How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement


How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

The most popular flooring in the form of laminate is still not forever, and sooner or later the question will rise, how to replace the boards of laminate or a certain part of it.

This is explained by the fact that the laminate coating, like any other finishing outdoor raw materials, is subject to deformation processes.

In addition, during operation for one reason or another, the laminate board may be mechanically damaged.

What you need to know about the laminate if it is necessary to repair it

How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

The decorative layer of laminate is made of veneer of valuable breeds or paper drawing

First of all, it is its structure. As a famous laminate board consists of several layers:

  • top layer in the form of a protective film coating;
  • a decorative layer that creates a board pattern; It can be manufactured both on the basis of furniture veneer and paper drawing;
  • the main part made from Fiberboard or XDF plates, as well as plastic;
  • and the lowest, which is the substrate; For its manufacture, a foam polymer or cork tree is applied.

For review, a table of classification of laminate is presented:

How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

Knowledge of the board structure will allow you to perform the replacement work without damage, that is, the laminate replacement will be produced efficiently.

The second, to which you need to pay attention to the repair work - what kind of compounds is applied on the active laminate coating.

Basically, all types of lock connections for laminate can be divided into two conventional groups. The first is Locked locks and the second - click locks. Initially, all the plates went with Locke locks. Now the preference is given to click locks.

Deciding with the type of lock connection, it will be possible to replace the damaged boards of laminate.

Features of the replacement panel with LCK locks

How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

When damaged one board, it is recommended to cut it out, so as not to disassemble all the coating

The connection by using Locke-locks is characterized by a direct lock connection when the spike of one boards in direct tightly enters the other grooves.

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Disassemble sexual coating, and even more so to remove one of the laminate plates without damaging it and the neighboring, very difficult. Experts developed a whole methodology on how to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor.

They offer to use the driving method of a damaged board from the rest of the field of sexual coating. At the same time, the priority of the performance is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the necessary tool. For such a job, you will need: hand circular saw, chisels, mites or pliers, hammer, glue, pencil with a ruler and vacuum cleaner for garbage cleaning.
  2. On the perimeter of the board, which is to be removed from the coating array, the pencil is stuck a rectangle whose lines will be shifted by 15-20 mm into the interior part.

    Place the desired depth of cutting on the grinder

  3. With the help of a circular saw, having previously setting the depth of dug into the thickness of the laminate, slots are made according to the drawn perimeter. Singing must be done carefully, so as not to damage the neighboring boards, the replacement of which is not provided.
  4. The cut inner part is removed. The part of the cut panel remaining around the perimeter is removed using pliers and chisels.
  5. With a vacuum cleaner, we remove sawdust and small waste.
  6. We prepare a new board to insert into place withdrawal. To do this, it should be carefully breaking or cropped up the lower part of the tongue lock, and the spike, located on the other hand, to focus with the file, giving it a wedge-shaped form. Fit the panel in length.
  7. Prepared board, as well as the surface of the laminate, which are located in the floor array and will contact the new panel, process glue. New insert to the place of the old, sending a spike in the groove, and add a heavy cargo. We leave the cargo for a time sufficient to set glue. On how to replace the damaged board, see this video:

The glue, which was squeezed under the weight on the surface, we remove the rag. Thus, it is possible to replace a separate board without disassembling the entire flooring.

In the event that independently such works are difficult, we recommend contacting specialists.

Features of the replacement panel with click locks

How to replace the boards of laminate, without disassembling the floor: replacement

Laminated floor covering, having a click connection, disassemble easy.

Especially if when installing, the rule was observed in the fact that the board extreme to the wall should be located no closer than 15 mm from it.

The procedure for replacing individual or multiple panels is as follows:

  • The plinth is pre-dismantled by the wall side, the most closely located to the chalkboard to be replaced;
  • With the help of a chisel or hook, put the extreme board and, lifting it at 45 degrees, cleaned, slightly adding to the connection site;
  • Thus, the required number of panels is disassembled until we remove the one that is subject to replacement. About how to replace one board, look in this video:

The order of assembly occurs in the reverse order. The same works are carried out in the event that the question arose how to replace the laminate in the room.

Experts advise to take a panel to replace from that part of the floor covering, which is hidden under furniture. In this case, the pattern of the replaced panel will not differ from the rest of the floor.

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