands

Kareny screed with your own hands

Step 12. . Tighten the fault and the opposite side to hide all the mounts. Fix the material with the same stapler, converting the edges of the fabric.

Kareny screed with your own hands


Kareny screed with your own hands

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