Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules


It often happens that when buying secondary housing, interior or entrance doors in the apartment leave to desire the best. For example, it can absolutely not to fit the color to the general interior while maintaining the design as a whole. Therefore, there is a desire to change the doors. But why change when they are still good, in an acceptable condition and can more than one decade? The solution exists: you just need to paint the door.

Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Scheme of a veneered door with lacquer coating.

Eleaches will not appear if we take into account the material that makes the basis of the structure, and the degree of wear of the surfaces.

How to paint the door made from various materials? Painting rules in each situation are different. Consider them in order.

Veneered doors

For clarity, you will specify the picture, which are veneered doors. Interior veneered doors externally can be confused with products from a natural array, although the first is much easier and functional. Why? Over the answer, you can refer to the features of the technology of manufacturing doors from veneer.

Veneer - the material is quite capricious and is nothing more, as the thinnest cut of the valuable trees, intended for the decorative finishing of the surfaces of the door frame and the canvas. The door trimmed by the veneer transfers the texture and naturalness of the shade of natural wood.

More often than all used veneer joint with a shield design. MDF shield (modified wood) is glued to the harvesting of wood bars (mainly coniferous rocks). Such a frame is responsible for the necessary door geometry, making it more hardy to the negative effect of humidity and temperature surges. Following the special technology, a veneer coating is glued on the MDF-slab. That is, the method of hot presses apply.

Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Sequence of staining of the door leaf.

The grinding of the finish with the base surface is carried out due to the resins released from the wood when the resins are heated. Synthetic tools are not used. To provide a glossy glitter, the design is covered by the desired lacquer in several layers. He is responsible for the final color of the product. It is important to note that veneered models, as well as from the array, within the same delivery from the manufacturer have significant differences in the color of each other.

The reason here is imprisoned in the uniqueness of the wood cutting pattern, as well as in its ability to refract the light. Among other things, the cloth is separated by a non-one sheet of veneer that the problem of harmonization of the drawing of the bands complicates. Each model is originality and original. You can choose several products close in the color ratio, but on the texture and in the drawing they will still be different.

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Sometimes the internal space of the design is filled with cardboard cells, which makes it even easier. This factor for interior doors is important: to make efforts when opening-closing do not have to.

There are models that are covered with a cut from wood, but made according to special technology films with a 2D effect (artificial veneer), imitating texture and wood pattern. Such doors are difficult to disorders externally from interior veneered doors. Their advantage compared to the latter, lies in a higher moisture resistance.


Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Tools for painting doors.

The interroom door will retain the first time the first time for a long time only with its neat and gentle operation. It is not recommended to use abrasive tools to clean the door surfaces that are able to leave deep scratches.

Purifiers on a liquid base consist of chemically active components in contact with varnishing. The use of the latter can leave ugly prophets on the lacquer.

How to paint the door veneered?

Solve the dilemma as to whether to leave the color of the wood array or completely change the color, you need the first thing. The choice of the method of restoration of the door is influenced by such factors as the magnitude of deformations.

When choosing the first variant and in the presence of small scratches and defects, it will be lacquered, after which it is thoroughly rubbed the door to the polyrolol. Eliminate small scratch sizes possible locally, applying a color varnish of the appropriate shade.

Sometimes after the purchase of a fabulous model of the interior door, it is found that its color is not exactly the one that was expected to see, and it does not combine with the color design of the interior. What can be taken in this case? Absolutely new (not used in operation) canno permissible to varnish in another tonality, without removing the former layer of varnish. To this end, the steady flooring is perfectly coped, but not furniture!

The former layer of varnish is removed using fine-grained emery paper or a special removal tool. It is unacceptable to use the grinding turbine: due to the high-speed grinding, dents may occur.

Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Proper distribution of paint on the roller.

If the door coloring is planned to be changed completely (damage is noticeable from the far distance to the unarmed look), then you should prepare for additional types of work. The sequence of actions will consist of surface preparation and staining. Manipulation on natural veneer due to its insignificant thickness should be carried out with high caution. For the absence of appropriate skills, it is more expedient to entrust professionals.

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The surface is prepared by cleaning dust and pollution locations, removing the layer of the former lacquered coating.

