House with balcony and terrace: Framework project


House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

As a good rest at the weekend in a country house, where there is a balcony and terrace of country houses becomes not only popular, but is also a necessity due to tense urban weekdays. To date, there are many companies that offer ready-made projects of houses of various types, ordering which the customer will receive a ready-made house with all the construction work done: from the development of the project to finishing work. The project of the house with a balcony and terrace today is becoming very popular, due to their simplicity, the rapid deadlines for the execution of works on its construction, with the reliability and relatively inexpensive price.

Frame house with balcony and terrace

A skeleton house with a terrace is a convenient option that combines a stylish interior, elegant design of facades. The frame house with a balcony will expand the borders of the house, and will create an additional space for recreation and communication. The frame house is an excellent and inexpensive option. The usual size of the frame house offered by construction companies, 6x6.

The frame house consists of an internal frame, which, after the construction, is trimmed with special materials on the inner and outer side. Externally, the skeleton house is trimmed with sheet and handling materials, internally - special insulation.

The main load carries the framework, which is most often made of wood, less often use metal frames.

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

To date, there are many ready-made projects that are striking with their beauty and modern style.

Construction technology framework:

  • Frame - panel. This technology provides for the installation of the material, after which it is processed and insulated. In order to carry out the installation, it is necessary to separately buy all consumables, while all construction work should be performed in stages. This technology is time-consuming, but cheaper.
  • Frame - shield. This technology provides for production work on a pre-prepared project. Special shields are manufactured in production, in which insulation is immediately embedded. After that, ready-made structures are brought to the site where the house is installed.

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At least these technologies differ in the technique of execution, but the installation of the house will cost almost the same, it is worth only to take into account that in the first version will have to pay extra builders for the additional types of work: trimming, insulation, finishing.

House with balcony and terrace (video)

Drapp for balconies and terraces: an important stage of construction

An important stage in the construction of the house is the right choice of ladders for balconies and terraces. Pay attention to them, working out the project of the house. With their correct choice, installation and use, the house will be reliably protected from water and its destructive effect in case of stagnation in the trap.

Important moments when choosing traps:

  1. To properly determine the type of necessary ladder, you need to take into account the type of house roof, the layers of its coating, the type of waterproofing, the pipe material for the removal and the load on the ladder.
  2. It is necessary to correctly define the catchment area for each ladder. When choosing a ladder, pay special attention to the calculated amount of water and the bandwidth of the ladder.
  3. To avoid water flow, it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence of the ladder and the selected material of waterproofing.
  4. If the balcony or terrace is covered with parapet, you should carefully take the water removal. Strong precipitation or to enter a large amount of water in the ladder, can cause roof destruction. Therefore, the lattice and the water-driven grille requires a regular check.
  5. It must be remembered that rain and thawed water should be given strictly into the storm sewer. In the event of watering to the combined sewage system, you should use ladders with a seasicking and non-freezing device.

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

Drapp for balconies and terraces need to protect these open designs from water

When choosing traps, it is also important to pay attention to the acquisition of additional elements for water removal. For example, a drainage ring, a fusted element with a flange, an extension, a storage element. It is these auxiliary elements that provide a reliable removal of water with the roofs of any type and filling.

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What to put a terrace board to the balcony

Today the balcony is often an extra place in the house allotted for recreation. Because the owners do everything to create a cozy situation on it. An important element of creating an interior on the balcony is the question of flooring.

There are traditional methods of flooring, such as tiles, laminate or wooden flooring. However, they all have their drawbacks. The tile is heavy and can be changed. Laminate can quickly come into disrepair by wetting and swelling. Wood materials cheap, but short-lived.

An excellent solution for the floor on the balcony will be laying a terrace board. It is half consisting of a polymer, which means its resistance to moisture and the sharp drop in temperature.

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

The terraced board on the balcony is the perfect option, as it is resistant to temperature drops and does not absorb moisture

Distinctive quality of the terrace board:

  • Resistance to the processes of rotting and the formation of mold;
  • Durability;
  • Excellent decorative element;
  • Strength;
  • Resistance to external influences;
  • Convenience in the installation.

Using a terraced board as an outdoor coating, you can be confident in guarantees of quality, strength, durability and aesthetics of floor covering on the balcony.

Projects of two-storey houses with a balcony and a terrace

In the construction market today there is a ready-made draft of a two-story house with a terrace. In most cases, projects offer rational houses that will combine high-quality building materials, efficient designs, beautiful facades convenient layout, reasonable prices.

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

Every urban resident dreams of a two-story house with a balcony and a terrace

Draft two-story house: Main stages:

  • Creating a title sheet;
  • Explanatory note;
  • Floor Plans;
  • Project of facades;
  • Cuts at home;
  • Roofing project;
  • Project of overlappings;
  • Drawings of reinforced concrete jumpers;
  • Roofing drawings.

Construction companies offer a wide range of projects of houses with comfortable balconies and beautiful terraces, which are a natural continuation of the house. These additional recreation areas will be quite by the way in the spring-autumn period.

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What is the difference between the terrace from the balcony

Sometimes, when designing houses and various construction work, customers and performers have problems with the correct name of such types of rooms like a balcony and a terrace. This question is very important, since the counting of the area of ​​the room depends on the right definition, which affects the definition of a total area and market value.

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

The terrace is usually done on the first floor, since its design carries a larger load

The main and main difference of the terrace from the balcony is that the terrace is an outdoor platform, which can be attached to the building, and can also be located above the roof of the lower floor. The terrace can be located on the ground and have a roof.

Balcony and terrace on regulatory documents can be used in summer. But given the wide range of high-quality glazing materials, the premises can be made suitable for all seasons.

House project with balcony and terrace (video)

Nowadays, the construction of houses with balconies and terraces gained widespread. Many building firms represent ready-made projects developed by professionals. Such projects include all stages of creating a house calculated to the smallest detail. When creating a project at home, modern materials are taken into account that are widely represented in the construction markets. Projects also take into account the individual wishes of each customer. Before drawing up the project, it is important to study the features of building technologies and the quality of materials used in the construction of houses.

Examples of the project of the house with a balcony and a terrace (photo)

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

House with balcony and terrace: Framework project

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