How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands


There are several materials that can be separated by the staircase in the house - laminate, parquet and composite board. The finish of the ladder laminate is, first of all, creating a beautiful and unique interior in the house. That is why this question is so relevant. But before leaving the parquet, it is necessary to take into account many factors that will affect its operation in the future. Therefore, they must be considered in advance. This article will consider some nuances that can meet during the decoration of the laminate ladder. And also provide examples of their solution.

What you need to know about laminate and stairs

If you have already decided that the ladder will be laminate as finishing material, then you need to know the following:

  • Laminated coating is always sprinkled on a rigid base. The staircase must be made from concrete and similar materials. If the staircase in the future will have a small backlash, then its coating will be cut and crack;
  • It is important to remember that the laminate uses only as a finishing material, and not as a basis. This is not a solid and durable board, but a set of several layers. In addition to durable fiberboard, there are also layers of paper and resin;

    How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands

  • In order to prevent the material overrun, for the first stage you need to make in advance patterns. The first step, as a rule, has some differences from all others. The template is made of cardboard and panels are cut on it;
  • Also, templates must be performed in the case when it comes to the screw staircase. In this case, the template is needed for each step. This is a very painstaking job, but without it can not do;
  • Laminate must cover completely every step of the staircase. This will make it possible to achieve the necessary quality of the coating, which is extremely necessary during operation;
  • For stairs, it is best to use laminate on the lock connection. This is due to the fact that the material will wear unevenly at each step. Therefore, it is the key connection that allows you to easily remove the worn panel, and install a new one in its place.

In preparation, it is necessary to respond to the foregoing. This will allow in the future to avoid trouble.

Choose laminate

In order to choose high-quality laminate and the rest of the material that is useful to perform work, it is necessary to learn it a little. When choosing a material, you need to consider:

  1. Each boards of laminate consists of several layers. The board consists of high density and a decorative paper layer, which is coated with resin from melamine or acrylic;
  2. Each board has its own class. It depends on the manufacturer, the composition of the raw materials and the design of the castle connections. The ladder panels belong to the class, which is manufactured with an increased degree of abrasion resistance, high resistance to mechanical effects and waterproof;
  3. In total there are six classes. Remember that those classes whose classification begins to the "2" digit are used for home conditions. But to finish the stairs it is better to use a class not lower than 31;
  4. Before choosing, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material. It should be borne in mind that one step is one step. If the steps are different in width, focus on the widest step. After that, multiply by their number. It is also necessary to take into account the staircases, if any;
  5. In addition to laminate, it is also necessary to purchase a substrate (polyethylene or cork). The substrate is necessary to create depreciation and sound insulation during walking;
  6. To connect different levels of panels, use special angular profiles. This will allow beautifully arrange the joints of the panels and provide them with a solid connection;
  7. To attach laminate to the stairs, you need to purchase a screws with dowels. For the lining of the wooden staircase of sufficient self-tapping screws, and for concrete facing you need to use screws with dowels.

    How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands

    It is enough to fasten two screws to each board. Given this, you can accurately calculate the required amount. In order for in the future, the screws did not eat corrosion, it is necessary to acquire galvanized or paint covered.

Laying of laminate

The ladder finish laminate includes a whole range of work. Consider each stage.

How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands

First of all, when laying should be prepared to prepare the surface itself. If the staircase is just built - then nothing needs to do with it, but if you are alone old - then you should remove the previous laminate, carpet or carpets, old boards, etc. Clean everything from dust and dirt.

If somewhere in the staircase overlap there is a fungus or mold - it should be treated with special chemicals. Otherwise, after laying a new laminate, these shortcomings will be moved to it. Stairs of the future new staircase must be perfectly smooth and made in terms of level. It is advisable to take this device and check each item. Only then laid a new laminate will look perfect. To align the steps, you can use scrapers, grinding machines or simply shifting a bad area.

How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands

The protrusions are a completely unnecessary element when finishing with laminate. They are very difficult to process and they will continue to interfere. Therefore, all sorts of protrusions should be removed in advance. Spicking the lighter of all such elements with a jigsaw - then the surface will be smooth. Manual or automatic hacksaw can also help, but then additionally use the level. After the protrusion is cut off, it is very good to glue all the plots.

Laminate should prepare - decompose it in the room where the staircase is and leave for a day. During this time, the material will acquire the necessary temperature and later will not be modified after installation.

Next, it is necessary to cut the laminate to pieces. It is often it turns out that covering a completely step in one piece of laminate does not exit - a very narrow strip of material. In this case, one whole part can be laid and a small strip to it. Or extinted the width of the steps, divide it into two and cut both equal slices. Any option will look almost the same. It all depends on the wishes of the wizard.

How to make a ladder ladder with your own hands

The installation itself is worth starting from the top of the staircase. It will be better for the reason that immediately after installing the strips you will not walk on them and shift them. Prepare approaches consisting of two parts in advance. Apply a few drops of special glue to the step and lay a tight approach to the edge. If the glue hit the laminate itself - you immediately wipe it with a soft cloth.

Next, you need to install risers - these are parts of the cladding that cost vertically. They should cover the approaches exactly in the level. Fasten these parts is also on special glue.

The last stage is the fastening of the corner. To walk along the steps it was convenient and safely - installed such a special edge, which is inserted into the approach and goes on the opponation. The glue for fastening the laminate is often lacking, as it is a very large consumption, so you can also attach parts using special screws. They are screwed using a screwdriver, and the screws themselves are then shuffled with a special solution. Similarly, it is worth actions with all parts of the stairs. When everything is ready, I recommend leaving the processed staircase for a day for complete drying.

Facing the ladder laminate will be performed at best only if each item is installed with maximum thoroughness and comply with the sequence. In the work, you should not hurry, all moments when installing laminate are very important, so they must be adhered to. Successes!

Video "Laying of wooden angular elements on the stairs"

Educational videos in which it is shown how the wood corner element is installed correctly on the stairs.

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