What glue to choose for cork wallpaper


Cork wallpapers are glued to the walls with a special composition. These canvases are considered hard, so the glue for wallpaper is needed quality. On it should be the inscription: "For traffic jams."

What glue to choose for cork wallpaper

Good German composition in kilogram container

If you do not find a special, then you can buy anyone for heavy canvases or take the composition on an acrylic basis. He is odorless, toxins are not distinguished into the air, which is important for residential premises.

Choose glue

Are you lost, what glue is better to purchase for cork wallpaper? Look at the roll. Manufacturers always recommend some brand. You can use acrylic, but many experts recommend contact glue. It is harder to work with it, but it will reliably glue the wallpaper to the wall and they will definitely not lag behind the edges. It is not suitable for any contact, but intended for heavy materials.

The most suitable compositions for cork wallpaper:

  1. CMC Super Extra.
  2. Pufas K12.
  3. Moment classic.
  4. "For traffic jams and bamboo" from the manufacturer Lacrysil.
  5. MultiFix.
  6. Wakol.

Consider some of the popular compositions.

Pufas K12.

In the package of 700 grams, said manufacturer - Germany. K12 is the contact glue. It is able to glue the stoves from the tube, like other heavy canvas on any flat surface. It does not matter, absorbing, or not. Only on PVC cork coverage does not stick this composition.

What glue to choose for cork wallpaper

Logo of the German brand PUFAS


Put the stack of cork slabs in the room where you plan to repair. Take a brush or roller having a small pile. Apply evenly the composition on the plates and let it dry. This requires from 1 to 1.5 hours. The composition will become transparent. Now glue cork slabs.

If there is a lot of work, you can per day before the main works, apply the composition on the plates. When the glue dries, fold the plates one to another. The main thing is that the dust fell on the glue layer.

Apply the composition on the base (walls or floor) before sticking the plates. If the base absorbs well, then let it pass to 1.5 hours to dry the glue. The base is not much absorbed by glue? So, enough of 1 hour. While the composition does not become transparent.

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Now bring the slab to the base. Press it. In all areas, tapping with a special rubber hammer. Carefully around the edges. Each canvas place exactly on your place. After they say, the material can already be moved.

What glue to choose for cork wallpaper

K12 - Universal German Contact Component

Put plates on the floor? You can immediately walk. If you adopted cork cloths on the walls, then to paint the surface, expect a day and proceed.

If in the room cool than + 15 ° C, heat the room at first, and then proceed to the work. It is impossible to glue the plate and with a humidity exceeding 75%. Tools that worked, rinse under running water immediately.

A mixture is stored in dry up to 48 months from the date of manufacture in the coolness, but not at minus temperature.

CMC Super Extra

Remove old wallpapers from the walls of the walls, any dirt and if there is, whitewash. So that heavy canvas are perfectly held on the wall, it must be primed. Take the water - 12 l, pour a packet of powder there. Thoroughly stirred and apply the construction roller or brush to the walls. 4 h. Let dry and can be attached to the wallpaper on the walls.

On the package with glue, you will see the table. They are written for what type in what proportion to liquid optimally breeded powder. Take a plastic or other bucket, pour clean water there. Stirring, make a funnel and slowly sprinkle in it the desired amount of powder. Mix the mixture quickly from 3 to 5 minutes. Let it be imagined from 10 to 15 minutes. And re-mix.

What glue to choose for cork wallpaper

Cleaning Makeup Package Makeup with Super Extra

Measure the required length of the strip from the roll, plus 5 cm and cut off. Now apply glue with a brush or roller. The roll must be accurately turn so that the glue is in the middle. Let the canvas be caught from 10 to 15 minutes. Moving down the ceiling, stick. If there are bubbles, they will have to pierce, squeeze the air.

Lubricate the edges abundantly, since the cork wallpaper is heavy and the jack will be located. With closed windows and doors, the canvas dry day.

Super Extra CMC is best stored in a closed form with no less than +10 ° C and no more than +25 ° C. Indoor with humidity of more than 90%. 1 Powder is accurately stored. Without losing their adhesive properties.

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Fasted 4.5 kg. If you choose Lacrysil's adhesive composition not mistaken. Designed for heavy, including cork wallpaper.

What glue to choose for cork wallpaper

Bank of composition for sticking of bamboo or traffic jam

It has the following advantages allocated to its competitors:

  1. It is clean environmentally. There are no solvents in it. Fully safe for animals and people. If you get on the skin does not cause burns. Fireproof. Made on acrylic basis. When working with it, it is not necessary to wear the respirator with gloves and does not need to air the room. Unpleasant smell of substance you do not feel. The whole family does not have to go to the country while repairs.
  2. After work, tools and hands quickly wash under running water. Does not need a solvent to remove glue from tools or hands, as when working with some other compositions.
  3. Cork slabs you can glue on any surface: concrete or plaster, even metal. The main thing is that it is dry, preferably smooth and durable.
  4. Glue is spent economically. It is applied to the surface with a toothed spatula, in which the length of the teeth is only 1 mm.
  5. The glue is firmly fixed on the surface in just 2-3 minutes. It is not necessary to fasten the wallpaper with a wall or floor of nails, a stapler or special devices for fixing.
  6. Surplus the adhesive makeup is easy to remove on the seams of a sponge.
  7. Glue, when driving (after 1-2 days), will become transparent and elastic. For cork wallpapers, you can make appliques, cover them with varnish or paint and so on.
  8. The composition is waterproof. It can be used in rooms with where a large humidity: in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

Using good, high-quality glue will help make high-quality durable repairs.

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