Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos


Each girl wants to constantly conquer men and attract views with his views alone. Needlewomen make it much easier. It is enough just to tie a openwork blouse with a crochet, such a thing immediately will add ease and flirt in the image.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Recently, knitted products become very expensive and often poor-quality. In order for the cool time it was warm, it is better to associate yourself. Starting the product, you only need to have a precise amount of yarn and hook for work at hand. It is best to print or redraw the schemes, learn the conditional designations. This will help quickly cope with the work.

"Farewell Summer!"

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

To tie a blouse for women, you will need an acrylic yarn. I am glad that such a product is ideal for the end of the summer and the beginning of autumn, when it becomes cooler. Under the blouse can be put on blouse so that it was warmer and more strware.

To create it takes: 250 g of yarn (in this master class, the color of dry green) is better out of 100% acrylic; Hook number 2.5 + 6 butchers in the color of the product.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

All components can be purchased in any specialized store.

We begin to work with the back of a blouse: We recruit a chain of 150 air looping, then we work according to Scheme No. 1, which is shown below.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

After it is accumulated from the beginning of a 10 cm somewhere, you need to start the dispatch. We ubat in all rows of two loops, we continue to do in each army of the pattern. After 17 cm from the beginning you need to check 7 cm in the center, in a straight line, and then add two hinges from each side for 7 times. Having passed a height of 37 cm from the beginning, you need to close for seven loopers from all sides. Further we work for three loops, then we will notice two loops twice, and then - one. By the way, such a blouse is ideal for full women.

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When the backrest length reaches 57 cm, it is necessary to finish the work.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Go to the right shelf. We recruit the chain of 83 air hopes, tissing the first eight fails. It turns out a booth for fastening. The subsequent 75 kettles knit pattern according to Scheme No. 1. After it is 10 cm, you need to proceed to reduction. Make it will be on the side, and then add, as they did on the back.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

The height is 37 cm - create a ruble, as they did on the back above.

When 50 cm is made from the beginning of the row, it is necessary to fix the neck of 8 kettops. We reflect gradually - 9 kettops, and then: 6, 3, 4 and 2 loops. Again, you finish working on 57 cm.

Go to the left shelf. You need to repeat all actions as with the right, only with symmetry.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Product sleeves will do stages. We recruit a chain of 66 airclakes, in the pattern, using a scheme 1. To achieve the 5th row, you need to add from all sides in all fourth rows 12 times 3 loops. When the height is 45 cm, it is necessary to fix the side of the sleeves. It will be on the 20 pellets, and then - 8 kettops and 8 times 4 plates.

Again we reach 57 cm and finish work. Repeat with the second sleeve the same.

We collect a blouse. All the details are connected by one row of scan, and then sew the hives. Sevive with the edge of butchers, make the loops on the other side for them. That's how the blouse looks in the photo.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

What else

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Let's make a beautiful and fashionable blouse for a girl 3 years.

Such a bright thing for beauty will warm at any time of the year. She will not give the child to freeze during a walk in the cool time of the year, so try to tie to warm the baby.

So, for work we take 200 g of red acrylic yarn and hook number 4. You will need a description that will be lower.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

We start working on the back of the product. We score a chain of 79 airclakes, check eight cm by a pattern according to the scheme 1. Then we connect four cm with a rubber in Schemus 2. We will continue to work according to the scheme 1. When there are 22 cm from the beginning of work, you need to mark the penetration of the loops - 17 kettles for one and The second shelf, then 4 hinges for all the processes, 37 pellets for the back.

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Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

We recover 17 kettles right, gradually reducing. We remove for the provice in the second row only one loop. When the premium size is 8 cm, we remove 6 kettles on the reverse side, as shown in the circuit 3. There will be 10 kettops for the shore. Squeeze 36 cm from the very beginning, finish knitting. Such a blouse will be very beautiful for babes!

So, I have 37 penette backs. On both sides we remove for the armor of one loop. When it is already 36 cm, then each shoulder will be 10 kettops, for the neck - 15 kettles. We will finish working on the product.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Now go to the sleeves. We score the chain of 21 air, in line with 4 cm in Scheme 2. We will continue to work according to the scheme 1. Do not forget to add two loops from both sides into a row. It turns out only 31 loops. When you reach 21 cm from the beginning, we will make a rejection so that it turns out rollback. For this, we work according to Scheme 3. If the height is already 28 cm, then work must be finished. If you want to tie for a girl for 9 years, then you calculate the height of the product and the number of loops.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

It remains the main thing - to finish and assemble the product. A little wetting work, let it dries. We finish the seams, sewing hives. We recover three buttons according to Schek 4, then we will sew the left shelf. One top, deprecate 2 cm, and then after 8 cm the following. The loops for them are holes that were in the pattern.

Openwork crochet blouse: schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Video on the topic

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