How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself


Before many people who have decided to make a repair in the apartment with their own hands, the question arises about how to update the old interior doors. The easiest way to replace them with new ones. But, as a rule, in Russian flavors made from the wood array. Therefore, the purchase of a similar model will cost quite expensive.

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

You can decorate old interior doors with a simple pattern made by acrylic paints.

Repair the old interroom door forces even a novice master. At the same time, you can independently think over its future design and decor. And then the flaps will look not only updated, but also become a real "highlight" of your interior. It is only necessary to show a little fantasy and be patient.

Conducting preliminary work

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

Old doors can be updated using the usual painting.

Before updating the old interroom door, you must thoroughly think over its future appearance. It should depend not only on your taste and preferences, but also from the design of the room as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the interior of both rooms.

Some designers use doors as a unifying element for 2 different decors. Then the sash must contain details that are combined with both one and with another interior. It can be a mixed solution. It is permissible to issue an interroom door so that each of its side is decorated in its style.

But in any case, you first need to choose the method with which you want to update interior doors. At the moment there are the following techniques that allow you to restore the door with your own hands:

  1. Change the coating door. It may be painting, decorating self-adhesive or laminating film, veneering, finishing with stencils.
  2. Change of facade of sash.
  3. Restoration of the door with the simultaneous change of its shape.

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

Door sash design.

All these ways have their advantages and disadvantages. But before parting on a particular method, carefully examine the design of the sash. As a rule, wooden doors made not earlier than 15-20 years ago.

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Change the shape of such a door is quite difficult. And if you do not have sufficient skills in woodworking, then you should contact professionals. If the design is older, it can be made of solid joinery. Such doors modify much easier and easier. But most often only to update the old interior doors and eliminate minor defects. And your apartment will look neat and updated.

Required tools and materials

Whatever recovery method you choose before we take to restore the door, you need to carefully prepare it. For this, you will need the following tools:

  • grinding machine (or special nozzle on a drill);
  • construction hairdryer;
  • plane;
  • a set of spatulas (metal and rubber);
  • Set of emery paper of varying degrees of graininess.

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

For the restoration of the door you will need a grinding machine.

When removing the old layer of oil paint, the construction hairdryer helps well. The coating softened under the influence of temperature and is easily removed using a spatula. If you do not have this technique, you can use special means designed to remove paint. But with them it is necessary to treat extremely carefully, since the aggressive solution can damage the old door.

For sealing large chips and cracks, you will need a putty on a tree. If in the future you are going to fully update the external coating of the door, then it is not necessary to select a means combined in color with wood. Otherwise, a special color can be purchased, which will help achieve the necessary shade.

Epoxy glue can be used to remove small cracks. But it is necessary to pour it very carefully. Make sure that it does not get on the canvas itself. Otherwise, paint in this place will be lying unevenly. In addition, in modern stores you can find special waxes to remove small defects. They are much easier to use, and small chips they hide more reliable.

Restoration of the door canvase

To carry out restoration work, remove the door from the loops, dismantle the handles and locks, remove the glass (if there is). If you repair old interior doors, it will be useless to remove the platbands and estimate the state of the door frame. If necessary, replace the wooden elements of the racks and backups.

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Carefully remove the old layer of paint and pass the cloth to naked wood.

The surface should be smooth and smooth, otherwise the smooth coating will not succeed.

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

To restore the door, they need to be removed from the loops and remove all the accessories.

After each processing stage, clean the canvas from dirt, dust and fat. To do this, use dry or slightly wet rags and brushes. Do not wet the door! And be sure to dry her completely after each stage of restoration.

Imprelect the interroom with an antiseptic. Such a measure will help to serve the sash not yet 1 dozen years. Treat chips and cracks. If the interroom door consists of several elements connected together, then check the reliability of the connection. Remove the fasteners and roll them with clamps until complete drying.

Next, the canvas covers another 1 layer of antiseptics (or olifa) and ground. The primer is also applied in 2 layers. Now the sash is fully ready for the finish finish. Further work is fully dependent on what kind of decoration method you have chosen.

If the door is in good condition, then it can not be painted, but to cover with a mourn. This composition will emphasize the structure of the wood and give the sash classic noble appearance. Moreover, you can choose a composition containing coloring pigments. Then the surface will simulate expensive wood species: walnut, oak, beech and the like.

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

Design door box.

Recently, it became fashionable to leave the old wood in her natural form. In this case, the surface is covered with varnish. In this case, you can choose a composition with a toning, slightly golden effect. Visually, the surface of the door will not change, but an unpleasant grayish shade will disappear. If the door canvas is treated with a mourn, then it is also covered with varnish. Then the door acquires a pleasant glossy shine. If you prefer the type of natural wood, then complete the repair by treatment with polishing wax. Such a coating will protect the flap from moisture.

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Final decor doors

The easiest way is to simply cover the door with a layer of new paint. At the same time, you can pick up the color that will be approached by the interior. But you should not stop your choice on oil compositions. Much more sensible to prefer acrylic paints on a water basis. They practically do not smell, very quickly dry and form a reliable coating.

Paint the door, observing such a sequence:

How to update old interroom doors: restoration do it yourself

Door decor can be performed using a stencil.

  1. Treat the surface with painting roller. At the same time you need to choose a tool with a foam, fine-resistant nozzle. Otherwise, the coating will be loose.
  2. Corners, small parts and protruding elements paint a small brush.
  3. Give the surface to dry.
  4. Repeat the procedure again.

Next, interior doors can be decorated. For this, for example, special stencils are well suited.

In this case, ordinary or structural paints or special plaster are usually used. If you use 1 of the 2nd options, the pattern on the doors will be convex and relief.

Sometimes decorators use special rubberizing compositions. They can be purchased in stores selling products for painting. Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve the effect of an old surface, covered with small cracks, through which overwhelms the old layer of paint. The same effect of the composition can be achieved if the drawing applied through the stencil slightly to treat shallow sandpaper. A similar solution will suit the interior made in the classic style.

If the door canvas is smooth and smooth, it can be decorated with whole ready-made false facades or individual elements. As a rule, they are made of chipboard or LDSP. Therefore, such decorations are lightweight and do not lose design. Mounted them usually on PVA glue. The use of this tool provides sufficiently reliable fixation of the decorative elements on the canvas. If you wish, you can use wooden decoration details, but they are much harder, and nails, screws or special brackets are applied for their installation. And such fasteners can spoil the appearance of the door.

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