DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)


DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

Every year before starting September 1, everyone starts to fuss and prepare for the holiday. This day is significant not only for teachers, but also for the kids themselves, whether it is a child of school age, or the one that goes to the kindergarten. For parents, September 1 is a difficult date, because many on this day their child first goes to school.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

In order to create a festive mood and plunge into the atmosphere of the day, we suggest to arrange joint crafts with your own hands along with children.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

Bookmark September 1 for kindergarten

The most elementary way is interesting and with benefit to spend time - this is together to make colored bookmarks with your own hands. They are made quickly and simple.

To begin work, we need the following materials:

  • Color double-sided cardboard.
  • Normal colored paper.
  • Paper cutter.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.
  • Additionally, you can buy beads for decorating.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

When we prepare everything you need, the course of work will be as follows:

  1. First of all, we will need to cut a few stripes from color cardboard. Their width must be about 2-3 cm. And you can up to 5 cm. This will depend on individual wishes. At the same time, the length of the crafts will be approximately 15-20 cm.

    In fact, the size of the bookmarks may be different, depending on which book we do them. Of the practical recommendations, it is important to note that the brighter will be the cardboard, the more attractive and the pretty will be released by our bookmark.

  2. Our basis is ready, now go directly to the next stage. On color paper will need to draw animals. This can be done by hand, or by pre-harvested stencils.
  3. After we drew our little animals, cut them carefully.
  4. Cut blanks we glue to the base and wait until they enshrine.
  5. The finish step will be the layout of the bookmark using beads and fuels. In principle, any other decorative little things can be used, which you like to do.

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Bookmark ready. It can be made of different shapes and sizes, as well as use your favorite colors and animals.

Crafts from stones by September 1

It's no secret to anyone that children love to collect different trinkets, the list of pebbles. It is them in the future that can be used as a decor, pre-slightly working on ideas using ordinary watercolor paints and brush.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

They can draw various faces to them, make a funny animal of them, or just an abstract drawing with all the colors of the rainbow.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

Such crafts of babies can be used as a decor in the children's room. You can not imagine how much they will raise the child during the work process.

Crafts from plastic covers in kindergarten

Agree that houses constantly there are such trifles as a plastic bottle and a lid. You should not hurry to throw them out, because exactly of them can get a great handicraft with their own hands.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

To work, we need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Colored paper.
  • Plastic covers.
  • Paints and glue.
  • Various decorative decorations.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

With the help of these materials, we will be able to create with children images of unique little animals with their own hands.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

Pencils by September 1 to school

A rather practical and simple thing that is quickly done and in the future it can be functionally used for storing pencils and pens.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)


  1. First you need to find the bank of a suitable size. It is best to use half a liter.
  2. Pour our pot of your favorite color (yellow, green, orange) and close the lid.
  3. After that, we shake well, open and pour out all the contents from it.
  4. Now you need to leave it to dry out for a while.
  5. Once all the paint is driving, we take the marker and start drawing on it. It can be a funny face, flower, animal. In general, I draw everything we want.

Our pencil is ready. As you can see, it is done quickly and fun. And the main thing in the future is necessarily useful to your baby during the school year.

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Bookmark for schoolboy

Each of us knows that in school we use many books and textbooks, with the help of which our knowledge is replenished. For convenience in reading books, the child can independently make a bookmark with their own hands. In this process there is nothing complicated, it is only worth following simple step-by-step instructions.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

We will need:

  • Cardboard and pencil.
  • Scissors and glue.
  • Rule with felt-tip pen.
  • Beautiful decor for finished product.


    1. So, first, you need to take a sheet of cardboard and with the help of a ruler and pencil to draw three smooth squares there. Its sizes are 6 cm, but they can be adjusted at their own request.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. Now it is necessary using a ruler in the upper and lower triangle to draw diagonal and shack the side shapes. The photo presents the right picture in the work.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. Next, carefully cut the shaded parts with scissors, and be careful to cut exactly along the line.

      DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

      The final result should be a square, which has adjoining triangles. What we did will be a template for subsequent bookmarks.

    2. It's time to use cardboard. Take it and then apply to the template. In contours, we supply a pencil.

      DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

      After that, carefully carry out the line on the edges of the triangles, which should be adjusted to our square.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. It is recommended to cut square paper squares, and then glue with glue to the workpiece. Details you can see in the picture.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. Next, we fold the triangle inward, and on the upper glue and glue on the first triangle.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. On the upper part we will need to glue the colored paper preferably similar tone.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

  1. Now it's time for placing our bookmark. In fact, it will be possible to come up with anything. It can be drawn or glued big eyes, toys and other funny items.

The bookmark is ready and can serve in its destination. There will be no time for such a craft, but the result is quite interesting and practical. Here are still crafts from paper by September 1.

Card "Bell" for teachers on January 1

On the day of the first of September they will make a postcard in the form of a bell. Moreover, in the middle, you can stick a photo class and write a wish.

So, to start work, prepare:

  • Pretty dense paper of white, yellow and orange colors. Optionally, you can pick up the colors individually.
  • Scissors and stationery knife.
  • Glue and stapler.
  • A small segment of a red ribbon (you can use any other color) to create a bow.
  • Rule and pencil.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)


    1. To begin work, we will need to print the leafs with which we will work. You should print it on dense white paper.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. When there is a template, we tighten it with yellow paper with a stapler.
    2. Next, it will be necessary to carefully cut all the details of the stationery knife. If you do not have it - scissors for manicure will come to the rescue. It is very important to cut the drawing as accurately and beautifully.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. After that, we cut the edges with brackets, bend twice and adjust.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. Now the blacks of orange paper came. We take it and also fold twice, then we glue to the back wall of our yellow billet. It is important to clarify that we glue only one part.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

    1. The next step will be cut out of the paper of the orange color of the maple leaves. It can also be red or green.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

  1. Our postcard is almost ready. We can only stick the maple leaf and putting a bustard ribbon beautifully.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

The postcard is fully ready, only place it in the middle. Alternatively, you can compose a beautiful poem by adding it a small thematic pattern.

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

DIY by September 1 with their own hands to school and kindergarten (38 photos)

As you can see, there are many crafts by September 1 to school and kindergarten, which can be made with their own hands, while not spending a lot of time and effort. Each of them will become not only the beautiful creation of your child, but also a practical thing you can use every day.

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