How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials


How to make a rose from beads for beginners just and not costly? This master class with a step-by-step photo will help you master the rose weaving technique. The product is manufactured in the technique of French weaving.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

For weaving roses from beads, you will need:

  • beads (for bud 140 gr, for leaves 80 g);
  • Wire 0.3 mm;
  • thread moulin;
  • PVA glue.

Rose Weaving will begin from the petals, of which the rose buds will be obtained during the weaving process.

Making petals

Step-by-step instructions and schemes are: 5 bisper on the axis and 5 arcs. These petals need to do 3 pieces.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

For petals to have the desired shape, you should turn the leg of the petal to 90 degrees and bend the petal from the axis.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

For the second row you need to weave pointed leafy petals: 5 bispers on the axis and make 9 arcs.

It should be noted that the technique of the framework is used in the petals, according to which the first 5 rows of arcs should go back the axis from the nutria of the petal, and the remaining 4 arcs to overeat the axis outside.

Weave 3 such petals.

In the third row, the pointed leisure-petals should be soaked according to the scheme: 5 bispers on the axis and make 10 arcs. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that Karsska is also applied in sheets, and these 10 arcs are made according to the principle: the first 5 rows of arcs should turn the axis from the nutria of the petal, the remaining 5 to overeat the axis outside. Such petals should be 3. The tip of the petal to be outwarded, and the petal itself bend along the axis.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

In the 4th row of petals weave on French weaving techniques with beads on two axes. It is necessary to follow the scheme: Make 2 axes, on one axis to plant 2 beverages, on the left axis of 3 beerts. Between the axes in the first row to make 3 beerts, further by increasing.

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How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Make 5 arcs ribbing axis from the inside and 7 arcs, rich axis outside. In general, the petal must have 12 arcs. These petals make 4 pieces.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Then it is worth the form of petals. Bend the tip of the petal, and the petal itself bend inside the axis.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

In the fifth row of petals weave on three axes. We will weave according to the scheme: 3 axes, on the first axis to put 1 beerin, on the middle axis 2 of the beads, on the left axis 3 of the beerts. Between the axes in the first row to make 3 bispers, further by increasing.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Making 5 arcs rich axis from the inside and 9 arcs, rich axis outside. In general, the petal must have 14 arcs. Such petals should be 4.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

It has come time to give the shape of petals. Bend the petals along the central axis so that the central seam with the loops should be inside the petal, and the tips of the petal on the axes need to be outward.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Petals of beads are ready, it's time to collect buds.

Assembling buds

At the beginning, you should take a wire, fasten the first row of petals to it, strengthened in a circle.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Then it is worth attaching the second row of petals, when assembling the petals you need to invest in each other.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Further, on the same scheme, to attach the third row of petals, then the fourth row and the fifth rose range. As a result, it should turn out such a bud:

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Chassels for roses

How to evil sewers? You need to take a wire with a length of 10 centimeters and drive 50 bisper. Chaselistic is made on the technique of "gear sheet" from beads.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

A cupllist will look longer, since the axis of 50 beerts. Ready cups to attach roses from beads to bud. Turn over the flower and attaching previously woven leafy leafs.

How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Light leafs

Listers are made by pointed in the diagram: on the axis 5 of the bisper, 6 arcs. Ready leaves to bind over each other, wrap in green threads on PVA glue.

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How to make a rose from beads for beginners: Step-by-step instructions and diagram with video tutorials

Fake leaves to rose rod. For the composition you can make any amount of roses, and the size can also be done different. Rose from Beads is ready!

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