How to update furniture by self-adhesive film?


How to update furniture by self-adhesive film?

Decorative self-adhesive film for furniture allows you to quickly and efficiently change the appearance of cabinets, tables, bedside tables and other interior items. Today, each of us can become a professional designer, while not having an appropriate education and experience. This became possible due to the rapid development of technologies, as well as the invention of the decorative self-adhesive film.

As a rule, its use is relevant for families in which there are small children, since they are extremely non-verbile and constantly ready for various experiments. Often the consequence of such games is the damaged surface of the tables, chairs and other interior parts.

Another zone of influence of aggressive impacts can be called the kitchen, because it is here that work with sharp objects, which are left scratches on the tabletop. Therefore, it is safe to say that the renewal of kitchen furniture is a process with which the owners will have to face sooner or later.

The main thing is to figure out how to glue a self-adhesive film. Next, consider the entire algorithm in stages.

What is self-adhesive film?

In fact, the self-adhesive film is quite universal material with huge advantages. Among them can be noted the following advantages:

Safety for health. In the manufacture of this material, artificial components are used, which have passed a multi-level cleaning system, as a result of which heavy impurities are completely removed from the composition. Thanks to this, a decorative self-adhesive film can be used even in children's rooms.

How to update furniture by self-adhesive film?

To achieve such a result, manufacturers are used as the main composition of polyester, polyvinyl chloride or propylene. It is added to it preparations that give elasticity, and synthetic dyes to improve the color gamut of the material.

As for the creation of the facial layer for a decorative self-adhesive film, natural details can be involved here: paper, fabric or foil coating.

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Resistance to moisture. Despite its small thickness, the decorative self-adhesive film can be used to finish the walls of the bathroom, bath or sauna.

It can be used for pasting kitchen furniture, as it will save its qualities for a long time even with intensive cleaning and washing. Due to the elasticity and strength of the wilt coating, the moisture will be held on the surface and will not be able to damage the wooden base of furniture.

Another important point is the resistance of the film to detergents. This allows you to quickly and effectively remove even very serious contaminants without harm to self-adhesive coatings.

Simplicity of application and variety of textures

The simplicity of application is one of the key factors affecting the decision in favor of buying a self-adhesive film. Even a person who has a very superficial understanding of repairs can cope with this.

Many of us, at least once in life, had to glue something similar. In extreme cases, we all remember the stickers from chewing gum. Here, the principle of action is about the same, only the sticker may be a little more.

How to update furniture by self-adhesive film?

A layer of adhesive substance, as a rule, there are two types: acrylic and rubber, with additional protection against drying, made of thick paper on silicone basis. It is also an additional protection against damage during transportation.

In the process of applying self-adhesive films, this paper is neatly removed, and the finishing material itself is placed on the working surface.

A huge variety of colors and shades. Modern decorative self-adhesive film for wood furniture provides novice designers inexhaustible resources for the incarnation of their projects.

Today we have the opportunity to purchase material with texture to natural stone: marble, granite, onyx, basalt. If we give preference to the wood, then for us the manufacturer has provided a full range of appropriate colors: Alder, Karelian pine, cork tree, whisk oak.

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In this case, all shades look quite beautifully in conjunction with various additional elements of the decor of metal or plastic. It is especially worth noting the oak whiten, since its pattern and color look very elegantly with details of non-ferrous metals.

Affordable price. This became possible due to the fact that the ingredients were used to prepare the base of the decorative self-adhesive film are a product of processing waste of artificial origin. The remaining components of this material themselves are fairly cheaply, which forms the final price of the product.

How to apply self-adhesive film

How is the flakes of furniture with a self-adhesive film? If you consider this process in detail, it turns out that there is nothing complicated in it.

The main thing is to prevent the formation of air bubbles under the surface of the film, as they can spoil the appearance of the furniture.

How to update furniture by self-adhesive film?

The procedure here is the following:

  1. To begin with, we clean the surface of the furniture from dust and fat spots.

    It must be done in order for the film to fall uniformly.

  2. Then turn to the removal of the protective coating from the adhesive layer.

    It is not completely to tear it. It is necessary to delay the paper a little, and the film itself paste on one of the edges of the furniture.

  3. Remove air bubbles best foam sponge or soft cloth.

    And you need to do it well, to completely remove the defects that appeared.

For the convenience of applying, the film can be cut into smooth stripes. After completing the pasting of the excess film, you can carefully get inside or cut off with a paper knife.

As a result, the perfectly smooth surface, which will be easily changed, if necessary.

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