Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door


There are standards that should be the door leaf for the interior door. At the same time, it is possible to manufacture doors for special sizes.

Dimensions of the door leaf interior door

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

The door leaf for the doors of any purpose is the main element that is responsible for both the strength and aesthetic characteristics of the product. The correctly selected type of interior door is, first of all, the correct choice of door leaf for it. In this case, the overall size and design of this part of the door are important.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 28786-90, the specified dimensions (and the corresponding dimensions of the openings can be received according to the following table:

Width, mm.Height, mm.Dimensions of the opening, mm
600 + 600x2000x1280-13102050-2070

The variant is marked when the installation is subject to two-sided interior doors.

In addition to the dimensions specified in the table, many doors manufacturers are also published under the order, that is, non-standard sizes. They are most often required when installing doors in bathrooms, bathrooms, or, on the contrary, in very overall rooms - halls, living rooms. Inevitable tolerances are due to differences in design.

Types and designs

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

Shield sash

The classification of all types of beans (including non-standard sizes) can be performed according to two main features: by execution and by material. In the first case, the door canvas can be:

  • shield;
  • Pilencated.

This type of door canvas mainly applies where interroom door systems are installed. The most sought-after parameters are dimensions, mm: 600x2000, 800x2000, 900x2000 (single interroom door systems) or with a double width value - for two-dimensional doors. Such a choice is dictated by the fact that these dimensions are best suited for usually projected openings.

If the cloth is 600x2000 mm (as rarely used 550x2000 mm) more consuming to a pass to the technical premises of the apartment / houses (basements, bathrooms, storage rooms, etc.), then options 800x2000 mm and 900x2000 mm are intended exclusively for rooms.

Details of non-standard sizes can also be provided for structures with asymmetric sash.

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In the case of a panel-type door cloth, a smooth design is formed by a system of longitudinal and transverse bars connected to a single whole. The standard door leaf for the interior door of a panel type is made of wood breeds, which are less prone to deformations from temperature drops and humidity in the room. Most often, carefully dried coniferous breeds are used for this purpose - pine or fir, with the relative humidity of the raw material should not exceed 5-7%.

However, the manufacturers themselves are not interested in a poor-quality semi-finished product, since during the subsequent assembly, there are silent and loose fit of the doors to the door boxes. Most of all to this sensitive door canvas with dimensions of 900x2000 mm, since in this case the skew for absolute value will be the maximum possible.

Under the order of the door fabric of the shield performance and non-standard sizes can also be made from larch, beech or oak - rocks, less sensitive to the charge during the operation of the doors. However, in mass production, such products do not produce their high costs.

A variety of panel products gives the presence and configuration of the so-called cellular sections - places where the insulation is located. There is a variety of decorative elements, without which the shield door looks rustic. Cellites also contribute to a decrease in the total mass of the structure, which is important in terms of the reduction of the load on the loop and extending the life of the product. In the door cloths 600x2000 mm, decorating opportunities are modest than for options 800x2000 mm and 900x2000 mm.

In the case of the use of wooden bars of unusual forms and section (for example, in the form of a truncated pyramid in the profile, semicircular, etc.), the panel interior doors can already be quite complete product. Especially if the surface is covered with decorative varnish.

However, in most cases, this option is suitable only for designing openings made in the rustic style or the style of "Country", where the most appropriate design of non-standard sizes. The classic requires installation on the bars of a shield of a chipboard or MDF panels, which are drawn up with outer surfaces. It is even more refined products that are produced from a solid massif trees of valuable breeds - oak, walnut, mahogany, etc. The price of such products (especially non-standard sizes) in its segment of goods is maximum.

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The panel-type door fabric is used as the main door when installing doors - both interroom and tambourous - in country houses and dachas. The choice of the size of the above row is 600x2000, 800x2000, 900x2000, is made due to the dimensions of the room itself: for example, for a small room, the door cloth with dimensions 900x2000 mm will look too massive, and it looks pretty small for the spacious room of the door cloth with a size of 600x2000. The most versatile is the option of acquiring or ordering interior doors with dimensions of 800x2000 mm.

Subsequently, the external panels (except for solidly massive) are discharged by a veneer, laminate and other coatings that improve the appearance of the door, as well as contributing to the increase in their strength and resistance from adverse external influences.


Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

According to its prevalence, violent interior doors are significantly inferior to the shield: their share does not exceed 10-15%. This is due to the increase in the complexity of the manufacture, which affects the price of products. However, the aesthetic possibilities of such an option are significantly higher.

Structurally, this product is a wooden frame, assembled from durable trees, not inclined to warp or cracking. For viper doors, dimensions are not so critical as for the shield. Indeed, the design with dimensions 600x2000, 800x2000 or 900x2000 mm in this case will have the same durability and durability. The same applies to the details of non-standard sizes.

The reason is that the increase in the rigidity of the frame both in the longitudinal and in transverse directions will be provided with the installation of transverse bars - the imposses that eliminate possible distortions. True, no wood is suitable for this. Specialists, for example, are not advised to acquire and install violent doors in the house, the elements of which their wood conifers are made. Although it is believed that the environmental friendliness of such products is the greatest, at the same time, the periodic release of resinous substances (even after thorough drying) becomes the cause of deformities that the door canvas will be subject to.

Pilented interior manufacturers provide the greatest opportunities for their subsequent decoration. In particular, it is especially impressive to install in the fillets not conventional materials - dvp, plywood or MDF - and mirror or glass elements. The richness of the decoration of the student studies under consideration depends on:

  • dimensions;
  • The number of rows of transverse bars.

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In particular, if we compare the door cloth of the most common size between them - 600x2000, 800x2000, 900x2000 mm - it is not difficult to bring to the conclusion that in the latter case the inserts may be the largest. Given the large variety of possible combinations (for example, in color - when installing stained glass elements), an aesthetic appearance will be the most spectacular, and the total strength of interior door systems does not decrease with such inserts. When using non-standard sizes, decoration features are also increasing.

With an increase in the number of rows (if they are not 2, and 3, the interior doors get the name of the CARG) the possibilities of decoration also increase. For example, in the standard dimensions of 800x2000 mm, not 4, but 6 decorating inserts that can be combined and in color, and by texture, achieving the corresponding style unity of the room. It is important that in this case the spatial rigidity will not suffer.

Interestingly, Masonite is developed and manufactured by a panel-type canvas, which in its view imitates the violent. The effect is created due to the characteristic relief, which is applied to the outer surfaces.

In addition to wooden, sometimes installed glass, as well as framework structures of the considered products on an aluminum-based basis. In everyday life, such options are applied less often, but they have their advantages. For example, a glass design immediately visually adds light and space of the room in which it is installed.

Here dimensions do not matter: interroom products with dimensions of 600x2000 mm, 800x2000 mm and 900x2000 mm will have the same strength and aesthetic capabilities. They are manufactured from hardened or thermally stable glass, and therefore cost more than ordinary wooden. The same glass canvases, but prisoners in the aluminum frame, although they increase the strength of the door system, but attach to the placement business, office character. From the point of view of ensuring the maximum coziness and comfort in the house, this is in most cases unacceptable.

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door

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Door canvas non-standard sizes for interior door


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