The first step will be the molding of all irregularities through special primer. The door from the veneer is possible to reorganize polyurethane, glyphthale or water paint. Nitrocrays for veneer cannot be used - matte spots may appear on it. The optimal variant of staining of veneered doors - with water colors.

To paint the door, the absolute drying of the primer should be waited.

Staining of the doors made of artificial veneer is also possible from a theoretical point of view. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the desired result, since it is very difficult to choose the paint that does not roll down with a smooth surface and holds on it is very difficult. And if clinging the canvas, the effect of natural wood is lost. Conducting quality repair of an artificial veneer can be somewhat different. This circumstance is important to take into account if it is purchased (or got along with the apartment) it is this model.

Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Rules of coloring of the shield and panel doors.

We emphasize again: before you paint the door from the veneer, it should be solved how urgently to change the appearance of the product and how it is better to use - varnish or paint.

By changing the composition of the surface layer by means of chemical dyes, it is possible to break the environmental friendliness of the structure.

In many respects, deciding on this issue to help counseling with a specialist in the door of the veneer.

Staining of the panel doors

Today, painting the panel doors is possible one of two ways.

Method first. First, the paint is applied to the ends. Then carefully cleaned the damaged sections of the cloth. A new layer of primer is applied to the purified surface. And the paint is already imposed on the primer, and twice. This method is suitable for staining the surfaces of doors having smooth surfaces.

Laco or verses such doors are covered in strict accordance with the claimed requirements from the manufacturer.

The method of the second. Toning the door cloth and boxes are used in the case when the surface has wood texture. To conceal wood flaws, you can resort to the help of white shellaci primer. Provided the desired shade will help the veil. When painting any surface should be used exclusively to the brushes and materials of high quality.

Staining laminated doors

On the smooth laminated surface, the paint falls perfectly, but long it will not last. Therefore, first of all, the upper layer of varnish with impregnations is removed by grinding machine and, if necessary, zero sandpaper.

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It should not be forgotten that directly under the protective layer there is a chipboard, which will easily begin to crumble if the treatment is carried out on a rather deep distance. The prepared surface is thoroughly wiped with a solvent and apply a layer of primer-antiseptic mixture. Will wait for a while to protect the layer, and apply paint.

Paint a veneered door: Painting Rules

Impregnation of the door surface.

The paint can be purchased any, since the chipboard is unpretentious to the coatings apparent on it.

The paint is distributed over the surface by sprouting or a velor pile roller. After drying the 1st layer, the second is applied. A day later, the painted door is lacquered by a transparent composition, which will perform the role of protection during operation.

Casting MDF Door

You can paint the MDF door. You can safely with such compositions that contain 2 components: varnish and a tinting agent (for example, "Lacobians"). The structure of the product will continue, and the external tidy, of course, will be added.

The consistency of the lackers is liquid, which allows deeply penetrating the composition into the porous surface of the MDF, fill it with, forming a homogeneous and thin layer. The latter is an excellent protection against moisture.

It is very convenient that the lacquer and tonic are mixed and are applied simultaneously. There is no need to apply each layer in turn, waiting for drying the previous layer.

You can paint with a brush, then special skills from the amateur painor will not need. The main thing is to follow the lack of inclusion.

When staining the door with a pattern with a roller or paintopult, it is difficult to achieve the necessary flatness of the layer. To paint in such a situation should only professional.

MDF doors to cook quite simply: they are wiped with a moisturized cloth or a washcloth to remove extra particles.

Darking of doors "Canadas"

Work on Canadian is easier to carry out the paintopult. For the absence of such a roller or a brush. Usually, the canades are sold already covered with primer. It remains the case for small - apply the main layer of decorative coating.

But if it is not, then the product must be projected. Instead of soil, dilute paint is suitable. At the end of the primer, the surface is necessarily sandwiched. After that, the painting is carried out. In a situation with the paintopult, the option "Wet" is suitable, in other cases there are drying of the previous layer.

It becomes clear that the ways to paint the door between the rooms are in sufficient quantity.

Choosing some kind of concrete, do not forget to follow the technology of staining and the rules, then the result will certainly please.

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