How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself


Today, iron and metal entrance doors in homes have practically become a necessary element - they help a person feel safe. However, despite the rather formidable appearance, an externally metal door looks not too attractive. In order to correct the situation, the doors are finished with the MDF panels. Facing the MDF doors at first glance seems difficult. After reading the article, you convincing that the doors finishing with MDF panels with their own hands - not a difficult process.

Advantages of finishing MDF.

The MDF is a tree-fiber plates having an average density used to finish the inlet door outside and from the inside. Applicable to facing doors from iron, metal and steel - even steel doors with MDF decoration look amazing, impressive of the most demanding aesthetes.

How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself

Why should prefer specified material?

  1. Wide selection. Modern manufacturers willingly please consumers, giving our disposal numerous options with a variety of colors and textures. It is possible to finish with materials imitating natural - thus, the entrance doors with the MDF finish acquire an elegant appearance. The design options are widely represented in the photos provided by the manufacturer - choose your own unique option, fully transfiguring the appearance of the hallway.
  2. Durability. Warm materials will retain a presentable view and useful qualities for many years. Perfectly carry a variety of mechanical loads, are not afraid of temperature drops and sun rays. Comparatively with the upholstery made of the leatherette (easily driving and fading in front of the eyes) - MDF boasts a combination of beauty and practicality.
  3. Safety. The panels are absolutely lacking substances that can harm human health, in contrast to some other facing materials.
  4. Simple care. No difficulties are foreseen - forget about expensive detergents, delicate procedures - you will need to simply periodically wipe the panel with a damp cloth. In addition, the MDF absolutely does not absorb unpleasant household smells - additional care is not required.
  5. Ease of installation. Finishing MDF panels without attracting specialists. You will need only the necessary tools and maximum accuracy, then the MDF door finish will pass quickly and successfully.
  6. Soundproofing and thermal insulation. Materials will provide you with a cozy warm hallway - from the outside it is possible to add a layer of insulation.
  7. Acceptable price. Depends on the specific type of panels, however, in general, refer to the average price category.
  8. Ability to set slopes from a similar material.

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How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself

Installation of panels

Before proceeding directly to finishing, you should prepare the tools and the doors themselves, in order to avoid additional problems after installation.

How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself

First, get rid of the gaps located around the doorway - the mounting foam is perfect. Carefully score all holes and cracks, after drying - we cut off the unnecessary elements. Next, the surface is well processed by primer.

The doors themselves should be rid of all extra elements: remove locks, handles and eyes. In addition, if there was an overlay that you now want to replace - it is also necessary to completely remove, the gun onto the spatula or knife. If, installing the panels, you plan to use glue or liquid nails - for better graptionability, the surface is preloaded. If the door is metallic, treat it with corrosion tool. Also, in the MDF panel itself, it is necessary to carefully pick up and cut a hole, where you later install the lock.

How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself

Go to the installation. At first, the doors should be removed from the loops - in principle, it is possible to carry out installation work on weight, but the risks of the occurrence of distortion (getting rid of them - a rather laborious work). They are laid on a flat surface, providing the most comfortable working conditions. All areas are sandwiched, all extra elements are removed - old paint, traces of corrosion, the remains of the previous upholstery. The panel should be prepared - wipe it well from the wrong side, to avoid detachments.

How to finish the doors panels MDF do it yourself

Special mounting glue is applied on the door basis - it should be lying by waves, and the edges need to miss very well - so the panel will secure reliably. The glue itself is chosen based on the type of materials used. It is better to mark in advance the location of all sorts of connectors. The panel is placed on the surface and begin to press, pre-aligning it - everything should be in its places, otherwise you have to do the work twice. If you want to be reinforced and additionally fix the MDF on the self-drawing - drill the holes around the perimeter of the surface and insert small screws (it is important to prevent them from the reverse side). When using screws - immediately drive the places allocated under the handles and the lock.

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The work is over - now we are masking joints and edges using plastic or metal angular profiles, attaching them to similar mounting glue used earlier for mounting panels.

Video "Separate doors MDF panels"

The record shows how the process of plating metal doors MDF panels.

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