EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review


The English company IMPERIAL STARCH specializes in the release of adhesive products. The lineage of the wallpaper glue called Exclusive is proud to be proudly considered. This bulk glue is made taking into account the richest experience of the company in the production of modern chemical goods.

EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review

English Flizelin composition


The British created a wallpaper composition, to use in the work of which a professional builder, and an ordinary person. The glue exclusive shows which a modern approach to the production of high-quality glue can be. And in recipes, many years of experience of the company is assembled.

EXCLUSIVE - reliable and high-quality glue, the advantages of which are set out with the list below.


First of all, I would like to note that glue is completely environmentally friendly and safe. It is recommended to apply in any premises, without afraid of any side effects.

The glue is packaged in large boxes, where, in addition to the favorite all of England, the attributes of power are drawn in detailed instructions for its use, the composition of the powder is indicated.

The glue of the EXCLUSIVE brand has good fastening qualities, it reliably holds a wallpaper cloth on the wall without letting it be detached. At the same time, it is impossible to say that the consumption of glue is very large, its grammands can be called standard.

EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review

White with golden border box, composition for the simplest wallpaper

The glue is easily divorced without creating lumps. He calmly falls asleep in cold water, mixed, defended, and after 10 minutes, excellent wallpaper glue is ready.

The finished composition in hermetic packaging is able to maintain its adhesive properties over two months.

Note that on the packs of the glue is a large temperature range and humidity of rooms in which glue can be applied. This fact testifies to the universality of the adhesive composition.

EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review

For vinyl wallpapers, their composition from the British

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Of course, the necessary additives are introduced into the powder structure to combat mold and fungus. Such additives are an integral part of modern, good wallpaper glue, and Exclusive is no exception.

English products are certified by all standards of our country, all types of EXCLUSIVE glue have the necessary certificates. The company's assortment has glue for various types of wallpaper.


Currently, the following types of adhesive exclusive are present on the windows of our stores:

  • Exclusive for paper - From the name it is clear that this glue for paper wallpaper;
  • EXCLUSIVE VINYL - wallpaper glue for all types of vinyl wallpaper;
  • Exclusive non-Woven - glue for wallpaper with a fliesline substrate, the peculiarity of this adhesive composition is that it is specially designed to apply to the wall;
  • Exclusive Platinum - Used to stick of glasses.

British manufacturers took care of builders and prepared glue for each type of wallpaper. Therefore, choose exactly the glue that is suitable for your type of wallpaper, because they differ in composition, especially it will be noticeable when you prepare glue.

EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review

Assortment of English glue in old packs

Fliselin composition is suitable for wallpaper with an appropriate substrate, and paper glue is applicable exclusively for all types of paper wallpaper.


Using the bulk glue of the production of Imperial Starch is basically professional masters of the finishers, simple manuals rarely stop their choice on this manufacturer, so we addressed the response to representatives of construction organizations and that they say.

Flizelin, vinyl, paper - any EXCLUSIVE glue is easy to use, does not have color and smell, and when you get into the skin it does not cause irritation.

It looks very colorful than attracts attention. Glinding heavy, high-quality wallpaper, risking with whose stick is very dangerous.

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EXCLUSIVE wallpaper glue, overall review

Universal composition for sticking wallpaper

Use it is recommended not only as the main glue, but also as a primer composition for the preparation of walls. At the same time, the flow of glue during priming is practically correct, but when sticking the composition goes slightly more.

Does not leave spots on the wallpaper canvase, nor outside or inside.

It gives the time to align the wobbly canvas on the wall, while reliably holds it, but after drying it does not take off at all. Bubbles are not formed after drying.

By the way, we would like to once again note the fact that when using glue is not for your type of wallpaper, some incops are possible in sticking, therefore, in order not to risk, take the desired composition.

English EXCLUSIVE wobbly glue is perfect for heavy vinyl wallpapers and wallpapers on a fliseline-based premium segment. You can buy this glue in large building supermarkets.

The English manufacturer is rare in our stores, but German - no, we also recommend reading an overview for one of the most famous compositions advertised on television: Methilan.

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