Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features


The threshold of the interior door in modern design can be completely safe and even inconspicuous. From now on, the installation of the integrate thresholds will not be an obstacle to running gentlemen, and even disabled people. Consider how to choose an acceptable option and mounting methods.

Door threshold: benefits of use

Are the thresholds for the floor so necessary detail, without which the integrity of the door interroom will be broken?

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Entrance to the Cabinet of the Worker: Wooden Doors with Threshold

It should be understood and make personal conclusions. As we remember, in a residential room, government agencies, and in office buildings of a private type, often installed doors solely from a natural array, where the absence of the imposition was considered to be unthinkable. At least, it was possible to assume that the enterprise simply saves funds at the arrangement of the premises.

Interior doors were previously made in full configuration, where, as we remember, the structure of the structure contained in itself a mandatory threshold. The presence of a clamp in the configuration of the block was not a simple priest of the wizard of the joinery, and was not even generosity of relatively unthinkable wood reserves in the country. This fact concerned the requirements of the GOST, the failure of which is strictly punished.

Now, modern products of the door production are quite rarely completed with the threshings. The installation of thresholds is placed exclusively on households, and their taste preferences during the selection.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Modern products without configuration

Consider a few features that can be convinced of the usefulness of the use of thresholds in the structure:

  • Reduced outsided noises.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Rubber seals on interroom doors

Many models of the interior installation doors are equipped with special rubber seals around the perimeter, which helps to increase the efficiency of the door design to withstand noise in adjacent rooms. The level of efficient use of such a door will rise to the maximum after installing the threshold, which to ensure the tight adjoining of the entire sash around the perimeter.

It is worth noting that the canvas created from a solid massif wood have excellent noise reduction. The hollow door will not even give a third of this effect.

  • Obstacle for smells, smoke.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Exemplary sensations of households when something is preparing in the kitchen

The opening, leading to the kitchen, according to many households and specialists, must necessarily be decorated with door overlap. Even the presence of a powerful exhaust system above the cooking surface, or a constantly working fan with a circulation of fresh air, will not save the adjacent areas from unpleasant odors, smoke with frying. If odors over time, it is permissible to destroy or neutralize a specialized way, fat deposits will remain on the surface of the entire decoration: curtains, sofa and other things.

  • We save yourself and your family from drafts.

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There is nothing to discuss here, only it is worth thinking how the harm is drawn by an unpleasant draft, even if there is a warm air.

  • We take a sexual coating from negative impacts.

Of course, the installation of thresholds in the opening of a shower, a plumbing node or a bathroom, will not be able to save the whole apartment from the Flood, do not count on it. At the same time, the water breakthrough can delay for a while. Rooms with elevated levels of humidity and temperature can not be perfectly ventilated, and even circulating fresh air from the fan will not save the laminate of the corridor, which is adjacent to the bathroom's work. At the same time, the door boxes installed in the shower openings are not rarely supplied with special lattices for the purposes of natural ventilation.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Doors in the bathroom with ventilation grids at the bottom

Lattices can most different shapes. Their main task to give the influx of fresh air to the room shower.

Criteria for the correct selection: varieties

Today, even an experienced master can be lost in the widest assortment offer of door springs offered by various domestic manufacturers and from a wide variety of countries in the world. In addition to wood products, the modern market is ready to offer a lot of interesting components, select which is permissible for the following criteria:

  • Used material for manufacture: plastic, wood, combined material, metal parts from a variety of alloys, polymer and so on.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Aluminum Thresholds for Paul

Wooden thresholds can be made with their own hands, but such products from wood, which is proposed to the consumer, not to do even in the presence of specialized equipment. Aluminum thresholds are available, brass strips will serve forever, the polymer profile with finishing for different textures will become an accentuating decoration. Plastic thresholds are quite flexible and covers many defective joints of the joints.

  • Type of destination.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Used flexible plastic threshold

Any of the types of threshings can be used not only for direct purpose relative to the location under the door. The product can hide the joints of the finishing of the steps, and the curvilinear laying of different-sighted genital materials will block the flexible plastic threshold. Cork thoring makes it possible to efficiently operate joints in wet rooms and with sharp temperature differences, where the product can expand to two centimeters.

  • Profile configuration.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Bolds for the joint of coatings laid at different levels

Relative to the types of profile, if not to take into account their forms and other convexities and concreteness, thresholds for the floor are permissible to divide into two types. One species is installed in places of a single-level surface, where there are no drops in height between the sex coatings. The second view is capable, the flaws are hidden on the multi-level joints. Such a profile from different sides has a differential.

