Elimination of the hole in a plasterboard wall


Repair always brings global changes. And it happens that when repairing something breaks, and you did not expect it. For example, how to close the hole in the drywall? It is worth noting that the plasterboard walls themselves are quite fragile, so it does not cause a hole in it.

Elimination of the hole in a plasterboard wall

Plasterboard walls themselves are quite fragile, so it does not cause a hole in it.

This may occur as a result of a label of any bathroom or when transferring furniture. Suppose you changed the place of residence and must be transferred all the old sofas, cabinets for a new apartment. If the walls are made of drywall, it is very easy to hurt their furniture and at the same time leave dent. How to close the hole in the drywall? Remove the undesirable space in the wall in the wall can be several simple ways.

To begin with, it is necessary to study the dimensions of the dent itself. If it is insignificant, it will be easier to stick to her carefully. But if the hole is quite large, you need a full repair.

Materials and tools to eliminate holes

Elimination of the hole in a plasterboard wall

Tools for plaster.

To eliminate a large hole in a plasterboard wall, you will need to purchase several tools:

  1. A simple pencil is found in every home, especially where there are children.
  2. Wooden ruler. It is quite suitable and metallic.
  3. Special knife, which cuts plasterboard.
  4. The so-called knife saw on plasterboard is extremely necessary.
  5. Saws. About 10 pieces. It all depends on the size of damage in the wall.
  6. Putty knife.
  7. Hacksaw on wooden materials.
  8. An ordinary plastic container that will be used for putty.
  9. Screwdriver. An ordinary electric drill is also suitable for its replacement.
  10. Dry bars of wood.
  11. Ribbon - Mesh of fiberglass
  12. A sheet of plasterboard, which will be more in size than a damaged area in the wall.
  13. Putty.
  14. Ordinary stationery PVA glue.

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Do not be afraid that so many materials. At first glance, everything may seem very difficult, but this is a delusion.

Step-by-step instructions for eliminating a hole in drywall

Elimination of the hole in a plasterboard wall

Before work, it is necessary to outline the perimeter of the workpiece for patchwork.

Step one. It is necessary to measure the hole itself and know exactly its size. A ruler will help in this. The most important thing is accuracy. Therefore, for the safety net, you can throw about 2 cm per side. The outlining perimeter of the workpiece, it is also important to remember that you need to measure the hole itself, but the entire area that is damaged. These measuring readings can be made on the usual A4 format sheet.

Step second. Next, you need all the necessary readings to transfer to the plasterboard workpiece. It will be convenient to do it from a regular sheet. To save waste, it is easier to start measuring from the angular side of the plasterboard. These first stages can cause an association with a child, which in school is engaged in applications, but more serious work awaits us.

Step Three. Cut the drywall is necessary for a special knife, prepared in advance. Cut is important exactly along the contour. This action will require physical effort. As a result, a patch should be turned out.

Step fourth. The piping must be attached to the wall and circle around the perimeter with a simple pencil.

Pitch fifth. At the specified perimeter on the wall, it is necessary to cut a hole with a knife-saw. It should be neat, since the famous Russian proverb says: "Some seven times, a rejection once."

Step six. Two wooden bars should be measured in size of a damaged area and make it so that they are about 4 cm there are more holes. Next, you need to install these bars on the reverse side of the hole. Not with facial! Then, holding a bar with a hand, it is necessary to sew the screws through the plasterboard. It is done from the upper and lower part. Exactly the same action must be done with the second Bru. It is important to note that the bars in this case act as a support for further patchwork.

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Elimination of the hole in a plasterboard wall

Scheme sealing holes in the wall of plasterboard: 1 - Preparation of the lining, 2 - cutting under the lining, 3 - Lining Settings, 4 - putty.

Step seventh. This action is called the installation of the internal crate. That is, self-drawers need to be allowed to abandon the plasterboard piping to the installed bars. You need to drill in the corners.

Step eighth. Patch is ready, but the view is not very pleased. Therefore, it is necessary to close the hole so that there is no trace from the repair. Subsequent steps will be directed to this. Let's start with the finishing of the seams and patchwork. Tape is taken - a mesh of fiberglass and is glued throughout the four seams. It is necessary to glue using PVA glue. Then it is worth a little wait until the glue dries. In the workers, this is called "crossing". That is, you can afford a little rest.

Step ninth. When the glue is dry, you need to start finishing work. We start putty. The cooked mixture for putty must be applied with a spatula on the wall. First you need to walk along all the seams, and then over the entire surface. Let the putty dry dry.

Step tenth. Using emery paper, you need to abded exactly the surface. All extra strokes of putty are removed. Wall is ready. Now you can apply paint or blew wallpaper. From the hole and the trail is not left.

Useful advice

The phased period is clear, but remained open some questions that it is important to take into account.

How to cut the plasterboard correctly?

As a result, you need to get a smooth piece, but it is really difficult to cut it. What should I consider? So, you need to begin with two marked pencil lines on the sides. Deep cuts are made in these areas. Next is cut off the extra section. Now you need to keep the main sheet of plasterboard with one hand, and the second hand gently raise the plot marked with a pencil. As a result, the middle of the plasterboard will break perfectly smoothly.

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How to cook putty?

In this case, it is very important to observe all the proportions. The process is a little resembling cooking. If you add too much salt, it will be tasteless. If you move to one ingredient, the shtaile mixture will not work. So, in the plastic container you need to pour water and add a mixture into it. It is very important to do the opposite. Otherwise, an undesirable precipitate for the bottom of the tank is formed. Next prepare it according to the instructions on the package, which is written on each bag with a mixture. And mix this solution with a special nozzle from the electric drill.

These small tips should help you renovate unexpected damage to the plasterboard. The question of how to close the hole in the drywall, should no longer arise.

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