What is put under linoleum: substrate options


To date, this type of flooring as Linoleum is very in demand. And it is no coincidence. After all, linoleum will cost several times cheaper than wood coatings or tissue. The wide color palette allows you to give the will imagination and choose the shade that will undoubtedly emphasize your interior. And if we talk about its technical properties, then in everyday life it is very practical. Such material is easy to wash. He relates to contact with cleaning agents having a chemical composition. The modern building materials market offers potential buyers a wide variety of linoleum.

What is put under linoleum: substrate options

Linoleum laying scheme for laminate.

But it often happens that the material is selected, measured, purchased, and here the person, far from construction, faces the problem that they are put under linoleum.

In order to clearly answer this question and know what exactly puts, it is necessary to make certain conclusions for yourself, namely, to decide what functions should be the floor. It should be simply comfortable, emit heat and at the same time creating additional noise insulation. Of course, the optimal option is considered a complete combination of all these qualities.

What you need to know about linoleum?

What is put under linoleum: substrate options

Laying linoleum on glue.

Lags. This type of lining is actively used for apartments located on the first floor, or for single-storey houses. In this case, the floor must be insulated additionally. Without this, the house will be cold enough. As a result, residents will experience constant discomfort. What does this method look like?

  1. First, lags are installed on the floor surface, then the space between them is filled with special insulation, for example, mineral wool.
  2. On top of the lag, the LED layer is stacked, and the fiberboard is attached. Thanks to such a design, you can make an ideally smooth floor, which is already topped with a linoleum.

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Floating screed. For houses in several floors, such a kind of lining as a floating screed is used. Due to the fact that it does not have a hard fastening, this option will suit those who want to noisely insulate their apartment. Screed also allows you to level the floor.

Flooring made of fiberboard. In order to align the floors, the construction is widely used by such material as Fiberboard. This type of coating has the second name - MDF. It is the sheets of compressed wood fibers.

  1. Fiberboard has a number of advantages: it is durable, inexpensive, made of eco-friendly wood varieties.
  2. With the correct operation will last for a long time. But do not forget that before reaching the DVP linoleum, it is worth covering the oliff, and several times. This will avoid swelling when contacting moisture.
  3. One of her main minus is a sharp and very unpleasant smell. Therefore, after processing a few days, it is thoroughly airing the room. And do not forget about the neighbors. They are better to warn in advance in order to avoid conflicts in the future. And such additional advantages, as sound isolation and heat retention, will undoubtedly be assessed by consumers.

What is put under linoleum: substrate options

Linoleum laying scheme.

Cork substrate. No less common coating option today. In order to give the floor additional softness, use a cork substrate. It is thin layers made of crumb, which is glued with special glue for wood.

But do not forget that heavy interior items, such as a sofa, a chest of drawers or a bulk compartment, are able to leave dents on linoleum. To avoid these troubles, you should acquire a cork substrate with a maximum level of stiffness.

This option is perfect for the arrangement of the children's room, since there are no harmful chemicals in the substrate. The only minus is a high price.

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Flax substrate. This is a variant of a rolled substrate. It has high ecology due to its composition. Almost 100% this type of substrate consists of flax.

A big plus of such a material is its ability to "breathe". The optimal moisture mode will be observed in your home. But do not forget that flax is not an elastic fabric. And the cost of such a coating is also high. Therefore, before putting this option under linoleum, appreciate your capabilities.

Jute canvas. This material is widely used as a substrate. He looks like a burlap. Thanks to the natural composition of materials and means for impregnation, the jute canvas can be attributed to the discharge of eco-friendly products.

The advantages of this lining include the ability to absorb moisture, not deforming, low cost, as well as the duration of operation. And the main minus is elasticity. The material is unlikely to be able to significantly correct the irregularities of the concrete floor.

Features of the substrate of polymers

Such a substrate version is also widely used by many masters. But if in the case of a parquet or laminate, it is justified, then it is still not worth it with the linoleum. Due to the fact that the coating is very flexible, its deformation occurs. As a result, irregularities occur when laying linoleum.

In order to fit the linoleum qualitatively, it is not necessary to possess special construction skills. With this work, unprofessional can cope with this work.

If you want to independently WELL LINOLUM, it is enough to have the materials and tools at your house at hand:

  • Linoleum (preferably acquired with the reserve);
  • Construction line;
  • scissors or cutter;
  • attaching adhesive;
  • Spatula for glue.

Of course, this work should be done with pleasure, put the soul particle into it. And then the result will please you and your loved ones for a long time.

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You can draw conclusions and decide how much your accommodation needs an additional substrate under linoleum. If you still decided to purchase this material, then you will not choose the best option. It is enough just to study the pros and cons of this or that covering and make a decision.

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