  • The method of securing the profile.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Built-in thresholds of the hidden way of installation

In this category, for consideration, the mass of proposals, where we are familiar to us, an open type of consolidation for us, as well as with a hidden type of installation, with a special plank for mounting, as well as without such. Among the novelties are embedded thresholds under floor coverings, embedded planks in door cavities of sash and self-adhesive thresholds.

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The correct selection of the required vengement version should rely not only on external attractive indicators, but also for high-quality and functional data. Not even every universal threshold can come under individual needs.

Features of the thresholds and their purpose

The door with the threshold is not only an excellent sound and dust protection device overlapping the arrivals of adjacent rooms. The door threshold plays a not last role in interior arrangement, and this applies not only to drafts, but also other additional features:

  • Any floor covering will last much longer thanks to the installation of the threshold at the joint of the sections of the material.

    Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

    Profile for covering ends of various materials

    After all, it is known that the edge of any coating is the most vulnerable to the place of place.

  • Installation of thresholds is a kind of protective bar, which blocks the path of moisture, water, dust and other contaminants for finishing outdoor material.
  • The decoration of bottled coatings will prevent negative consequences. After all, through the floor materials at different heights of the laying, you can stumble.

    Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

    Rubberized aluminum spores at the junction of ceramic tiles

  • It is not rare for finishing, for example, a concrete threshold, a tile is used. If you enter the edge of the material, an uneven load distribution can occur, which will result in panel damage. Before installing the threshold, think about the mandatory configuration of the pedestal by the springs.

You should not forget that the threshold is not a simple detail of design use in the interior, but a technologically reasonable necessary element in the design of openings and joints of floor coverings.

Of all it is clear that the installation of thresholds is endowed with a mass of appointments that increase the functionality of the door designs of the overlap, and even flooring.

Aesthetic and practical inventions of modernity

It has already been proven above that the threshold is an effective element in the operation of the dwelling.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Hidden Mounting Fashion Products

As for the fastener method, we know everything about the most common installation methods from previous articles: open consolidation and hidden installation with the help of a special fastening plank and component dowels. For decorative purposes, self-adhesive products are not rarely used, but do not forget about their low functionality indicator.

Built-in thresholds are appropriate for many options for the cover of joints and other needs. In such products, supporting duties carries a special plank that is hidden under coatings. The bar is planted with a different finish, which only performs the role of decor.

Separately, we recommend considering a smart threshold, which is known in the wide masses, like a guillotine threshold. A similar name is obliged to a method of functional activity of the invention - the part works on the guillotine principle.

In essence, the product has the form of a metal profile resembling the letter "P", which is equipped with a rubber raw material with a special spring. The principle of operation of the structure is when the door can be closed, the spring works and lowers the flames to the surface of the floor, covering the clearance from drafts and other effects.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

The activity of the thoring is in the button located opposite the door loop

The remarkable of the antiorpography is mainly that it is permissible to abandon stationary thresholds, visually aligning the premises among themselves, and actually putting a single coating on the floor. Despite the so small dimensions of the product (up to 25mm width and up to 20mm depth), movable thresholds are calculated by manufacturers up to 250 thousand active opening / closing cycles.

If you take advantage of the door on the day (open / close) to about 25 times, then the calculation of the service life of the active operation of the Guillotine will be an indicator of 25 years, at a minimum.

Despite the fact that the installation of the movable threshold is made by the insertion of the sash or lining in the end, all the same various products are endowed with a completely distinguished type of destination.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Threshold guillotine of different types of insertion depth and invoice

Accordingly, a different type of assignment of the use of the guillotine lights have different features of the design. As for the appointment, the guillotines can be divided into such types:

  • To install internal purposes on interroom door structures;
  • outdoor type of use for steel blocks - input moving thresholds;
  • For door structures of a variety of use of PVC and aluminum.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

With antiopoga no interference to move around

In addition, the moving profiles of the antipract are endowed with various acoustic and temperature functional characteristics. The progress of the seal in any of the species of the type of guillotine, actually the same, but impressive: up to 13-14 millimeters. The product is extremely useful in use for premises where active children grow, which can stumble through the threshold, or live people with a limited movement ability sitting in a wheelchair.

It is worth noting that the structural roller part of the rubber brush, when closing the door, does not fall at once on the floor, but gradually at an angle from the nearest loops.

The modern invention has long been known for construction and other specialized markets. This fact gives the advantage that the system is permissible to find components of individual elements, for example, a rubber seal. To replace the descending brush or rubber seal, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire design of the door cavity. You can simply replace the part with a slight way, which is specified to a specific product in the applied operating instructions.

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features

(Your voice will be the first)

Floor thresholds: varieties, appointment, installation features


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